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[NDS] harsha/Future of Nonduality

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Hi Harsha,


Thank you for this grounding message. Since coming to the Internet, I've been

interested in nonduality as a movement. Your grounding message goes beyond

trends and movements and points to what's eternal.






Harsha wrote:

> Thanks for your message Jerry. Advaita (Nonduality) is revitalized in every

> generation by the Sages who live in Awareness.


> You speculated that Nonduality at some point would become a religion. It

> might be true but Advaita (Nonduality as practiced in India) has never been

> really a religion, although it has that religious orientation. Advaita is

> essentially viewed as one of the philosophical systems within the Hindu

> religion that has its origins in the Vedas (Upanishads) which according to

> historical accounts were written about 3000 to 4000 years ago.


> The themes of Nonduality can also be found in Buddhism and even in

> Christianity in a variety of ways and although I am not a religious scholar

> many experienced people say that this unifying orientation is present in all

> major religions.


> Advaita (Nonduality) as a philosophical system has never shown any interest

> in influencing the world, etc. as all such things exist only in relationship

> to the observer, the actor. Hence the main focus has been to enquire into

> the existence and nature of the observer itself who perceives the world.

> When the observer disappears, along with it goes the world as well. as

> something separate from the observer, oneself.


> Great sages such as Ramana Maharshi have exemplified that compassion and

> nonviolence are the natural expressions of Self-Realization. Seeing the same

> Awareness in All, one cannot help but spontaneously confirm the uttering of

> saints that "Ahimsa Parm Dharma" - that Nonviolence is the Primal Principle.

> With that feeling of compassion at the center of our being we can move

> freely in accepting others and loving others without regard to what

> philosophical system or religion or race or gender they belong to. In my

> view that is true Advaita or Nonduality.


> Love to all

> Harsha



> umbada [umbada]

> Saturday, March 24, 2001 9:08 AM

> nds; hs; iam

> [NDS] Future of Nonduality


> This letter speaks about trends in nonduality, about the future of

> nonduality, and about the future of Nonduality Salon.


> I detect a trend in the evolution of nonduality email lists. There is a

> movement toward specialization. I predict that in the coming year there

> will an explosion in the number of nonduality lists as people migrate to

> the ones that appeal to their specific interests and to the moderators

> that are most appealing to them.


> My vision since May of '98, when the I AM list was started, has been to

> see so many email communities created that no one would be able to keep

> up with everything. That vision came to pass a good year or so ago. For

> example, I to about 60 nonduality email lists; true, some are

> dead or half-dead, but I barely scan the rest of them.


> Now there seems to be another wave of nonduality email list formation on

> the horizon. I call it the wave of nondual specialization. It's going to

> bring in a flood of new people and its going to create distance between

> some of us who are very close right now. Like they say: it's all good.


> I predict this trend will precipitate more in-person retreats and more

> community interaction. In fact, we are already seeing more of that. In

> time, this combination of internet and in-person mingling of nondual

> people will influence the consciousness of the world.


> How much time will pass before nondual perspective is as well-known and

> understood (if not always applied in life) as something like the Golden

> Rule? Probably 400-500 years from now. The reason it will take so long

> is that the nonduality phenomenon is largely generational. Most of us

> are Baby Boomers. If one accepts that Baby Boomers are those born

> between 1937 and 1962, it would include well over 90% of the members on

> this list.


> The work we do may not be matched in intensity or in the number of

> people involved, for generations. Our entire generation is setting

> groundwork for this millenium, and nonduality is simply the cap upon

> this spiritual generation. We have to acknowledge everyone from Timothy

> Leary to Krishnamurti, from Elvis to Da Free John, from Jack Kerouac to

> Gene Poole, from John Coltrane to Byron Katie. This is our generation,

> man. I haven't even mentioned anyone yet.


> I don't think there will be too many future generations as intense and

> powerful as ours. A few generations, a hundred years or so, may pass

> before another generation takes up the torch we now carry. They will

> make an impression upon the world. Then another few complacent

> generations will come to pass before another generation of nonduality is

> born.


> I am also quite sure that the nonduality movement in our generation has

> only just begun and we have a long way to go. Our generation will be

> around for another 50 years or so, and we will, and are, influencing

> many from the upcoming generations. However, nonduality will never burn

> as brightly as it is in these days and in the next 50 years during which

> time the flame will continue to intensify and climb.


> In time, nonduality will be commonly known and there will even be a

> world religion known as nondualism. What that means is that these are

> the best of times, because we're not caught up in the -ism. These are

> the best of times. And in the days of nondualism as religion, there will

> still be small groups like ours and they will talk of the days at the

> beginning of the millenium when there was no -ism and everyone was naive

> and so celebratory of our simple, simple nature.


> And so, this is a long roundabout way of saying that I am in the process

> of creating a few specialty lists. The first one is called NDS-Guru

> Talk. I invite anyone and everyone to join. Here's the description:


> This is a place to send reports of Satsang/Guru experiences, and

> to announce upcoming Satsangs, retreats, workshops, intensives,

> gatherings, discussion groups.


> Also, let us know of any 'new', or little-known nondual

> Gurus/teachers.


> Also, if you would simply like to make yourself available to

> meet other nondual type people, feel free to let it be known

> here.


> Subscribe at NDSgurutalk/join


> There will also be lists on activism, nondual perspectives, The Matrix,

> nonduality and marginalization, guiding your children toward the

> nondual, and other areas. I invite anyone to start lists on these

> subjects before I get to it. The more variety of moderators, the better.

> Or start your own list on your own specialty. If you need help starting

> a list, let me know!


> Please don't worry about there being too many lists. Don't hold back.

> Give your all. Everything will look after itself. Structures and

> organization will form in ways we can't see right now. This may all

> sound like noise, but I prefer to see these points of activity as lights

> that draw all varieties of moths. And I have not lost sight of the

> purpose of those lights, which is to burn the moths to death.


> Thanks for listening,

> Jerry

> http://www.nonduality.com


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