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>> The best healing is natural. The best forgiveness is spontaneous.

There is a season for everything. When one is really thirsty, water

tastes best. <


Once, a long, long time ago (oh, ah, another story...grin...just

pulling my own leg), after going through yet another layer of the

onion of my "stuff" and issues around forgiveness of my father, I

came to this Holy Instant, where I was given a profound understanding

by my Self (it certainly didn't come from me). It was this: If you

(Linda) truly "see," then you know there is really no-thing to

forgive." This was brief, a flash of dazzling light, and in one

instant, I held my father in that space of Unconditional Love. I

appreciate being reminded of this because, like Mark of his mentions

his impatience with impatience, I am ever having to revisit what

seems like old ground (or onion layers), and so I still find myself

doing the work of forgiving, even though I have had this amazing

realization. Of course, having it and living it in an experience of

the truth, moment by moment, are two different things. I believe

these flashes come to show me my connection to Eternity, to give me

hope, to rally my oh-so-human spirits, and to, even if only briefly,

place me in the center of that Axis Mundi which is the Divine.

Hologhai ~ Linda

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.." This was brief, a flash of dazzling light, and in one instant, I

held my father in that space of Unconditional Love

This feeling of unconditional Love, not always so easy... I've only

begun unlayering those onion skin layers you called them... such a

perfect analogy.. each layer bringing floods of tears..... memories

long long forgotten, and intentionally so to protect myself... Newly

aware of these memories... and I ask myself daily..... do I hate my

step father......... And I have found that the best I can do, is not

really care one way or another.... No hate, no love, just acceptance

of our crossing of paths, and know that what was done, was done for a

purpose.... His and mine relationship, being the spur in my backside

leading me forever forward in the search for truth of who I am....

I hope to one day be able to say 'yes I love him, in spite of it all'

Or perhaps its not truly necessary to say it..... Perhaps just

accepting the past as part of my chosen path, will allow me to love

him unconditionally.

Love, Lynette

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do I hate my step father......... And I have found that the best I can

do, is not really care one way or another....

To hate someone requires so much emotion and energy invested

on the part of the hater that it's really just an

inefficent use of thought and energy. To hate someone is to

give them much more control over your own

thoughts and feelings than they ever deserved. Hate just draws you

closer to that which you hate. The hardest thing for me to do

is to let go of something like that, but it is the

best thing to do.

No hate, no love, just acceptance of our crossing of paths, and know

that what was done, was done for a purpose....

I think that once you reach a point of "no hate / no love"

than and only then can you truly love. Allowing someone to

experience life as their actions have created it for

themselves in the hope that they will learn the lessons

they have yet to learn is really love. You can love without being


drawn down into it. At that point, the hate seems to turn into

pity, realizing that the hell these people have created for

themselves is infinitely worse than anything you could do

to try to hurt them. They punish themselves in ways and in

depths that no one else could torment them. If they refuse to

learn that is their issue. I really think that not involving yourslef

in the lives of these idoits is the most damaging thing you

can do to them and at the same time prevent the damage they

do to themselves and those around them from affecting or

victiminzing yourself.

His and mine relationship, being the spur in my backside leading me

forever forward in the search for truth of who I am....

My relationship with my mother is a spur, but I have learned

so much of what I don't want to do or be like that it has

now become a benefit. I see her negative example and her

self created problems and it inspires me to be a better

spouse, father and human being. I'm now thankful for the bad

times I've had because of her and my hate has become pity without

assistance.I hope to one day be able to say 'yes I love

him, in spite of it all' Or perhaps its not truly necessary to say


Not for him, but perhaps for yourself. I think it's more

beneficial to recognize that you decide the level of

influence he has in your life and that you are in control

of that, not him. By saying that you "love" him isn't an affirmation

of your love, it's an affirmation that he is powerless to affect

you or your life unless you allow him, and once he is no

longer a threat you no longer feel it necessary to invest so

much emotion, time and effort into "hating" him, which is of

no benefit to either of you.

Perhaps just accepting the past as part of my chosen path, will allow me to love him unconditionally

Appreciate your difficult past, it gives you an opportunity to

learn so much more than those who have never experienced what

you have. We learn the most beneficial things in life from

our worst experiences. Look at those who have had no bad

times in their lives, they never seem to figure a lot of this

stuff out. Look back at what you may have thought at the time to be

the worst experiences of your life and realize how they

were really just unexpected changes in direction

that have benefited your life as it is today.

Just my 2.78 cents worth. Thanks.



/joinAll paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

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Appreciate your difficult past, it gives you an opportunity to

learn so much more than those who have never experienced what

you have. We learn the most beneficial things in life from

our worst experiences. Look at those who have had no bad

times in their lives, they never seem to figure a lot of this

stuff out. Look back at what you may have thought at the time to be

the worst experiences of your life and realize how they

were really just

unexpected changes in direction that have benefited your life

as it is today.

Just my 2.78 cents worth. Thanks.


Thank you for your post... It is always nice to feel reconfirmed in

the same thoughts one has.... Nothing is coincidence.... And the

universal spirit leads us down the paths that most benefit us in the

long run... Thank you for your time.


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>> Love and let go...

love, forgive, let go... that's important. Open hands, open heart... <<

Thank you Dharma...all that you said touched me and is true and beautiful. Shanti ~ Linda

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Hi Matt,

>Appreciate your difficult past, it gives you an opportunity to learn so much

>more than those who have never experienced what you have. We learn the

>most beneficial things in life from our worst experiences. Look at those who

>have had no bad times in their lives, they never seem to figure a lot of this

>stuff out. Look back at what you may have thought at the time to be the

>worst experiences of your life and realize how they were really just

>unexpected changes in direction that have benefited your life as it is today.


This reminds me of an article I read about a man whose horoscope had none

of the hard angles, the difficult patterns... just sweetness and light,

all trines and sextiles. And he had a pleasant life... had a little money

from the family and didn't have to struggle... everything was nice and

pleasant... nothing much ever happened.


In contrast, the people who are rich and famous because of what they've

done (rather than because of their families) have horoscopes that look

horrendous, full of heavy patterns with oppositions and squares, real "make

or break" stuff. Seems that without the challenges, we don't develop as





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