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a dream

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Hi Lynette,

>Last night I dreamt.... My mother was trying to tell me something.... I

>was listening, but no words to remember this morning...


Sometimes the mother stands for your high self or spiritual guru... the

Great Mother. In Jungian terms, a symbol of the Self, the new center that

forms on the boundary between conscious and unconscious, able to see in

either direction.

>And then this blanket of peace descended on us, or perhaps it wasnt

>peace, but a blanket of awareness .... I awoke, my k energy releasing

>something, my heart racing, my blood swirling. The energy flow through my

>chakras intense.. I lay there awake, allowing the flow with no fight, no

>attempt at lessening the intensity. Welcoming the sensations... I feel

>very peaceful today.. Just wanted to share.


Good work!




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Sometimes the mother stands for your high self or spiritual guru... the

Great Mother. In Jungian terms, a symbol of the Self, the new center that

forms on the boundary between conscious and unconscious, able to see in

either direction.

I will keep that in mind over the next few months.... I asked for

revelation on the dream, and then remembered the underlying fear that

was present in the dream... The fear was not mine, but radiating from

the other people in the dream... (perhaps was a portion of mine, and

was what was released) It was a death premonition dream... And as

nothing is written in stone, as the spirit of divine bliss has been

known to test me through such dreams before... I will just wait and

watch and see if a lesson emerges... and keep your thought in mind..

Thank you Darma, for your wisdom,

Love, Lynette

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Hi Lynette,

>>Sometimes the mother stands for your high self or spiritual guru... the

>>Great Mother. In Jungian terms, a symbol of the Self, the new center

>>that forms on the boundary between conscious and unconscious, able to see

>>in either direction.


> I will keep that in mind over the next few months.... I asked for

>revelation on the dream, and then remembered the underlying fear that was

>present in the dream... The fear was not mine, but radiating from the

>other people in the dream... (perhaps was a portion of mine, and was what

>was released) It was a death premonition dream...


Sounds like you didn't tell the entire dream. I went back and read it

again... can't see "other people" except for your mother... or fear...

or anything relating to death. Was there more to the dream?




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Dear Dharma and Lynette,


Dharma wrote to Lynette:

> Sounds like you didn't tell the entire dream. I went back and read it

> again... can't see "other people" except for your mother... or fear...

> or anything relating to death. Was there more to the dream?


When we wake up from a dream or when we remember it afterwards, we tend

'right away' want to explain it, see the hidden meaning behind the


Symbolism ?


What happens then, we get lost in the explanations and often overlook

telling details.

Go according to your senses: where there colours, sounds, tastes, smells,

touches, what were the buildings like, was there water, inside, outside... ?

Retrieve the details.


Dharma is so right in asking. "Was there more....?"


Explaining dreams is a strange business.

I tend to say... do not explain... at least not right off the bat...


A dream is often a straight clear message that we get *first hand* mostly

from our SELF... that we, being 'our little self', often cannot handle

undiluted. The mind, through it's memory banks then tends to cloak it in

acceptable symbology. But once the mind and its memory stores have taken a

hold of the dream it is already *second hand*. Next thing we do is, we tell

a friend of the dream. Of course by doing so we translate the dream again.

It is now *third hand* Then our well meaning friend or therapist will

explain the dream to you *fifth hand* often with references to knowledgeable

people *sixth hand*.

Whose dream is it at this point? No wonder we keep on dreaming and

forgetting, because we didn't get the first message in the first place...

So initially, keep a dream to yourself for yourself, it was for you... from

your best friend, your SELF. I can be a message from a guardian, a

bodhisattva but pointing you to your SELF.. . your inner prophet...


Take your dream, accept your dream, look for details again and again and...

at some point you will exclaim: "I got it, I got it!" Then you may tell

someone... and hopefully that person just listens and will have you own your



Your dreams wil then start to take on different qualities, you may become

someone else's dream whisperer, whispering messages of truth into the ears

of your beloved, sleeping under the spell of Morpheus.





\/\/ X /\/\


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Hi Wim,

>What happens then, we get lost in the explanations and often overlook

>telling details.

>Go according to your senses: where there colours, sounds, tastes, smells,

>touches, what were the buildings like, was there water, inside, outside... ?

>Retrieve the details.


It's a good practice to write down your dreams, as fully as you can

remember. Even little ones. I've written down some little thing that

seemed just a waste of time... didn't mean anything at all. Then later in

the day or even the next day, I look at it again and suddenly the meaning

comes clear! Even one of those short little pieces may be saying something



>A dream is often a straight clear message that we get *first hand* mostly

>from our SELF... that we, being 'our little self', often cannot handle

>undiluted. The mind, through it's memory banks then tends to cloak it in

>acceptable symbology.


