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- GCWein1111 (AT) aol (DOT) com

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 4:21 PM


The guy who did the acupuncture is an excellent MD, and he also

advised me to avoid conventional doctors, saying they have no

understanding of my condition.

Some of you know that l've been

struggling with side effects of k for many years. Over 5 yrs ago

after intense energy work l became terribly ill and couldn't eat for

4 months, losing a whole lot of weight and thinking l was going to

die. Altho l feel my process has progressed as a whole, certain

debilitating effects have persisted, including: excessive stomach gas

(especially at nite) and low back/buttock pain which has severly

limited activites.

The stomach stuff has slightly improved during this time except

when my energy is overstimulated. l've learned over time what foods to

eat and what my best comfort foods are when the energy's really

moving. As l've stated in the past, l feel this subject of food is

mostly an individual thing for each of us. What always works for me

is soft bland foods, usually with a dairy component, such as cream of

wheat, cream of tomato soup, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.

Dear Jerry,

Since you meantioned the dairy, it does make me wonder if you may be

lactose intolerant. Gas and pain is the main symptom of this.

Sometimes people may tolerate smaller amounts and only react at

higher levels of lactose, such as you up dairy content when in

distress. Its a a wild stab..but just thought to ask.



LOve, Gloria

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On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:41:48 -0500 "Gloria Lee" <glee (AT) intrepid (DOT) net> writes:

- GCWein1111 (AT) aol (DOT) com

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 4:21 PM


The guy who did the acupuncture is an excellent MD, and he also

advised me to avoid conventional doctors, saying they have no

understanding of my condition.

Some of you know that l've been

struggling with side effects of k for many years. Over 5 yrs ago

after intense energy work l became terribly ill and couldn't eat for

4 months, losing a whole lot of weight and thinking l was going to

die. Altho l feel my process has progressed as a whole, certain

debilitating effects have persisted, including: excessive stomach gas

(especially at nite) and low back/buttock pain which has severly

limited activites.

The stomach stuff has slightly improved during this time except

when my energy is overstimulated. l've learned over time what foods to

eat and what my best comfort foods are when the energy's really

moving. As l've stated in the past, l feel this subject of food is

mostly an individual thing for each of us. What always works for me

is soft bland foods, usually with a dairy component, such as cream of

wheat, cream of tomato soup, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.

Dear Jerry,

Since you meantioned the dairy, it does make me wonder if you may be

lactose intolerant. Gas and pain is the main symptom of this.

Sometimes people may tolerate smaller amounts and only react at

higher levels of lactose, such as you up dairy content when in

distress. Its a a wild stab..but just thought to ask.



LOve, Gloria

Lactose intolerance is more common

among folks of Arab, Berber, and

Jewish extraction as well those

with Mediterranean heritage --

Greece, Italy, southern Iberia,

the Balkans, coastal northern

Africa, etc., as well as those

with African bloodlines. I

haven't been able to handle whole

milk (a dubious food for humans in

any case) since my early '20s, so

it seems to be something that can

worsen with age. If you have an

ulcer or a pre-ulcerous condition

involving infection, dairy foods

are among the worst things you can

consume, whether you're lactose

intolerant or not -- the bacteria

involved *feast* on the high

protein and fat content and

become more troublesome!

I'm just a tad bothered by your

attending MDiety's warning about

"conventional doctors" -- while

they're are certainly some big

shortcomings to allopathy, some

internists and GPs are very good at

treating acute conditions and/or

alleviating the accompanying pain.


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Hi Gloria,

l feel quite certain that l'm not lactose intolerant. l've always

reacted well to dairy products, altho since l've long been on a very low fat

vegetarian diet l don't usually consume that much dairy. As l said, l eat

more dairy when energy episodes weaken my digestive system, and these

products always enable me to continue to eat and to minimize the difficulty

until the episode passes.

l may have

misstated what this doctor said -- he didn't warn me about doctors -- he

simply commented that they wouldn't understand my medical profile, which of

course l already know from personal experience. This guy is a wonderful

doctor who is highly respected by everyone. He's definitely not one to

dismiss conventional medicine. l'm sure he still uses it in his practice.


l may still wind up getting checked out with

diagnostic tests if my condition doesn't improve soon, simply out of

desperation, but given my reaction to medicine in recent years l have zero

confidence that they can give me anything that will help.

