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A quick story from me {Darma}

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Beautiful! My parents were raised Christian but weren't very

"religious"... I told them something of my experiences, but I was kind of

the oddball. :) But one day when my Mom was lying in a hospital bed, very

near death, and I was sitting beside her, she pointed and said, "Open!

Open the door!"

"What door?" I asked.

"Our garden is full of reincarnation," she said. "And it looks like this."

And she drew a spiral in the air with her finger.

Thank you Darma for all the wonderful little tidbits in your reply to

me... What I have found over the past couple of weeks is this....

to hang onto any idea as being truth, limits the spirits true

expression.... Therefore, Raised Christian limits me, unless I let it


this for me includes all religions, ideas, philosophies, and people

who have very strong personal beliefs...

I very easily become entrapped in some one elses beliefs, its part of

my attachment to my ego, and the people around me... And I wish to

let it all go......

but I did love all your little tidbits... I could feel the sweetness

of your spirit. thank you, Love, Lynette

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Hi Lynette,

>What I have found over the past couple of weeks is this.... to hang onto

>any idea as being truth, limits the spirits true expression....


Yes... but I think it's fine to espouse and defend what you see as truth

as this moment... realizing that as time goes by, your understanding grows

and you may find a larger, more adequate way to understand and express the

truth. New words and new models come along, and you see that they are more

adequate, more revealing of the truth.

>Therefore, Raised Christian limits me, unless I let it go.........


So many Christian groups insist on being limiting. It's too bad, I don't

think it's necessary. When I asked a lama if I could be a Buddhist without

denying the Christ, he just smiled and said, "Yes." It works for me,

though some Christians might maintain that I'm not Christian any more. I

don't think Jesus would have a problem with it...


People like us need to find a group/church that is not too exclusive...

that is more open than most of the fundamentalist churches. Many people

have found a solution in the Unitarian/Universalist Church. They are

usually considered Christian, but they do not expect you to espouse any

particular doctrines or dogma. If you say you'd like to be a member, they

just shake your hand and ask you to sign the book... no creed that you

must accept. :) A good place for inter-faith couples. When I've taught

meditation at a Unitarian church, I've had Christians, Jews, and atheists

in the classes... almost had a Buddhist once. I make a little speech the

first day about understanding the words that different people use and being

able to communicate whether someone says, "God,universal mind," etc.,

and after that we don't have any problems with using different terms.

> this for me includes all religions, ideas, philosophies, and people who

>have very strong personal beliefs... I very easily become entrapped in

>some one elses beliefs, its part of my attachment to my ego, and the

>people around me...


(But remember that beliefs are not at all the same thing as convictions or

theories or knowledge from experience. Beliefs are not rational... they

are very deep and can persist even when the mind says they don't make


>And I wish to let it all go......


I think what you want to let go of is not any particular understanding or

conviction, but the _attachment_ to them. People get so attached to their

convictions, theories, words... and feel threatened when someone proposes

something different. And yet when someone gives us a better word or model

or theory... one that expresses the truth more fully... it's a great

gift. :)




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, but the _attachment_ to them. People get so attached to their

convictions, theories, words... and feel threatened when someone proposes

something different. And yet when someone gives us a better word or model

or theory... one that expresses the truth more fully... it's a great

gift. :)

Yes, to let go of the attachment of ideas... my own, as well as

others... and to listen to the voice within....

Nothing wrong with hearing someone elses truth, and realizing "yes,

this truth is within me as well"...

Not so much worried that someone will present me with an idea that

differs from mine..... but that I am so easily swayed...like a leaf

blowing in the wind, tossing me here and there.... This is why I feel

I need to unattach myself to all ideas and beliefs and just listen to

the voice within..

Thank you Darma.

Love, Lynette

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Hi Lynette,

>>, but the _attachment_ to them. People get so attached to their

>>convictions, theories, words... and feel threatened when someone

>>proposes something different. And yet when someone gives us a better

>>word or model or theory... one that expresses the truth more fully...

>> it's a great gift. :)

> Yes, to let go of the attachment of ideas... my own, as well as others...

>and to listen to the voice within....

>Nothing wrong with hearing someone elses truth, and realizing "yes, this

>truth is within me as well"...


>Not so much worried that someone will present me with an idea that differs

>from mine..... but that I am so easily swayed...like a leaf blowing in the

>wind, tossing me here and there....


I think being easily swayed is involved with wanting to please or agree

with other people... which involves the fear that they won't like you or

approve of you if you don't. If you can get rid of that fear... clear it

away like a block... give it to God/dess... you'll be much freer. My

father told me, "You should do what you believe is right, no matter what

anyone else says or does." And that has always given me extra strength to

stand up for my own truth.

>This is why I feel I need to unattach myself to all ideas and beliefs and

>just listen to the voice within..


Yes! Gautama said we should not accept something as truth because teachers

say so... or because scriptures say so... or anyone else outside

ourselves. He said, "You have a light within that will show you the truth.

Rely on your own light."




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I think being easily swayed is involved with wanting to please or agree

with other people... which involves the fear that they won't like you or

approve of you if you don't. If you can get rid of that fear... clear it

away like a block... give it to God/dess... you'll be much freer. My

father told me, "You should do what you believe is right, no matter what

anyone else says or does." And that has always given me extra strength to

stand up for my own truth.

yes, you are right Darma... it is a process I'm recently working on...

Some programs are a little bit harder to get rid of... but each day

that I'm confronted with pleasing someone else over myself, in

thought or action, and each time I choose to only do or think what

suits me in that moment... Then it becomes easier and easier..

thank you, Lynette

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