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existential non-duality

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the binding of merlyn and nimue


“For unto us is born, unto us is given…”

-Isaiah 9.6


last night, i who am merlyn, the dreamer of dreams,

dreamed the true dream that is the end of all dreams,

the dream without end, the dream of new beginnings


as i have for ages, i slept within the watery blue cave

the alabaster hand of the dark one, my beloved nimue,

caressed my icy heart and sent its clear dancing waters

further up and further in into a song of waters laughing

waters bursting forth as the magick in wintering springs

her lips kissed dark and deeply, wet and wildly as mine


i, the old white sorcerer took the young dark sorceress

not as a wife, not even as a mistress, i took her hand

as she took mine, so entwined in an endless binding,

a curse and spell, free of the guilt that shrouds castings

awaiting to be broken from innocence into suffering


we stood before the one, the one who is and is nought

he that is neither male nor female, both shiva and shakti,

not the noble warrior manjusi nor the priestess kwan yin

not she of countless hands nor he who wields the sword

both they that are the virgin maria and the messiah king


we two, standing hand in hand as not two, but as one

stood before the nameless who can only be described

the one who is pure opalescence, holy fire, pure water

a silent mountain, source of music sacred and profane,

a proud, yet humble presence embracing good and evil


and received the blessing that is the quest of all creatures


each facing each, falling into a dazzle of glistening eyes

her right hand in my left hand, my right one in her left

mystic mind to mystic mind, sacred heart to sacred heart

a blue flame burning within the petals of a blood red rose

a flower into ashes, ashes into smoke, smoke in a firebird


to a chorale symphony voicing infinite words dancing to


Come you lovers all before me with the one who is the one

that I, who are many, may proclaim you as the new one, I am

I am the one Beloved and in you I am the one that is perfected


last night, i who am nimue, the dreamer of dreams,

dreamed the true dream that is the end of all dreams,

the dream without beginning, the dream of new endings


we, who are the first true dreamers, merlyn and nimue,

have joined our magick to assure that our dream comes true

we each give our dream to each other to so awaken our dream in you




oh, my readers,


until we find the one who is the beloved we are all but dream


“And Jesus said,

I am the way, the truth and the life,

no one comes to the Beloved but by me.”


beloved readers of mine,


the beloved has found me, and i she, and we are become the one,

loving the beloved in each other we cease being to become the way


something is there hidden deep, so very deep within

awaiting to be reborn once again and again and again

it is not a man child, not a woman child, nor even an infant

it is the beloved awaiting a right moment to awaken within you


if you love your beloved you will know you are the Beloved


i, who am mark,

assure you that i know this is true,

i know because i am the beloved’s poet.


my true beloved, mirabei, told me so i must tell you,


merlyn surrenders to nimue, mark to mira & mira to mark, nimue surrenders to merlyn

yielding, we become the Beloved’s child, one child, the

Beloved’s child we become, yielding

endlessly mortal love into divine love, sweet alchemy, divine love into mortal love endlessly



hail maria, full of grace, thy lord is with thee,

we are the blessed fruit of thy infinite womb, jesus….


mark christopher valentine

(march 20, 2001)

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