Symbolism is the language of the unconscious... symbolism doesn't mean

that the dream is something that will be hard to handle... or something we

can't handle undiluted. It's just natural for dreams to speak in symbols.





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Dear Dharma an Joyce,


Of course of course.. What you wrote Joyce, it looks like our e-mails

crossed each other's path in cyberspace and started telling the same



About the unconscious... we are not supposed to have an unconscious, but

OK... for the time being we will make do... :-)


Dharma asked:

> What is the work you do? Sounds like you're working on clearing the

astral (2d) plane?


As I said:

>through that

>'no-men'sland' of illusiveness, the realm where no one ought to be,

>because it is not even there...I hear songs like yours.

>I see gestures that flow from those lyrics and we reach for each other...


I work that unconscious till it disappears into reality, virtual bit by

virtual bit...


The ones that are looking for a hand-out get a hand instead... and take


I wait till they take it... (am not alone.)

Reality disolves illusion and its concommitant unconscious...


Now don't ask me about reality :-) or I will have to write a long boring

piece on it. :-) Actually no, I did that already.




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Hi Wim,

>> What is the work you do? Sounds like you're working on clearing the

>astral (2d) plane?


>As I said:

>>through that

>>'no-men'sland' of illusiveness, the realm where no one ought to be,

>>because it is not even there...I hear songs like yours.

>>I see gestures that flow from those lyrics and we reach for each other...


>I work that unconscious till it disappears into reality, virtual bit by

>virtual bit...


Seems to me you're saying that you're working on the astral (2d) plane,

pushing back the limits of your unconscious so that more will be available

to your conscious focus. Is that it?




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Sounds like you didn't tell the entire dream. I went back and read it

again... can't see "other people" except for your mother... or fear...

or anything relating to death. Was there more to the dream?

I did not remember all of the dream, until I asked for revelation, and

the dream came back in full picture...

My mother's best friend died yesterday....

I went back to my meditating and asked again, if I had misinterpreted,

or misunderstood.. The voice is the same.. Stating, this is the

beginning of your mother's decline..And to have faith..

The spirit seeks to test us, and nothing is written in stone. I will

be sure to spend as much time with my mother this summer. She and I

are on very good friendship terms.. Nothing we need to settle, or

forgive... I love her... But I know how her body is failing, and I

wish for her to feel youthful again.. My mother is only 57, but she

has had 3 heartattacks, and has had to live a very restricted life

for the past 10 years..

Love, Lynette

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Your dreams wil then start to take on different qualities, you may become

someone else's dream whisperer, whispering messages of truth into the ears

of your beloved, sleeping under the spell of Morpheus.

Very beautifully said Wim... Love, Lynette

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You still haven't told us what the rest of the dream was, but maybe that

isn't important since you feel that you have the meaning of it now.

Oh I'm sorry, thought I did...

we were in a room with all glass, very clinical.. there was an

atmosphere of fear in the room... Tension, radiating from all the

family members... But what was important, and whyI remembered it

foremost, was my mother telling me something... I remembered what she

told me later, and that I do reserve for myself.... And that blanket

of peace or awareness.... descended as a grayness, I remember

thinking, its clouded...but felt peaceful.

The process of remembering the fullness of the dream helped to explain the message.

Thanks, Love, Lynette

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When my mother was near death, she needed help, and I went to live with her

and take care of her. We thought she would die soon, though it wasn't

certain. I think maybe it was because she enjoyed so much our being

together again that she lived almost four years more. And we had a

wonderful four years!

That is wonderful =) It would be difficult for me to do that

though... I still have 3 children at home, but she is welcome to come

here, if she wished.. Which she wouldnt... She loves her solitude. At

least I am only 15 minutes from her home. Lynette

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Hi Lynette,

>>Sounds like you didn't tell the entire dream. I went back and read it

>>again... can't see "other people" except for your mother... or fear...

>>or anything relating to death. Was there more to the dream?


> I did not remember all of the dream, until I asked for revelation, and

>the dream came back in full picture...


You still haven't told us what the rest of the dream was, but maybe that

isn't important since you feel that you have the meaning of it now.

>My mother's best friend died yesterday.... I went back to my meditating

>and asked again, if I had misinterpreted, or misunderstood.. The voice is

>the same.. Stating, this is the beginning of your mother's decline..And

>to have faith.. The spirit seeks to test us, and nothing is written in

>stone. I will be sure to spend as much time with my mother this summer.

