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>>>Sometimes the mother stands for your high self or spiritual guru... the

>>>Great Mother. In Jungian terms, a symbol of the Self, the new center

>>>that forms on the boundary between conscious and unconscious, able to see

>>>in either direction.


>> I will keep that in mind over the next few months.... I asked for

>>revelation on the dream, and then remembered the underlying fear that was

>>present in the dream... The fear was not mine, but radiating from the

>>other people in the dream... (perhaps was a portion of mine, and was what

>>was released) It was a death premonition dream...


I was once taught an excellent way of "working" with dreams. One usually

awakens out of the dream with, if not the memory of the whole of it, at

least an impression of the major bits, a major character. So, If I were to

have a dream about my mother in any form taken in any dream, then I would

begin a dialogue. One can do this simply by writing rather a stream of

consciousness. Or by placing two chairs close together. Then In one chair

is "mother" or whatever was the dominant character in the dream, obviously

that chair is empty but this works and one places oneself in the other

chair. Then one begins to talk directly to "mother" in that empty

chair...at a certain point one gets up and, having listened carefully to the

dialogue, begins then to talk AS the mother back to say the daughter...and

then this goes and then exchange places again. Eventually, one comes up

with what is called a complete gestalt -some insight into the situation.

If one stays external, using analysis of symbols, one never gets through

the intitial layer of the dream. Universal symbols are usually only a

starting point and what one symbol means to one, it may mean something else

to another at any point in time.. One could dream of a wolf and then begin

to talk with this wolf and at a certain point change places. One can even

dialogue with things like joy or fear. When there are many elements in a

dream that one remembers, just begin with the element that seems to have the

greatest neumenal quality, it stands out, it is what most attracts one's



If you can do this by writing - set up two elements having a dialogue and

allow this to just flow without inhibition no matter how crazy or strange it

may seem - one ends up again, with a working out of whatever one's conscious

mind couldnt handle at the time, plus all sorts of other amazing bits that

one didn't know one even knew. Don't just use dreams from sleep, use all of

ones relationship with other this way, most especially our waking dreams

which we do all the time. If one is working with a situation where there

feels to be an intense emotional charge, perhaps a close friend can quietly

watch the process and then point out where one is avoiding.


Most authentic creative work comes from this kind of intimate

interiorization. Very enriching.



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Most authentic creative work comes from this kind of intimate

interiorization. Very enriching.

Yes, Joyce... I do this handwriting technique, or exercize, almost

daily. It doesnt just work with dreams, but also with memories, and

other things you are trying to sort out... I find that it is most

often, the Beloved speaking to me at these times, revealing what it

wishes for me to know or remember. Love, Lynette

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