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attention to the harmonics of symmetry and tone

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In a message dated 03/25/2001 1:47:53 PM Central Standard Time,

christianad writes:

> Linda, thank you for your story. A familiar one here. Years ago I loved

> to weave. I loved the interplay of color, pattern, tone, texture, light.

> Then I decided to study *formally*. For me, the theoretical deadeners

> were focuses on concepts such as "negative and positive spaces". For

> years I walked away. In recent years, I have refound this joy in small

> collage "play". Allowing now symmetry/ asymmetry, tone and light to

> in-form me.


> Pattern and tonal notes are a facet of the play which calls me through

> the maze. Those of you here with more background than I in Physics and

> Yoga likely understand the particulars of this phenomenon. I simply

> delight in the rhythm and patterning.


Dear Christiana,


Welcome back. The whole thing about music and patterns has been important to

me since I was very small, sick and a whole lot of time to entertain myself.

I didn't understand at that age that everyone didn't hear colors and patterns

or see sound, and as I managed with real ingenuity to avoid physics, I never

have understood the "why" of the whole thing, just when in pain, either

physical or emotional, I go into the music. It started out as classical, but

now I have discovered the "blues" and oh what a richness of vision and color

and patterns there are in this particular form of music...funnily enough, the

blues aren't only blue, there is a whole wealth of color there :o) For sheer

music, I have also discovered fractals...again, I have no idea of the

mathematics, but the sound is exquisite.


This has been a fascinating thread from all...I thought I was alone...it is

lovely not to be.


<A HREF="http://www.fractalus.com/sylvie/homepage.htm#26">







blessings, beth

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Dear friends...

In the stillness of this morning, as I am slowly allowing healing and

wholeness to be restored; I heard an invitation to pay a visit to the *space*

of this list community. It has been a while since I could read list posts.

I have only read the very last few, and yet, the tonal notes being received

here are already one's which lighten my heart.

Antoine: There is something to learn from anything,

Even if this something is to learn that the smallest detail of

attention may have an outcome at some level.

On my first outing, after several weeks in bed, I was caught (by

a kind passerby) as I almost collapsed in a store. When my attention returned

to what was occuring, I was rather awestruck by the broad landscape of

stimulation which our bodies are continuously being bombarded with. With

ordinary sensors *up*, I navigate markets, driven by mind's perceived need.

With sensors *down*, body dissolved into a soup of sound; light; waves;

textures; densities; smells; images; energies etc. The *center* couldn't

hold, it seemed.

No huge revelation here.. but a very sobering reminder of the import

of the "smallest details of attention"; as well as renewed gratitude for

the mystery of incarnation.

T: I ask because my wife was born at 11:11 and we both seem to look at

the clock everytime it's at 11:11

I smiled as I read this. I always have *seemed* to look at the clock

at the exact hour of my birth as well (which in my case is 12:04). Is it

the hour which calls us, or the *pattern* of "self" showing up as a "small

detail of attention".

Gill: Why is the human brain set up to appreciate symmetry? <<

Linda: The symmetry and the imagery operate as a doorway to the Sacred. Shanti ~

Linda, thank you for your story. A familiar one here. Years ago

I loved to weave. I loved the interplay of color, pattern, tone, texture,

light. Then I decided to study *formally*. For me, the theoretical deadeners

were focuses on concepts such as "negative and positive spaces".

For years I walked away. In recent years, I have refound this joy in small

collage "play". Allowing now symmetry/ asymmetry, tone and light to in-form


Pattern and tonal notes are a facet of the play which calls me through

the maze. Those of you here with more background than I in Physics and

Yoga likely understand the particulars of this phenomenon. I simply delight

in the rhythm and patterning.

I wonder if you know of Cymatics.


Hans Jenny speculated that every cell had its own frequency and that a

number of cells with the same frequency created a new

frequency which was in harmony with the original, which in its turn

possibly formed an organ that also created a new frequency in

harmony with the two preceding ones.


