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re nonduality movement(s)

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Hi Jerry and Harsha,


I've been enjoying your conversation about nonduality and movement. I

find the paradox of movement within stillness fascinating. I'm slowly

reading Christopher Bache's recent book Dark Night, Early Dawn, inspired

by his experiences in nonordinary states of consciousness (holotropic

breathwork being one of the techniques for accessing these states). He

suggests that the species mind is going through a dark night of the soul

analogous to that of the many individuals who have done so and thereby

become those sages of which Harsha writes. It's an interesting

argument, and I see it dove-tailing with Jerry's intuition of nonduality

as a movement. (a movement not away from something, but towards

something) Anyway, Bache writes:


"The paradox of transpersonal development is also the paradox of

human evolution. It takes a strong individuality to surrender the ego

and to endure the impact of transcendence without fragmenting. The

forging of this strong center has been the patriarchal project for four

thousand years. The trajectory of this phase of our cultural evolution

has been to form us into highly differentiated, self-critical,

self-empowered individuals - individuals who can evaluate and set aside

centuries of tradition if we see fit, who can outgrow and remake

ourselves at an unbelievable pace, jumping from the sand dunes of Kitty

Hawk to the moon in less than seventy years. Only now as this phase is

concluding do we begin to glimpse the larger arch (sic) that this

patriarchal segment is part of. In our long isolation from the Goddess,

under the tutelage of our many Father-Gods, there has been gestating

within us a strength of form that will allow humanity to withstand the

assault of such unitive splendor as few can imagine. Ahead lies a

degree of incarnation of the Divine Impulse that would have shattered us

at an earlier stage in our evolutionary development.

I believe that this divine marriage of Individuality and Essential

Ground, of the Masculine and Feminine, of samsara and nirvana is the

dawn that humanity's dark night is driving toward. This is the dawn

that, if successfully navigated, will unite humankind and elevate us

into a form that has never before walked this Earth: a humanity healed

of the scars of history, its ancient partitions reabsorbed; a people

with new capacities born in the chaos of near-extinction. Only when we

have made this pivot, when our long labor has birthed this future Child,

only then will we understand what we have accomplished. And when this

moment finally comes, I deeply believe that, like all mothers before us,

we will count our pain a small price. This birth is our gift to the



So that is Bache's take on this time in history. For me, the same thing

is being said by Nisargadatta in I Am That:


"To know itself, the self must be faced with its opposite - the

not-self. Desire leads to experience. Experience leads to

discrimination, detachment, self-knowledge - liberation. And what is

liberation after all? To know that you are beyond birth and death. By

forgetting who you are and imagining yourself a mortal creature, you

created so much trouble for yourself that you have to wake up, like from

a bad dream."


So, I see Jerry speaking of the waking up and Harsha reminding us of the

ever-presence of wakefulness. Thank you both.



Meric, or Maric, or someone such as this...




Hi Harsha,


Thank you for this grounding message. Since coming to

the Internet, I've been

interested in nonduality as a movement. Your grounding

message goes beyond

trends and movements and points to what's eternal.






Harsha wrote:

> Thanks for your message Jerry. Advaita (Nonduality)

is revitalized in every

> generation by the Sages who live in Awareness.



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