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Where have you been Oh Sahajman,





Monday, March 12, 2001 10:25 AM



> , GCWein1111@a... wrote:

> > Dear

> Friends,


> > l'm too tired and time is too short in order to permit me

> to

> > respond individually to all of your comments, at least for now.

> Please accept

> > my deepest gratitude for your suggestions and support. l'm praying

> for some

> > relief from the siege tonite. l'll try to respond more fully

> soon.

> >


> >


> > ln

> love,


> > jerry


> Jerrysan,


> You may have to go to a regular Medical Doctor (MD)specializing in

> gastric troubles (and soon). Natural cures and wait and see

> approaches involve short (1-3 day) fasts and letting the situation

> correct itself after a few days. It leaves one physically weak but

> able to sleep very deeply. You know your body better than anyone else

> and realize which approach is pyschologically suitable.


> Sahajman




> /join


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the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


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On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 20:16:20

GCWein1111 wrote:

> Dear Friends,

> l'm too tired and time is too short in order to permit me to

>respond individually to all of your comments, at least for now.



Hope you'll feel better soon !








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My Dear Friends,

Again, l feel l should apologize for addressing you this way rather

than individually anwering all of your responses to my plea for help. l

haven't been able to be online much and am unable to answer all those who

have made suggestions.

l'm truly overwhelmed by the responses. lt makes

me realize even more how much we are a community. We can disagree from time

to time, but this reminds me of how much we are capable of opening our hearts

and supporting each other.

l probably should have been more specific

when l asked for help.What l was most hoping for were natural remedies (

herbs, etc) that people had found helpful, in that because of k, l've reacted

so adversely to medicines in recent years. This is why l haven't run to a

doctor, as some have suggested, because the doctors l know can only

prescribe medicines. The guy who did the acupuncture is an excellent MD, and

he also advised me to avoid conventional doctors, saying they have no

understanding of my condition.


Some of you know that l've been struggling with side effects

of k for many years. Over 5 yrs ago after intense energy work l became

terribly ill and couldn't eat for 4 months, losing a whole lot of weight and

thinking l was going to die. Altho l feel my process has progressed as a

whole, certain debilitating effects have persisted, including: excessive

stomach gas (especially at nite) and low back/buttock pain which has severly

limited activites.


stomach stuff has slightly improved during this time except when my energy is

overstimulated. l've learned over time what foods to eat and what my best

comfort foods are when the energy's really moving. As l've stated in the

past, l feel this subject of food is mostly an individual thing for each of

us. What always works for me is soft bland foods, usually with a dairy

component, such as cream of wheat, cream of tomato soup, cottage cheese,

yogurt, etc.

When l consented to the

acupuncture and energy sessions l mostly hoped it would benefit my back while

not upsetting my stomach, because most energy work usually upsets my stomach.

This work appears to have helped my back a little while upsetting my stomach

a great deal!

l did

find one thing that seems to help with the gas, at least a little: DGL, which

consists primarily of licorice root extract. l took some Sunday nite and it

went better, and so Monday l thought maybe l was over the hump. But then last

nite was bad again, waking up after a couple hours sleep and then continuous

gas and belching for hour after hour, once again leaving me exhausted today

with a very iffy stomach. So it appears the DGL, while helping a little, may

not be enough. My sense of taste also feels like it's getting screwed up -- a

foul metallic taste in my mouth which l've had before when my system went out

of whack.

l called my doctor yesterday and told him

about the reaction. He expressed sympathy but said all the gas was a positive

sign of movement of the energy -- and he wanted me to continue with my

scheduled 2nd session tomorrow nite, saying he felt the best way to deal with

this was to cut right thru it. l declined, saying l wanted to at least

stabilize before trying more scaled back sessions. He was supportive, saying

he understood how l felt after all l'd been thru over the years. He didn't

have any other suggestions.


l do respect this guy. He's studied energy and experienced it himself

for many years. But l've learned the hard way that l can get into trouble by

trusting anyone else to necessarily be right about my process.


And now, one more possible factor. My upstairs has served

as a Tibetan monastery since November. The monks are only here part time so

far, usually 2 or 3 days a week. Khuten Lama is here far less than that, but

when he is here it usually plays a little havoc with my stomach, as he is

very powerful. l just found out he's coming with the monks tonite for 3 days


Your prayers and thoughts are

welcome as always.




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