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[SolarHeartCommunity] Anatomy class...

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Dear Simon, (S.G.)


I had just put together an extensive (hahaha) reply to your post and then...

my computer crashed. Had even collected some jelly fish pictures etc.

for support... Will have to leave it now... it is quite hard to replicate

what I just wrote... Have to wait for the next opportune moment.


Well let me see, what time is it? OK, I will try again...


Please do consider that all I know is through visionary and clairvoyant

abilities, I always correlate and check it against science though... when

both come together none err...

But I'm not afraid to speculate about what I see...


In he footsteps of Newton, Emanuel Swedenborg (you know of him?)


You wrote:

> I would be grateful if you would provide me with references for the mystic

> anatomy and vedic treatment of the subtle strata of the etheric body you

> refer to. This will be invaluable for my MSS.


The best book for this I still consider Harish Johari's "Chakras, Energy

Centers of Transformation."

I could come over and teach my course in the UK though :-)


I see seven interdependent layers in our integrated physio-mystic anatomy:


.. I

.. AM


.. meaning

.. that I am also

1 existing physically, (root)

2 as well as creatively playful, (sacral)

3 acting with free will and a clear mind, (solar plexus)

4 loving, emotionally balanced, androgynous, (heart)

5 expressive and effective in vocational function, (throat)

6 and inspirationally, aspirationally as well as intellectually guided,


7 In all, I am a human divine on this beautiful world in this wonderful



Have a look at this slide show (you need a fast computer or it will crash,

or at least test your patience)



Especially slides 5 through 9


7. Crown cerebral plexus, pineal gland SAHASRARA -

pure energy top of cranium, meninges, ventricles, cerebro-spinal fluid

6. Brow medulla plexus, pituitary body AJNA -

light point between eyebrows, eyes

5. Throat carotid plexus, thyroid VISSHUDA -

ether mouth, ears, throat, tongue

4. Heart cardiac plexus, thymus ANAHATA -

air heart, lungs, liver, pancreas

3. Solar Plxs epigastric plexus, kidneys MANIPURA -

fire epigastric plexus, stomach, intestines

2. Sacral hypogastric plexus, gonads SVADHISTHANA -

water gonads, spleen

1. Root pelvic plexus, coccyx

MULADHARA - earth bottom of spine, anus,

urinary tract

> I have made a start with the

> Shiva Samhita. What in addition to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika would you

> suggest w.r.t. the tantric anatomy?


Again Harish Johari's "Chakras, Energy Centers of Transformation." It is

really a very contemporary Hindi approach and total work through of Hatha

Yoga Pradipika. Traditional Hatha Yoga Pradipika translations are not very

good (beware of comments as you agreed) Do you read Sanskrit? I used to,

around 1975, the whole Baghavat Gita for Christ / Krishna's sake... After an

adverse stressful period in 1985 I lost the skill, have to learn it again...

I do hear whole stretches of old Sanskrit like lore, audio-visionarily as

paranormal multi-media. (hehehe:-)


The core of the Heart Sutra is extremely important. One will find 'nothing

concrete in there but the most concrete'. Void is form is void is form ad

infinitum... one of the least understood scriptures put together by my good

old Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.

> ...vajrahyana Buddhist sects where the adenohypophysis and associated


> are stereotactically activated to break the seal of the kammakadeesareh

> kashumlinga


Oh, do I like that word "stereotactical activation." It is so right on!

I had to work very hard on this with myself. I would think that most people

have problems with the frontal and dorsal integrational functioning of the

hypophysis. You see, the 7 main chakras have either a one-ness or a two-ness

to them:

1. root 1

2. sacral 2

3. solar plexus 1

4. heart 2

5. throat 1

6. brow 2

7. crown (a big) 1

The 2-ness in number 6, the brow is connected to the two lobes of the

hypophysis (pituitary). In this case it is front-back / up-down though, not

a simple left-right as with number 2 an 4. This causes the energy flow from

throat to brow and vice versa to be so cumbersome, like a twisted


> BTW what's your number?


Phone 1 250 479 0001

> ...lately since it became overshadowed by pineal neurochemistry


Pineal gland... hmm yummy. Was in Hong Kong last year... Under the world's

largest Buddha (the King Kong of Buddhas, it was actually very beautiful)

the monks exhibited a little crystal in a most exquisite shrine... When I

saw it I was overcome... The story goes that after an enlightened being

passes and is cremated, they (?) look through the ashes to find a little

crystal, the crystalline content of the pineal gland, calcite-like as far as

I can see...


Pineal neuro chemistry? Hmmm!

The Buddha's pineal crystal in Hong Kong?


Whereas we can identify the pituitary gland as the gland that connects us to

the physical earth, the pineal gland can be defined as the gland that

connects us to the subtle and not so subtle energies directly from the



It was through the pineal that I saw the Star of David / Sri Yantra descend

into me (Adam)... after hovering above me about a foot or two. I wrote about

it in the following page (half way through):


> The nectar drainage through the peridontal cavity is something I have

> encountered again and again in these circles although there does not


> to be many works which documents the associated secret systems-physiology.

> Would you recommend Gopi Krishna's work?


I don't recall that he mentions this. I do not tend to recommend Gopi

Krishna too much. Although he has done a wealth of good by writing a book

that got accepted in large western circles, his processing of Kundalini the

fearful way has spread some fallacies about Kundalini. Just like childbirth

does not have to be painful so does Kundalini need to be neither.

