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Jerry, m'love!

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- GCWein1111 (AT) aol (DOT) com

Thursday, March 15, 2001 10:06 AM

Re: Re: SOS/dairy?

Dear William,

Just wanted to thank you for your over-the-top

dissertation (know one does it better, my friend) :))). l'm sure

that, as you infer, somewhere among the soy garbage, dehydrated

seawater, chlorine, and abused chickens lies the true genesis of my


You've given me the comic cathartic moment l needed. l put

out a plea on all three lists l'm on for suggestions for natual

remedies for gastritis. Since then l've received many helpful

responses, but have also gotten 100 different medical diagnoses and

theories about food and nutrition -- most, of course, completely

contradicting each other. lf l didn't have an ulcer before, l've

probably got one now. :) But your last post helps my convulsing

stomach muscles relax a little.

(l hope no one

is offended by this, most of all Glo who is a dear soul who means

well and provided me with a good url. l have a woman on another list,

though, who is partially succeeding in her attempt to scare the hell

out of me. So, l'm just having a laugh at this, which is probably

more helpful than anything else.)


Jerry, Jerry, Jerry....

You are the sweetest, most inoffensive person...and one of the last

great, tenderly romantic men left on the planet. Yes, I will never

forget our Fred & Ginger posts exchanged however long ago. Well, I am

sure you must realize that all this well meant advice has simply pure

love behind it, so take it as that. We do not have the years of

experience that you do with knowing your own reactions to various


I just remember the years my sister sufferred from an ulcer and the

medical advice then was based on total ignorance, prescribing bland

and dairy without realizing ulcer's are an infection that simply

thrived on that diet. And same with my son whose milk allergy was

misdiagnosed as an ulcer for a couple of years, and all the antacids

did nothing to correct the real cause. Most likely all the others

giving you advice have lived thru some similar health situation or

crisis. People usually share what they know from experience. Whether

or not it may directly apply to you is for you to decide, of course.

Still I feel a rant coming on... :):)

Wim raves better than most of us, yet Wim is so right about so much.

Our natural immunity requires some exposure to germs and bacteria,

and so does an animal's. One of the latest health mistakes is too

many antibacterial cleaning products in the home. We do not need to

scrub for surgery to prepare dinner. Farm animals too are living on

antibiotics which are destroying their natural immunities. Our soils

are depleted of minerals and organic matter as we raise plants on the

3 0r 4 petroleum based fertilizers that grow tasteless vegetables. My

mother who recalls what food is supposed to taste like is constantly

remarking on this, but it is the lack of all those conditions that go

with the taste that undermines our health. The Amish are one of the

few farmers who still rotate their crops to preserve the soil's

balance and use organic fertilizers.

We have only to look at the mad cow and now the hoof and mouth

epidemic to see the results we reap. And one of the complaints I have

about the wonders of modern medicine is that so few efforts are made

at preventing causes or correcting imbalances when they do appear.

Got high blood pressure or high cholesterol..just take this pill.


Okay, I'll stop ranting, but I do agree with Wim.. And you are right

that K throws an additional monkey wrench into your situation, but

can you really lay all the problem at its feet? Now I have

experienced that K has taken some foods and especially drinks like

alcohol away from me. And frankly I never thought an occasional glass

or two of wine was all that bad for anyone, nor do I now. (For some

reason I can still tolerate one beer occasionaly.) Lately its doing

the same with coffee, which back when I worked I drank practically

all day long..now it's one cup and any more upsets my stomach. Things

change, so its important to be flexible.

So we all love you Jerry and trust you to sort out the advice. And

btw, Judi was correct that your symptoms are also those for

gallbladder attacks, so without actually being there and being a

doctor, how can any of these possibilities be ruled out? Face it, you

have the symptoms for which there might be umpteen possible diagnoses.

We all just love you, Jerry.

With love,


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Dear Gloria, m'love!


Wim is rtavingly happy with you.


You ar so reight about the outrsageous use of household cleabers.


I won't spell chech this one


Love ya'



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In a message dated 3/15/01 10:21:40 AM Pacific Standard Time,

glee writes:



So we all love you Jerry and trust you to sort out the advice. And btw, Judi

was correct that your symptoms are also those for gallbladder attacks, so

without actually being there and being a doctor, how can any of these

possibilities be ruled out? Face it, you have the symptoms for which there

might be umpteen possible diagnoses. We all just love you, Jerry.


With love,

Gloria >>


Thank you, Gloria. Actually, my best friend here is an excellent MD, and

l've relied on his feedback (as well as my family doc) since k started

playing havoc with my GI tract nearly 6 yrs ago. Since this latest flare up

has resulted from the acupuncture 10 days ago, we'll probably wait to see if

it settles back down or represents a true departure from the past, which

probably would require rethinking this.


Given the fact that l can't take any

of the drugs used to treat GI problems, l'm praying like hell that it settles

back down, cause l doubt if l could do more anyway. lt did appear to be

calming down until our lama spent yesterday here. His presence in the house

charged up my system and resulted in a very rough nite last nite. One more

distressing aspect of this. Thanx again for your concern.




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