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I wanted to welcome James, Linda, Sathya, Mike, Mazie, Lynette, Barg, Terry,

Cyber Dervish, Frances and others who have recently joined. Nice poetry

White Wolfe and wonderful quotes from Gloria. Feel free to write about your

Gurus Mike and your traditions. We welcome everyone here (and then we give

them a hard time! :-)


Great to also see Dharma and David Bozzi back and some good common sense

based comments by Dharma. I am surprised that David Bozzi did not suggest

something for Jerry's gastric troubles as David is known to be quite a

health expert in the area of nutrition and weight lifting as well. Jan's

suggestion of fasting is good. Only if we could stop eating for a while! The

UT (get it - UT - UT - need I make it plain for you Mark) discussion was

interesting and perhaps has opened up new options for Jerrysan Rinpoche

along with possibilities of original and imaginative refreshments (just

kidding Jerry! Laugher is good medicine according to the Readers digest :-).


Thanks Wim for your comprehensive explanations of UT along with your

personal experience and the benefits you have received and also the humor.

And Jacques, that stuff about donkeys and chickens was funny and thanks for giving some additional twists and insights into the UT issue and taking

it a step further. Mike, the perspective from an enlightened psychiatrist

was most welcome.


Jessica's suggestion of charcoal powder from the pharmacy for gastric

troubles is a good one. I have heard it can be a life saver in some

situations. I will post my tea recipe next weekend after I get all the



What kind of readings do you do Jessica. I liked your reassuring tone to

Jerry that everything would be all right. Jerry, if you can read this, and

are strong enough to respond please do so and let us know how things are

turning out.


Greg, Robert, Judi, Pham, Gill, Jill, Bill, Amanda, Mark, Pieter, James,

Beth, JB, Linda, Antoine, Bob, Rob, Lob (ster), Holly, Bruce, and Michael -

thanks for your sharing your insights. Hey, hope I did not forget anyone.


Oh, and Sahajman, who are you kidding? We all know your secret identity!

Well except for a few people.


Love to all


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In a message dated 3/19/01 4:02:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,

harsha-hkl writes:



Jessica's suggestion of charcoal powder from the pharmacy for gastric

troubles is a good one. I have heard it can be a life saver in some

situations. I will post my tea recipe next weekend after I get all the



What kind of readings do you do Jessica. I liked your reassuring tone to

Jerry that everything would be all right. Jerry, if you can read this, and

are strong enough to respond please do so and let us know how things are

turning out. >>


Dear Harsha,

Thanx for the inquiry. l'm feeling a little better than before, but

two weeks after my acupuncture/energy session with this doctor, my GI tract

is still in distress. lt's still a considerable challenge to get thru the

nite with decent sleep, and l'm still on a very soft, bland diet. l try to

get 4 hrs sleep at nite if l can, and then nap some during the day, when the

stomach is calmer.

l bought some

charcoal capsules and have tried them but haven't noticed any favorable

results. lt may be that l'm not taking enough dosage -- just one capsule at

morning and nite. The licorice root extract remains my main tool. Teas of

various kinds seem to hurt rather than help so far.


People talk about a healing reaction that often occurs after

energy work (as the doctor did when l notified him of the adverse reaction

last week), but l'm convinced that this is not a "healing" reaction but is

instead a truly adverse one.

l was so happy after first

discussing my situation with the doctor several weeks ago. He'd been

introduced to spiritual practices himself as a youth in South Africa, had

been an experienced meditator and said he'd even had some energy problems

himself in the past. Altho an MD, he integrates many healing modalities into

his practice of alternative medicine -- he especially uses the chinese

system, which he appears to know well enough.


After hearing my story of all the various problems l've had

over the years, he surprised me by saying it all made complete sense to him.

He took great interest in my case, talking to me a full hour about what he

thought was going on with energy meridians, chakras, etc. He said several

times that he was sure he could help me.

He's an extremely bright and

knowledgeable person in the area of alternative medicine, and l continue to

respect him. He has a wonderful reputation here, and l'm sure he's helping

many. But this sorry episode convinces me more than ever before that it is

an extremely rare being who can truly help someone who's in the throes of

major kundalini difficulties. That means 99.9% of the various healers out

there are unsafe for people like me to work with, and l'm not going to make

this mistake again if l can help it.


lronically, this may have led to my finding someone at

last. Someone l just met thru a k website a couple weeks ago responded who

has impressed me enormously with his knowledge, and he's given the very

highest recommendation to a teacher/healer he's worked with for years. l'm

going to talk to her this week. Maybe l'll have something more encouraging to

report next time.

Thank you, Harsha, and

everyone else at for your support.


From Mt Kailash General Hospital

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