In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels

of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were

pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these

vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did

not generate the same result! How is this possible? Did the ancient

Hebrews and Indians know this? Is there something to the concept

of "sacred language," which both of these are sometimes called? What

qualities do these "sacred languages," among which Tibetan,

Egyptian and Chinese are often numbered, possess? Do they have the

power to influence and transform physical reality, to create

things through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example,

through the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a

person who has gone "out of tune"?


Cathie E. Guzetta´s poetic contemplation of where the investigation of

the relationship between sound and the arising of various life

forms might lead us in the future: "The forms of snowflakes and faces

of flowers may take on their shape because they are

responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that

crystals, plants, and human beings may be, in some way, music

that has taken on visible form."

"Everything we do is Music. And everywhere is the best seat." John Cage

Thank you for offering this wayfarer a blessed seat in your Symphony

on this bright Sunday morning. It is the 'symmetry' of holiness which calls.



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In a message dated 03/26/2001 9:29:40 AM Central Standard Time,

carrea writes:

> Hello Beth,


> I just wanted to share a personal experience in relation to physics.


> It never occurred to me that physics could explain anything, it has been


> me a tool, among others, to put poetry into this life.


> In listening to the source where color, sound, touch, smell, silence merge

> as one, as a fractal loop or as an holographic universe has always been the

> real source of knowledge to me personally.


> Physics then becomes a tool to try to express this "standpoint" rather


> a tool to try to understand it. Like poetry maybe for others, or music for

> other than others, or silence when IT stands still.


> I enjoy the music in you,

> Thank you,


> Antoine


Dear Antoine,


What a beautiful affirmation, thank you. Do you think I should study

physics? I like what you say about physics putting poetry into life rather

than we having a need to use it to explain. I had always thought at this

stage that it might hurt what I have, rather than helping it...there is

another aspect to sound...taste...I used to sing with a chorale, and that was

all the senses, touch, sound, color...the Halleluia Chorus, Handel, sung with

400 voices, way past the meaning of the words...the act of singing them. My

family used to laugh when I said words tasted good.


And discovering fractals...well!! Absolute heaven on earth.


That other people know this also, I feel as if I have come home.


namaste Antoine,


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Christiana Duranczyk


Sunday, March 25, 2001 2:45 PM

attention to the harmonics of symmetry and tone

Dear friends...

I wonder if you know of Cymatics.


Thank you for the link Christiana, I though that maybe you would like

this one, on the Cymatics of the Sri Yantra. << This very ancient

symbol made an interesting appearance in modern times. It happened as

a result of a series of experiments in the field of cymatics (the

study of the interrelationship between energy and matter.) The sacred

Hindu symbol "OM", when correctly intoned into the tonoscope (a devise

that transforms sounds into their visual representations on a screen),

produces a circle which is then filled in with concentric squares and

triangles, finally producing, as the last traces of the 'M' disappear

from the screen, the Sri Yantra.

The sound vibration patterns which are generated by the many angles of

the triangles of the SRI YANTRA were calculated by using the essential

element of the circle around the triangular patterns, PI (3.1416) as

the basic unit to which all the other ratios could relate. Therefore

3.1416 became a frequency vibration rate which, when doubled in value

6 times becomes 201.0624 cycles per second (or Hertz, ab. Hz) which is

a sound tone equal on the international tuning scale of G+43 cents.

Cents are divisions of micro tuning between notes on a piano

keyboard. Each cent equals 1/100th division of sharp or flat between


Both on side A and side B, I played the completed Sri Yantra through a

series of thirteen different octaves (each octave being exactly twice

or half of the frequency before or after it). This would correspond

to Sri Yantras of different colors (each sound frequency has a color

frequency correspondence separated by 40 octaves) and also to

different sizes of Sri Yantras - extremely small with a high pitch

and extremely large with a deep pitch. This approach makes these

sound tracks a powerful tool for reaching deeper states of

consciousness. Enjoy!

