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meditation on the comforter

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oh come beloved


“I will send you the Comforter…the Spirit of Truth.”

-Jesus the Christ

as sweet rainwater shimmering on spring wildflowers

as cool smoke arising from misty cedar bows dawning


i will gently gentle you as you gently gentle me, my beloved


as bitter ashes descending to pollute virgin snow melting

as white coals decaying into earth’s black and fecund womb


my beloved, i will gently gentle you as you gently

gentle me


as basalmic vinegar kissing the sweet of ripe purple berries

as golden curry caressing the softness of fresh velvet cream


as you gently gentle me, my beloved, i will gently

gentle you


as clouds dancing in the windy blue canopy of heaven

as shooting stars flaming across a glowing indigo sunset


if you will gently come to me, my beloved, i will

gently come to you

as i gently come to you, come my beloved, you will

gently come to me

together we will gently gentle, come, gentle gently we

will come together


i will say, counselor, comforter, almighty

princess of peace, you will say

comforter, counselor, almighty, prince of peace


the first field of snow lilies will bud in the ice blue north

a hybrid imagined in true dream, the blue rose, will blossom

the stars will dim to celebrate the glare of a new light beginning


an infant born with the moon in his mind and the sun in his heart

a love child transfigured and reborn into liquid white platinum


as we look down upon our creation, an innocent rocking in our arms,

we will hear a symphony choir too tender, too sweet, too gently gentle


a music composed for only those who have immortal ears to hear


i will hear you, you will hear me, we will hear the Beloved laughing


oh come, come gently with me as i with you gently come, oh come


Oh come, oh come Immanuel, and ransom captive Isreal….


mark christopher valentine

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Dear Mark,


The comforter, the holy spirit, eleuterios... oh yes!

About 5 years ago, when I was with Emmy and Emanuel on a trip through

Europe, in a small Italian village San Gemignano (in the saint Augustine

church) the "Sprit of Truth" once more descended into me, I was then ready

to totally surrender myself to Truth.

Have you ever seen the pictures of the visions of Hildegard von Bingen (a

Bavarian mystica from the year 1000) I started to get visions very much

resembling hers. You want me to send you some scans?


Love and shared INSPIRATION

Love you so, Mark




Mark, will you allow me to set up a section on my website for your poems...

I gather you don't have time for that... and I will gladly share cyberspace

with you...

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"Wim Borsboom" wrote:



Have you ever seen the pictures of the visions of Hildegard von

Bingen (a Bavarian mystica from the year 1000) I started to get

visions very much resembling hers. You want me to send you some scans?



She also promoted the killing of Jews.

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Not sure that my previous post made it

So here another expanded post, but this time without the attachments of

Hildegard's von Bingen's visions.



Yes dear Michael,

> "Wim Borsboom" wrote:


> snip-

> Have you ever seen the pictures of the visions of Hildegard von

> Bingen (a Bavarian mystica from the year 1000) I started to get

> visions very much resembling hers. You want me to send you some scans?

> snip-


Michael wrote:

> She also promoted the killing of Jews.


So did Saint Bernard, so did the grail seekers, so did a whole slew of

skeletons in our closet.


Who has not at some time... ... ...?

Maybe not killing the Jews but the equivalent...


We share in everything, we share our past, the problems and ... the

solutions, the future

It is complex, why making it appear simple with such a short remark,




I know you are not saying more than what you are saying, so I'm tempted to

leave it at that... But that is hard, you know me...


The Balkan is built on a heap of those skeletons, all with crosses of some

sort (sword)!


It is now that we can also free our ancestors.. (Hildegard being one of

them...), the killers and the killed....

While we are at it, we may as well free some Jews (the killers and the

killed) and some Islamics (the killers and the killed) and some Sikhs (the

killers and the killed) and some Ethiopians (the killers and the killed) and

some Germans (the killers and the killed) and some Dutch (the killers and

the killed) and some Portuguese (the killers and the killed) and some

Indians (the killers and the killed) and some Spanish (the killers and the

killed) and some Aztecs (the killers and the killed) and some Canadians (the

killers and the killed) and some Egyptians (the killers and the killed) and

some Arabs (the killers and the killed) and some Russians (the killers and

the killed) and some Tamils (the killers and the killed) and some Koreans

(the killers and the killed) and some Vietnamese (the killers and the

killed) and some Americans (the killers and the killed) and some English

(the killers and the killed) and some Cambodians (the killers and the

killed) and some French (the killers and the killed) and some Moguls (the

killers and the killed) and some Japanese (the killers and the killed) and

some Chinese (the killers and the killed) and some Tibetans (the killers and

the killed)...and then some ... may as well free the lot... not by

embracing or distantiating ourselves with and from them but... seeing them

within us...


Milarepa...............(Remember his hail storms?)............


I have done things... pretty bad... in my life, would have ended me up in

hell according to some standards, have not written about everything yet...

Bit more serious than UT for sure. :-)

If only what I did wrong was remembered what is the use of forgiveness,

compassion, all this work we do to reclaim our original being, indeed what

is the use of the help and forgiveness I received from the ones I hurt... ?


What can we claim to know about Hildegard when we don't even know ourselves?


This maybe a moment to apply the light that we got lit with at some point...

to actualize that light, to realize it... to shine it upon the darker issues

(the killings). To have the dark dissolve from hard work, not denying it.

Nor keeping it as anecdote, to keep handy, so we can solidify it... so that

it can become a stone in another wave of killing.


I know you are not saying that, just as much as I'm not putting my head in

the sand.


I was almost killed by a German hospital overseer... I don't remember that

about him though, I remember his beautiful bespectacled face, the love we

exchanged after the resolution.


No use to meditate, to do lovey dovey, to think we are beyond duality, life

or death.

Just when we are ready to start judging that is the moment to dissolve that

with that innate light of wisdom...


Omigosh, did I sound serious...

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


This is spring now, just now, a new beginning...


Love, Wim

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