It is our objectionate, recalcitrant, fearful and counter-reactive behaviour

that is the source of pain and concomitant suffering. The force of Kundalini

may encounter that pain as it is restoring our originality to us. By taking

certain pains serious and attributing it to the workings of Kundalini we

actually hamper the proper harmonious dynamics of Kundalini's reintegrating

energy. One can see from the art in the Kmer (Cambodia) empire of antiquity

that in those days Kundalini was not at all seen the way Gopi Krishna

portrays it. Too bad that even Bentov mentioned some K characteristics in

that light...

Common life is pain and suffering, K releases us from that suffering.

> Also what do you know about the biofeedbackesque

> psychic muscle exercises of Advaita Yoga?


I have reasons to stay away from Advaita protagonists...

Ramana Maharshi, no problem, of course not. "Who am I" to cast a shadow over

him? :-)

The Nisargadatta types (and orthodox advaitism) - however erudite and sharp

sighted they seem to be - I have a problem with them as they are not seeing

a certain problem... (If you feel like, you could read my critical comment

on Nitin Trasi, you will find it in:

http://aurasphere.dhs.org/Kundalini%20Posts/PathologyOfIllusion )


But I WILL find out about the advaitin psychic muscle exercises .

> P.S. Myelin is a fatty lipid substance which is nourished by the

> disappearing vitamin, B12.


Right... right, I understand now! Folic acid too?

> I imagine it to be the very petroleum jelly like

> corpus of the jellfish. A vestigial matter from which the nervous system

> itself emerged and which is probably nourished by the bindu to innervate


> body with the bisexual prima materia...


The jellyfish life cycle is so interesting. There seem to be 5 distinct life

forms that emerge from each other.. (and the human form too...?)

Medusa (the male and female bell like form, sperm and eggs)

Planula larvae developing into

Sea anemone like polyps that clone themselves, budding off new polyps


Strobila, brought forth by polyps forming many tiny fully developed

jellyfish, ephyrae, stacked on top of each other.

Ephyrae, a 5x2 fingery lobed little circular creature, when you make the

lobes' tips touch each other you get a sphere.

(The way you can peel a mandarin and put the empty skin back together

again to form a sphere.)


When I was young I was so inspired by d'Arcy Thompson's classic "on Growth

and Form" and later by Edmund Sinnott's "The Problem of Organic Form"

(morfogenesis.) that I hit upon the idea of "parenchymateuse cell-like /

soapbubble like micro structures" in a proto soup of some proto inland sea.

We still find the spiked calcium needles, the radiolaria, the initial

beginnings of vertebrate skeletal structures.


The website suggested by Christina from the Sri Yantra group


helps illustrating how I see vibrationary interference patterns 3

dimensionally in some mineral rich proto soup, forming patterns that after

due incubation may take on forms of life via complex crystallization


Has to do with fluid and plasma dynamics (wish I had my tech. terms handy.)

Take a glass jar of metallic paint shake it a bit and let it sit. After a

few seconds one sees 'blobular' solid bubbles take shape. Of course one sees

this easily on the surface, so one has to imagine what happens inside the

fluid... something like solid paint-filled bubbles. Now start vibrating that

jar, imagine the wondrous 3d interference patterns inside the liquid.

This same process takes place inside any liquid, even semi liquid, inside

our earth even. Imagine that along those patterned lines or interstitial

surfaces a certain non-gravitational sedimentation occurs, adhesive,

cohesive, whatever..., internal cellular structures form... The start of a

cell structure even before life really has started.


My original post was better... this just has to do..


Some primal jellyfish was able to encapsulate itself with and in such a

calcifying substance to become the ancestor of all spined creatures

including US, still recreating this proto soup around itself within us, to

give birth to this sea creature still within us, right now in YOUR spine.

The sacro-spino-cranial structures protecting the jelly like cerebro spinal

fluid found in our central spinal canal, our meninges, our ten ventricles,

within the myelin sheathing protecting our nerve strands.


Imagine stripping yourself off...

your cloths,

your skin,

your circulatory and lymph system,

your digestive tract,

your flesh and bones,

some more stuff while you are at it.

What is left over?


No, we are not trying to locate your soul...

You will find cerebro spinal fluid at the centre of your being

your core being


jello-woman, jello-man

a gel mushroom like cap at the top

its rim with a myriad of fine strands

a central core like liquid filled shaft

four bundles of main strands emanating centrally from underneath this cap..


Is this you?


If you wonder who you are? Who's asking?

What are we?

> Blavatsky hints at this in her

> cosmogony referring to the lumen of the digestive system as once being a

> spiritual lung which as we were irresistibly drawn to the material started

> to serve the function of digesting the world rather like worms that purify

> the soil.


Too bad my computer crashed, but I will write about that topic again.

(Blavatsky is something isn't she, when I was 18, I found some books by her

(Isis Unveiled?) in an antique book store in The Hague Holland... was

fascinated by it).

> ... cronenberg movies!]


Never saw one, I shall keep it that way, shall I?


Well I was able to reconstruct quite a bit of my original post, Madam B will

have to wait.




Attachment: (image/gif) jelly fish.gif [not stored]

Attachment: (image/gif) Jelly fish bell.gif [not stored]

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