Thanx for sending

me the url providing info on alternative remedies. There was some good stuff




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Dear Jerry,

Since you meantioned the dairy, it does make me wonder if you may be

lactose intolerant. Gas and pain is the main symptom of this.

Sometimes people may tolerate smaller amounts and only react at

higher levels of lactose, such as you up dairy content when in

distress. Its a a wild stab..but just thought to ask.



LOve, Gloria

Lactose intolerance is more common

among folks of Arab, Berber, and

Jewish extraction as well those

with Mediterranean heritage --

Greece, Italy, southern Iberia,

the Balkans, coastal northern

Africa, etc., as well as those

with African bloodlines. I

haven't been able to handle whole

milk (a dubious food for humans in

any case) since my early '20s, so

it seems to be something that can

worsen with age. If you have an

ulcer or a pre-ulcerous condition

involving infection, dairy foods

are among the worst things you can

consume, whether you're lactose

intolerant or not -- the bacteria

involved *feast* on the high

protein and fat content and

become more troublesome!

I'm just a tad bothered by your

attending MDiety's warning about

"conventional doctors" -- while

they're are certainly some big

shortcomings to allopathy, some

internists and GPs are very good at

treating acute conditions and/or

alleviating the accompanying pain.


Good point Bruce. The article I cited mentioned a rather high

percentage allergic in the general population as well. One of my

son's was quite ill with painful symtoms until this was diagnosed in

his 20's, which is what prompted us to learn more about it. It is

more likely to develop as people age, too.

"Between 30 and 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant. Certain

ethnic and racial populations are more widely affected than others.

As many as 75 percent of all African-Americans and Native Americans

and 90 percent of Asian-Americans are lactose intolerant. The

condition is least common among persons of northern European


Thanks for the other warnings. Avoiding dairy lessens the risk of

breat cancer for women, due to the hormones. There is a much lower

incidence in Asian populations which use soy products.


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Dear William,

Just wanted to thank you for your over-the-top dissertation (know one

does it better, my friend) :))). l'm sure that, as you infer, somewhere among

the soy garbage, dehydrated seawater, chlorine, and abused chickens lies the

true genesis of my problems.


You've given me the comic cathartic moment l needed. l put out a

plea on all three lists l'm on for suggestions for natual remedies for

gastritis. Since then l've received many helpful responses, but have also

gotten 100 different medical diagnoses and theories about food and nutrition

-- most, of course, completely contradicting each other. lf l didn't have an

ulcer before, l've probably got one now. :) But your last post helps my

convulsing stomach muscles relax a little.

(l hope no one is

offended by this, most of all Glo who is a dear soul who means well and

provided me with a good url. l have a woman on another list, though, who is

partially succeeding in her attempt to scare the hell out of me. So, l'm

just having a laugh at this, which is probably more helpful than anything


l think there is much truth in what you say,

William, about not panicking and just hanging in there with this. Because of

my intolerance for medicines, this is what l've been doing with my Gl tract

and other energy related ills for many years, and l'm still alive. l was only

looking for a natural product to help ease the way thru this latest episode.

lt appears the DGL is filling this role somewhat, but l think positive

thoughts are probably most helpful. Otherwise, if this doesn't continue to

improve, l'll turn myself over to the men in white coats.



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Dear intolerant :-) dairy allergy sufferers :-),


(I don't think that this includes Jerry.)


The homogenizing and pasteurising processing of milk contributes quite a bit

to dairy allergies and

intolerances. Processing is done to increase shelf life, OF COURSE

ppl. have trouble digesting milk as the natural rotting or digestive agents

have been eliminated from processed food stuff. If you have it available,

drink raw milk, buttermilk or yoghurt or.... indeed sour milk (from raw

milk) as they do in the Balkan countries (just the right PH for our stomach)

BUT help yourself first with

re-establishing a flora and enzyme rich environment in your gut, take full

spectrum digestive enzymes, 2 to 3 times the recommended dose than what is

stated on the

packaging, acidophilus, phyto nutrients, etc. Do this for a year and also

'sick' it out as sickness is a sign of healing. Repeat, sickness is a sign

of healing, repeat sickness is a sign of

healing, repeat si...

