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Visions of Allah, Part One

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Visions of Allah, Part One




By James Bean


Copyright May, 1997, Maine Well-Being Press


The great Sufi mystic Rumi once said, "If you are seeking, seek us with

joy, for we live in the kingdom of joy. Do not give your heart to anything

else but to the love of those who are clear joy, do not stray into the

neighborhood of despair. For there are hopes: they are real, they exist

-- do not go in the direction of darkness -- I tell you: SUNS EXIST!!!"


The mystical utterances of Rumi and other great Sufi Masters speak directly

to the heart. They encourage us to see the hidden Light, to discover

Divine Secrets, to perceive the Way that lovers can find their Beloved.

The Sufis, through their poems and ecstatic revelations are attempting

to share their Secrets with the world, or at least with those discerning

souls who find their words to be not only nice poetry, but something

much more -- soul-expressions coming from lovers caught up in the divine

bliss of a higher reality.


Every grain of sand in the desert is a mirror; amidst Your

infinite reflections, Your mad lovers are lost." (Sant Darshan

Singh, "Love At Every Step")


The poet-mystics speak of a spiritual reality that exists just beyond

the perception of the five senses. Though the physical body is a kind

of "veil" that eclipses the Light of the inner Sun from our vision, nevertheless

we can, even now during this life, have access to this other existence.

The Persian classic, "Divine Flashes," by Fakhruddin 'Iraqi says:


The lover seeks the Vision in order that he might pass away from

existence; he knocks on the Door of Nonexistence, for there he was


once at peace. There he was both seer and seen, both viewer and

viewed. Coming to be, he became the veil of his own sight and was


deprived of the Vision. His existence is merely a screen to hide

this sight.


In order for humans to "knock on the Door of Nonexistence" (regain the

spiritual Vision we once enjoyed as souls before time began) 'Iraqi encourages

us to understand ourselves in a new way and begin to contemplate the

Other World with another kind of sight, a type of seeing that is unveiled

when we temporarily abstain from the five senses.


Know yourselves: a cloud drifting before your Sun.

Cut yourselves off from your senses and behold your Sun of



Iraqi is describing here the process of meditation practiced in numerous

mystical traditions of the east and west. In order to obtain the Vision,

the seeker 1) closes their eyes and stops paying attention to the outer

world for awhile, and 2) discovers inner spiritual seeing and hearing,

the inner senses of the soul which are able to contemplate heavenly realities.


If this screen -- which is you -- is struck from before your eyes,


the Beloved will find the Beloved, and you will be entirely

lost. Then you will hear with the Ear of your Heart. That Mystery,


so long concealed is at last opened, the darkness of your night at


last bathed in dawn! (Fakhruddin 'Iraqi, "Divine Flashes," Paulist


Press, a volume in the "Classics of Western Spirituality Series")



Rumi put it this way, "Listen, open a window to God and begin to delight

yourself by gazing upon Him through the opening. The business of love

is to make the window of the heart, for the breast is illumined by the

beauty of the Beloved. Gaze incessantly on the face of your Beloved!

Listen, this is in your power my friend!"


Within our grasp is the ability to regain the Vision of our soul and

the Communion with our Beloved Allah; both reside together in the mystical

garden, the paradise of the spiritual world. Though the material sphere

acts as a dense layer of overcast skies obscuring our vision of what

lies beyond, Masters have revealed the Secrets of obtaining paradise

to anyone who yearns to discover them saying to their students very much

like Rumi did, "This is in your power my friend!"


Love is the name for a continuous restlessness of the heart, this


endless yearning is the symbol of my life. O Irresistible One, may


my heart be the abode of your love; let me become a moth to the

candle of your beauty." (Sant Darshan Singh, "Love At Every Step")


Visions of Allah, Part One






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