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re pattern of higher entombment

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Well said, Robert! I think you've hit the nail on the head, and that

the essence of spiritual growth is letting go of the defenses that keep

us feeling separate. Certainly one of the practices I use the lists for

is of paying attention to the posts that cause a defensive reaction in

me and then asking myself what defense I am running that evokes that

response. For that reason, it is useful to me to have posts that use

language in ways that push my buttons. I certainly respect Harsha's

desire to maintain a civilized, non-harmful sangha, so I hang out on NDS

and The End of the Rope lists as well, because there I am more likely to

encounter the button pushers. (I tease the poor man incessantly about

his desire for a civilized sanga, calling him a hoodlum, but I wouldn't

do that if I didn't love him. Or at least, I wouldn't do it if I

weren't such a cruel and heartless creep... Yeah, that's it....



so, what am I trying to say? Well, communication that is kind as well

as perceptive can do a great deal to open us up to the love that we are,

and I am a huge fan of it. But I also believe that language that

insults, threatens, or demeans us can be used to open us up to the love

that we are if we are willing to invest the energy in vigilant self

examination, especially when such language pushes our buttons. And

then, there are those posts which are meant one way and taken another.

So much of my life seems to be playing out the infinite possibilities of

that one!!!! What a hoot we are! Laughing at it seems to help take down

those defenses and enable us to hear the quiet voice of love. (of

course I hallucinate a bit now and then too...)



Love, Mark

PS Ahhhh, fuck the whole lot of ya's. You're all assholes. Not a scrap

of decency amongst you. Your type really makes me sick. Putrid

malefaction en masse. Why the very smell of your recently laundered

shorts is enough to annihilate whole solar systems, never mind the way

you stink... oops. I left the projector on. sorry. careful with

those buttons, Eugene...


Lobster said: Effective communication may sometimes remove the element


choice and insist on being heard. This is when we have

to listen most

carefully for there is a pattern of higher attunement

being transmitted in

every contact.

Care and sensitivity often exists more

in receptivity than in expression . . .



To carry on what Lobster sated, if possible: As with

all things we encounter

daily in life, and this goes for emails too, we have to

learn to listen

without reaction (most difficult at times). However,

learning to listen is

not possible without trust. And, without trust we are

always on our guard;

we have barriers of self-protection that defends us

from what we cannot

control. Listening is a state of openness, and the more

we are open the more

we are able to hear. And because spiritual listening is

done with the ear of

the heart as well as with our physical ears, the heart

has to be open.

Listening to the teacher (whatever or whoever that is

for the individual)

requires a degree of vulnerability in which we lay down

our defenses, we

abandon our patterns of censorship. Listening to what

we call God means

being totally open and surrendered... otherwise we will

obscure God's hint

with our own little self and miss out on the teaching.


Love, Robert

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Mark Otter wrote:

snip -


PS Ahhhh, *bleep* the whole lot of ya's. You're all *bleep*. *bleep*

*bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*



.... oops. I left the projector on. sorry. careful with those

buttons, Eugene...




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