>She and I are on very good friendship terms.. Nothing we need to settle,

>or forgive... I love her...


It's good to hear of such a relationship.

>But I know how her body is failing, and I wish for her to feel youthful

>again.. My mother is only 57, but she has had 3 heartattacks, and has had

>to live a very restricted life for the past 10 years..


And it's good that, if it is her time, you won't be trying to hold her back.


But remember what you wrote: "The spirit seeks to test us, and nothing is

written in stone." If you love her and enjoy being with her, live each

moment with her as fully as if she were to go the next day, then you will

have wonderful hours and days together... no matter how long she lives.


When my mother was near death, she needed help, and I went to live with her

and take care of her. We thought she would die soon, though it wasn't

certain. I think maybe it was because she enjoyed so much our being

together again that she lived almost four years more. And we had a

wonderful four years!


I wish you as much joy with your mother as I had with mine. :)




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Hi Dharma,


You wrote::

> Seems to me you're saying that you're working on the astral (2d) plane,

> pushing back the limits of your unconscious so that more will be available

> to your conscious focus. Is that it?


I'll concede.

I used to use symbology like what you call the astral plane. It comes from a

very helpful paradigm. I went through a period of experiences though, after

which I never happened to use that terminology anymore, ... curious. Thanks

for reminding me. So yes, the way you say it, the way you understand...



Two words I would like to take out though: the two"your"s in front of


You see, consciousness is not something we own, it is something we share...

*when we know each other together... con+sciere (Latin), con =with,



In our limiting Western psychology, consciousness became such a 'just me'



Love you,


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.. She always used to say,

whenever something unfortunate happened, that there must be a reason, and

sooner or later we would see it. Well, if it hadn't been for my illness, I

would have missed out on those wonderful four years. If I'd been in the

middle of a career job, I'd never have thought I could just drop everything

and go. :)

Yes, I totally agree... There is good in every situation...Things worked out wonderfully =)

Love, Lynette

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Hi Lynette,

>>When my mother was near death, she needed help, and I went to live with

>>her and take care of her. We thought she would die soon, though it

>>wasn't certain. I think maybe it was because she enjoyed so much our

>>being together again that she lived almost four years more. And we had a

>>wonderful four years!


> That is wonderful =) It would be difficult for me to do that though...

>I still have 3 children at home, but she is welcome to come here, if she

>wished.. Which she wouldnt... She loves her solitude. At least I am only

>15 minutes from her home.


You are so fortunate to be that close to her! I had lived far away for

many years and was able to see her only once or at most twice a year.


When this happened, my children were grown and I was divorced and living

alone. I had retired early because of a chronic illness, but already I was

better and thought I could take care of her. She always used to say,

whenever something unfortunate happened, that there must be a reason, and

sooner or later we would see it. Well, if it hadn't been for my illness, I

would have missed out on those wonderful four years. If I'd been in the

middle of a career job, I'd never have thought I could just drop everything

and go. :)




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Another story about dream


2 months ago, my mother who is 85 was about dying

floating nearly all the time in the world of illusion

one morning she told me that Dr. Ridvan have made

2 surgeries in her ombilic and

sent her back home

(in the reality there is no Dr Ridvan in our lives )

When I looked in the turkish dictionnary

''Ridvan'' has 2 meanings :

1. the name given to the Angel

keeping the door of the Paradise (=heaven)

2. meaning of letting go


Since that day she started to recover and I am on the process of moving her

near my home


with love - Perins

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Hi Perins,


Welcome, and thanks for the wonderful story!

>2 months ago, my mother who is 85 was about dying

>floating nearly all the time in the world of illusion

>one morning she told me that Dr. Ridvan have made

>2 surgeries in her ombilic and

>sent her back home

>(in the reality there is no Dr Ridvan in our lives )

>When I looked in the turkish dictionnary

>''Ridvan'' has 2 meanings :

>1. the name given to the Angel

>keeping the door of the Paradise (=heaven)

>2. meaning of letting go


>Since that day she started to recover and I am on the process of moving her

>near my home


This reminds me of when my mother-in-law was in the hospital and near

death. She was seeing the people in the room and also others who were not

incarnate. She complained to Bob, my ex, that it was hard to tell the

difference, whether someone was still in this life or not.


She did tell him that a cousin had died and was on the other side... a

couple of weeks later he found out that the cousin had indeed died.


After about a month of this, she recovered and lived for years longer.




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