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I agree with everything that Gloria said below and thank you others for your

wise words.


Little busy today and cannot write much.


This is a wonderful fellowship of beautiful people.


Of course being an internet based list discussion, it has its limitations.

It cannot replace immediacy of physical presence and help of others when it

is needed.


It is important for many people to seek face to face fellowship with

spiritual or religious centers in their area.


Perhaps there is no substitute for someone holding a person's hand when one

is feeling badly and hugging them and comforting them. Gloria has a degree

in counseling and I have heard that for many that is a healing process.


Can't think of all names but maybe Wim, Mira, Mark (WW), Greg, Linda,

Lynette, Gloria, Amanda, Bruce, and others can share in this.


What is your experience of internet based fellowship versus one in "real



Love to all




Dear Mark,

>From what little I know of Harsha's intentions, and it isn't all that

much...there is no need to hold back sharing your own experiences or

feelings about yourself, however negative or painful they may seem to you or

others. Many have shared their own hearts and this tends most often to open

the hearts of others who hear such honest sharing. Life may be full of

difficulties and suffering and we need not pretend otherwise. Rather than

generate negative experiences in others, these sort of confessions more

often generate compassion.


A sangha is meant to be a place of sanctuary, a place where one may expect

kindness rather than attacks. We are here to share on another's burdens and

sorrows (tho hopefully not to add to them)and not to pretend all is a bed of

roses. For example, if Michael would say that hearing the term 'beloved'

serves his own sense of separation and is a concept that disturbs him...

there is no presumption that Mark (WW) feels the same way or has this

problem. I'm sure you must be familiar with this concept from psychology of

making "I" statements rather than judgemental "you" statements. Spiritually,

it is rather commonly known that most "you" statements actually are "I"

statements, in the sense that what problems and failings we tend to see in

others is often just as much a reflection of how we are ourselves or how we

see things. Spiritual joy embraces and is deeper than any mood of depression

or sorrow, it can allow others to feel and be however they are at the

moment, without requiring any change of them.


If we truly wish to communicate with another person, respecting them and

observing basic kindness would seem a good start.


What does a negative aspiration mean to you? perhaps I do not understand

what you are asking about?



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Perhaps there is no substitute for someone holding a person's hand when one

is feeling badly and hugging them and comforting them. Gloria has a degree

in counseling and I have heard that for many that is a healing process.

Can't think of all names but maybe Wim, Mira, Mark (WW), Greg, Linda,

Lynette, Gloria, Amanda, Bruce, and others can share in this.

What is your experience of internet based fellowship versus one in "real


I have found that internet relationships are as intensely related as

"real life"... They can even be more so on some levels..... In real

life we tend to hide behind our masques, for fear of the human

contact, where on the internet, we have the freedom of obscurity

behind our screens... We can share so much more of our intimate lives

then we would normally do in "real life"

.... I feel that without the internet I would never have found truth...

I live in a very highly christian religious area... Nobody I know

believes as I do in "real life" where would I go, if not here? yes,

a hug is nice to have, and someone hold your hand... But......the

beloved can provide that... I am blessed to have a husband that will

do this for me when I need, and do feel that human contact in the

flesh is very important to the human development, and the mental well

being.... But feel free to open up and share online.... We are here to

embrace with cyber /mental/ spiritual connections, which can be more

profound in alot of ways than a physical touch...

Love to all,


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Dear Harsha,


You asked:

> What is your experience of internet based fellowship versus one in "real

> life."


It is as 'real' as anything. Of course physical togetherness is very

important and fun and seems more real. But the physical has similar or

equivalent impediments and drawbacks as email or any other form of



When we use communication to NOT communicate it does not matter wherther you

touch or type...


Human relationship is all about 'making do' until one falls in love and

stays there, the unconditional human / divine condition.




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Hello Harsha:

As you may remember I found the "internet based fellowship" after the

"real life fellowship" disintegrated into flames. While for some

there may be a perceived lack due to not having face to face, touch

to touch or voice to voice contact, for my own experience there has

been not only growth but a feeing of community and understanding

along with the dynamics of discord that exists within any human

group. I'm at a place in my life where I live surrounded by people

that are very needy and do not share the perspective on life that I

have so there is little opportunity for discussion on anything but

their head meds and latest crisis....this internet sangha is a

blessing for me as I am constantly aware that there are others with

whom I do share a bond and a reminder that I am not alone. An added

bonus has been the introduction to Ramana Maharshi...with all of the

intense training that I received in yoga and philosophy I was never

introduced to Ramana's work and for me the gift of his work has been




>Perhaps there is no substitute for someone holding a person's hand

when one >is feeling badly and hugging them and comforting them.

Gloria has a degree >in counseling and I have heard that for many

that is a healing process. >Can't think of all names but maybe Wim,

Mira, Mark (WW), Greg, Linda, >Lynette, Gloria, Amanda, Bruce, and

others can share in this. >What is your experience of internet based

fellowship versus one in "real >life."

/joinAll paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.To from this list, go to

the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on

the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.Your use of is

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Dear Wm:


I love this statement....print, save.




> Human relationship is all about 'making do' until one falls in love and

> stays there, the unconditional human / divine condition.


> Love,

> \/\///\/\



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