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[NDS] The Only Knowing

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Master Harsha.....


white wolfe has found all that you say below to be true in his heart and

mind....your statement is harmonious with my own vision of reality...we are

all children of the beloved and called to love first ourselves, then another

and then all creatures...in my poetry i attempt to continuously seek out new

ways to express the infinite beauty and variety of ways in which the Godhead

manifests itself in this playground we call the world....as you know....you

have nurtured and held one of these particular flowers in your Satsangha as

she and i wandered about looking for the particular manifestation of the

beloved that was the one who would allow us to truly experience the true

non-duality of higher love in each other's eyes...for this alone white wolfe

will always be deeply grateful to you....^^~~~~




white wolfe



Harsha <harsha-hkl



Saturday, March 31, 2001 6:49 AM

[NDS] The Only Knowing


> I want to thank you all for the beauty of your presence (at NDS and HS)


> welcome the new members who have recently joined . Welcome

> back to Dharma , Lobster, and Joyce Short.


> is an eclectic Satsangha open to all religions and faiths


> paths in the yogic and meditative traditions and those that lie outside


> traditions. It is a spiritual fellowship that is nurtured in an


> of mutual respect, amity, and good will. The Sangha has the blessings of


> Sage of Arunachala, Sri Ramana Maharshi, who guided me and by whose

> instruction and Grace I saw the Truth of the Heart as Pure Seeing, Pure

> Being, and the Emptiness that by its very Nature is always full, always

> full, and never overflowing, there being no boundaries to overflow past.


> For the last 24 years, other than Chitrabhanuji, who is also my friend, I

> have had no inclinations to visit any gurus or learn some special


> etc. Sometimes when we look at the gurus and the wise men and the clever

> language games that are played by others, we see that many such people are

> struggling with their own issues, their own problems. It is enough if they

> can help themselves.


> On this path, the pathless path, one is essentially alone. Until One

> Realizes the Beauty and Wonder of this Alone-ness, the Wholeness of it,


> All-Oneness of It, it is nice to be in the company of good people.


> means the company of Truth, or the good people who have Known the Truth

> Directly.


> Satsangha can also be with good books. I loved those "Books of Secrets"


> were flowing from Rajneesh (Osho later) in the 1970s for their humor,

> insight, brilliance, and outrageousness.


> For me ultimately, the "Talks" with Ramana Maharshi provided the Grace and

> served as a wonderful companion. Many people find Ramana's teaching

> repetitive and even boring. But It was the only thing that attracted me


> what I stayed with always. Once you have looked into the Heart and found


> Heart looking at you as You, One can never look away. One is the Heart!


> Eye behind the I AM.


> As the spring begins, I wish you all well and may everyone find the spark


> love that becomes the fire of devotion for the Lord of the Heart. The

> Upanishads beautifully declare, "Know That by which all else is known."


> Self Knowledge is the Only Knowing.


> Love to all

> Harsha

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