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RE: () Yoga Meditation and Not Knowing that is

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Dear Mazie,


Thank you for writing about your experiences. When I was a child I

had similar experiences in school, where I was extremely bored. I

used to stare at the nun in the front of the room (!), or at one point

on her head, until I experienced a sense of moving into a vast wide

space far above the classroom. It was very silent there as well, the

sense of being connected to the physical space around me went away as

the sense of this other silent wideness increased.


Later, in adulthood, a serious illness kept me, like you, on my back

in pain for long periods of time. My response was similar to yours in

that I turned inward looking for ways to make "meaning" out of the

experience as well as to transcend it. I increased meditation

practices and it was during this time that a major kundalini awakening



It sounds like illness led you into some wonderful places. Do you now

have a more formal practice of meditation? Do you have similar

experiences now?





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() Yoga Meditation and Not Knowing that is wha

Author: "sraddha54" <sraddha54 at OFFICE

03/20/2001 12:23 PM



Dear Harsha and Friends,


When I was a child of nine I was forced to spend hours, days, months,

and years on my back due to undergoing rhuematiod arthritis. I spent

my days alone as my parents both had to work and all my siblings had

to go to school. Unwittingly, I began inner contemplation of myself,

pranayama, and getting away from the senses in order to rise above

the tremendous pain. Gradually I began noticing that the sense of

time was lost to me, and I could remove myself from the bodily pain.

I had times when I felt contracted to a pinpoint of smallness

indescribable and also expansion so vast it also is indescribable. I

started having beautiful visions of holy figures, and the cosmos

alive with vastness of lights and movement. I had also visions of

falling to the earth in bliss/ecstacy at the beauty and love. At

times I thought I could 'hear' the sound of all creation. I tell

these things only as an example of what I think was a child being

able to practice meditation without ever having heard of it and

without any direction from any person (well, not one that I knew!) I

also think that the wondrous side-effects of this in the form of

expanding consciousness and accompanying visions help me also to

believe that I had tapped into That. What do you think of this? Could

this indeed be why at such an early age and by the circumstances in

my life these things occurred?


In Love and Friendship,





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All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside


into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the


all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness


not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart


Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within


It Self. Welcome all to a.


To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

www., and select the User Center link from the

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between digest and normal mode.





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, "Eggers, Jill" <eggersj@g...> wrote:

> Dear Mazie,

Do you now

> have a more formal practice of meditation? Do you have


> experiences now?


> Jill


Dear Jill,

Yes, I do practice a more formal meditation. I do Kriya Yoga

as taught by my Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. I first began this more

formal practice in 1980. And Yes, by Grace, I still do have

experiences as mentioned previously, yet now, even though these

beautific visions and such are wonderful beyond compare, I strive to

not seek or cling to phenomena. They are distractions that side-line

me from my true goal. Thank you for sharing your similar experiences

Jill. It is always nice to hear the stories of others that have gone

through what I have.


In Love and Friendship,




> ______________________________ Reply Separator

> _________________________________

> () Yoga Meditation and Not Knowing that is


> Author: "sraddha54@h..." <sraddha54@h...> at OFFICE

> 03/20/2001 12:23 PM



> Dear Harsha and Friends,


> When I was a child of nine I was forced to spend hours, days,


> and years on my back due to undergoing rhuematiod arthritis. I


> my days alone as my parents both had to work and all my siblings


> to go to school. Unwittingly, I began inner contemplation of


> pranayama, and getting away from the senses in order to rise above

> the tremendous pain. Gradually I began noticing that the sense of

> time was lost to me, and I could remove myself from the bodily


> I had times when I felt contracted to a pinpoint of smallness

> indescribable and also expansion so vast it also is indescribable.


> started having beautiful visions of holy figures, and the cosmos

> alive with vastness of lights and movement. I had also visions of

> falling to the earth in bliss/ecstacy at the beauty and love. At

> times I thought I could 'hear' the sound of all creation. I tell

> these things only as an example of what I think was a child being

> able to practice meditation without ever having heard of it and

> without any direction from any person (well, not one that I knew!)


> also think that the wondrous side-effects of this in the form of

> expanding consciousness and accompanying visions help me also to

> believe that I had tapped into That. What do you think of this?


> this indeed be why at such an early age and by the circumstances in

> my life these things occurred?


> In Love and Friendship,

> Mazie




> ------------------------ Sponsor ---------------------


> Make good on the promise you made at graduation to keep

> in touch. Classmates.com has over 14 million registered

> high school alumni--chances are you'll find your friends!

> http://us.click./n4HqaC/DMUCAA/4ihDAA/b8NVlB/TM

> --



> /join


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places,


> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and


> back

> into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different

than the

> ocean,

> all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.


> does

> not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where

the Heart

> Is.

> Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true


> relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from


> into

> It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link

from the

> menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change


> subscription

> between digest and normal mode.





> Your use of is subject to


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