Also have a look at:


If that does not work start from:


and look for Recipes and Diet


Of course everyone has opinions so do I...



Since about 10 years, commercial organic fruit and vegetables generally do

not come anymore from old fashioned country farms where chickens run free

and goats roam about, and pigs and other cattle are around. Thus these

'certified' organic product are 'clinically' clean, they are very low in

digestives enzymes as they need the smelly stuff around. Also molds (sp?)

are important as in Camembert type cheeses. Too clean is clinical, and...

sickness is a sign of healing, do not prematurely intervene.


Of course we need to be judicious about it, we don't have to be stupid...

(You are right Gloria, about doctors, I work with general practitioners,

have no qualms about a good doctor's usefulness... and they are appreciating

my work too.



About 45 years ago, soy pulp used to be THE waste product of the soy oil

industry. They invented reconstituted meat like protein products to turn the

stuff into a money generator. I remember it well, back in Holland, my mother

(and thus our family) was part of the testing group (Uni-Lever), the stuff

did not take well with the general public (my mother did not like it) she

had trouble digesting it... gas, belching... We as kids had fun... my mother

not..., neither does Jerry... ( I'm not suggesting that Jerry eats soy

products in large amounts, but maybe he does to some extent?)

The soy producer cartels (bad bad Holland) then picked up the good

reputation of soy sauce and soy curd as used in Indonesia (bad bad Holland)

and China where these products are naturally fermented as Ketjap, Foo You

(small cubes of soy cheese, very tasty but very smelly, so good in Sushi),

nothing wrong in China as the figures attest, something wrong though when it

turns into Maggi and when we introduce chemo-fabricated soy products to


Ever been in China, even modern cities like Hong Kong have smelly back

alleys were the food is prepared.

Anyway the soy industry started to make "soy sound good" and slowly got soy

introduced in the healthfood world and oh-migosh in... baby food. This was

in the early seventies... Those kids are now coming to reap the troublesome

profi... oops problems... allergies, food intolerant gut, gastro-intestinal

disorders etc...



About 40 years ago the chemical industry used dehydrated seawater to extract

a host of minerals and chemicals from it. The waste product was refined

white sea salt. They were able to market it to the health food industry that

gobbled it up... Oops though... they forgot to put the iodine back in, so

some ppl. got very sick on it and they quickly added iodine. All is well

???? The stuff is actually as bad or worse than kitchen salt or unrefined

white sugar... Anyway you get the gist...


We are constantly being held by the nose... we smell nothing, we see

nothing, we hear nothing, we taste nothing... but what they (?) feed us is

all under the guise of goody goodiness.

Celtic unrefined seasalt is the way to go.. That will help many people with

thyroid problems, in my practice about 60 percent of my clientele...

chlorinated water is also the problem...



About 50 years ago there was a chlorine glut... well you get the picture...


Is this satsangh stuff? Yes, when a person like Jerry gets affected I

find it wise to tell more of what I know....


Hey, go back to the farm, hard work, chopping wood too and carrying water

and smelly. But oh is it healthy! Remember the first years of Mother Nature

magazine, was that Rodale Press?


I'm getting old I think (hehe) as I start talking of the good old days...

Seen our pixy lately: Emmy is 60, I am 57 years old.. What the heck is

happening to us... is the sun turning the other way or what?


Love, the natural way,



Attachment: (image/bmp) Emmy and Wim 03 12 01.bmp [not stored]

Attachment: (image/bmp) Wim March 1 2001.bmp [not stored]

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I'm am getting treatment (enzyme potentiated desensitization, if anybody is

interested) from an environmental medicine physician/allergist for arthritis,

among other symptoms. He notes that people who first suffer arthritis in

childhood, as I did, almost always improve if taken off dairy products! The

arthritis is aggravated by a bacterium that loves dairy sugar and attacks the

body's own joint systems. Yoghurt seems to be okay, though. Holly

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Dear Jerry,

Do I remember that right, is DGL liquorice?

In Dutch we call it drop, zoute drop, drop beertjes, zoet hout (chewable

liquorice twigs, about 4 inches long 3/8 of an inch thick)


Laughter yes, laughter... "over the top" indeed.

I hoped actually that I would cause mental indigestion in you, from my mega

dose of words, laughter is the next best thing... hehehe.


Love, Wim

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