Sincerely, Dr Jeffrey Thompson. http://body-mind.com/1bmrSACRED.htm >>

Hans Jenny speculated that every cell had its own frequency and that a

number of cells with the same frequency created a new frequency which

was in harmony with the original, which in its turn possibly formed an

organ that also created a new frequency in harmony with the two

preceding ones. In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed

that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit

were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for

these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not

generate the same result! How is this possible? Did the ancient

Hebrews and Indians know this? Is there something to the concept of

"sacred language," which both of these are sometimes called? What

qualities do these "sacred languages," among which Tibetan, Egyptian

and Chinese are often numbered, possess? Do they have the power to

influence and transform physical reality, to create things

through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example, through

the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a person who has

gone "out of tune"? Cathie E. Guzetta´s poetic contemplation of where

the investigation of the relationship between sound and the arising of

various life forms might lead us in the future: "The forms of

snowflakes and faces of flowers may take on their shape because they

are responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible

that crystals, plants, and human beings may be, in some way, music

that has taken on visible form."

A link on "conscious water", or the way the formation of the form of a

snow flake may be influenced by human though and emotion. And who

knows, maybe vice versa


<< And since a picture is worth much more than any number of words, we

sought to show you the simplest

and most convincing pictures that we could find, demonstrating how our

thoughts, words, and feelings

affect so-called physical objects, right down to the molecular level. [-- ed.] >>

"Everything we do is Music. And everywhere is the best seat." John Cage

Thank you for offering this wayfarer a blessed seat in your Symphony

on this bright Sunday morning. It is the 'symmetry' of holiness which


Love, Christiana

Love, Antoine

People are sharing so many wonderful link, it is just wonderful.

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Beth352006 (AT) aol (DOT) com

Sunday, March 25, 2001 3:39 PM

Re: attention to the harmonics of symmetry and tone

Dear Christiana,Welcome back. The whole thing about music and

patterns has been important to me since I was very small, sick and a

whole lot of time to entertain myself. I didn't understand at that

age that everyone didn't hear colors and patterns or see sound, and

as I managed with real ingenuity to avoid physics, I never have

understood the "why" of the whole thing, just when in pain, either

physical or emotional, I go into the music. It started out as

classical, but now I have discovered the "blues" and oh what a

richness of vision and color and patterns there are in this

particular form of music...funnily enough, the blues aren't only

blue, there is a whole wealth of color there :o) For sheer music, I

have also discovered fractals...again, I have no idea of the

mathematics, but the sound is exquisite.This has been a fascinating

thread from all...I thought I was alone...it is lovely not to be.<A



Hello Beth,

I just wanted to share a personal experience in relation to physics.

It never occurred to me that physics could explain anything, it has

been for me a tool, among others, to put poetry into this life.

In listening to the source where color, sound, touch, smell, silence

merge as one, as a fractal loop or as an holographic universe has

always been the real source of knowledge to me personally.

Physics then becomes a tool to try to express this "standpoint" rather

than a tool to try to understand it. Like poetry maybe for others, or

music for other than others, or silence when IT stands still.

I enjoy the music in you,

Thank you,


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Dear Beth,


you wrote:

> Do you think I should study physics?


Of course, although the common meaning of the word 'study' is not so


You don't ask Ramana Maharshi when he urges you to find out who's asking:

"Do you think I should study myself?"

There is a natural enquiry into physics, just as much as there is a natural

enquiry into oneself... That natural-ness has to do with an unquestioned

love for being...

> Do you think I should study physics?


Who was asking again?

> Do you think I should study physics?


By all means and love physics... I would say, start by reading Richard

Feynman's books, this man had a warm love for existence and his fellow human

beings and was very humorous about it... Only then carry on with Fritjof

Capra and the first (?) book of Gary Zukoff. Only then get seriously into

studying physics...

Study physics also by intensive being. Do you really have a choice?


Be studious...Study comes from the Latin 'studere' = to devote oneself.




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Beth352006 (AT) aol (DOT) com

Monday, March 26, 2001 11:40 AM

Re: attention to the harmonics of symmetry and tone

Dear Antoine,What a beautiful affirmation, thank you. Do you think

I should study physics?

Dear Beth,

It is a beautiful question that you ask me. And I can only feel

tempted to direct you in one area or the other of study. But only the

deepness of your heart may have the eternal answer in letting you know

what you should do.

Thank you for asking,

with love,


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