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why you aren't enlightened

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, "Gill Collingwood" <gill@n...> wrote:

> Thanks, Michael... that explains a lot. <sigh>

> gill

> (just kidding!)



Enlightenment is not a question about self blame and who deserves

what or personal effort.


A sense of longing pervades even the most negative expressions of

moodiness and acting out (maybe with the exception of Mr. Read, who

now knows everything), but longing and cultivation of such isn't

fashionable in modern society, so most ppl stop just short at the

sensation and never venture into it or its results.


There is value in the human struggle and when the experience comes to

a right moment, the perspective will shift by itself. No kind of

blathering, blaming, sex magicking or preaching will do the trick. I

say longing is underrated. :)






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mumblecat wrote:


> , "Gill Collingwood" <gill@n...> wrote:


> > Thanks, Michael... that explains a lot. <sigh>

> > gill

> > (just kidding!)



> Enlightenment is not a question about self blame and who deserves

> what or personal effort.




> A sense of longing pervades even the most negative expressions of

> moodiness and acting out (maybe with the exception of Mr. Read, who

> now knows everything), but longing and cultivation of such isn't

> fashionable in modern society, so most ppl stop just short at the

> sensation and never venture into it or its results.



I know nothing! Nothing! Well, except for one thing: life is so good

it is beyond concepts like good.

> There is value in the human struggle and when the experience comes

to a right moment, the perspective will shift by itself. No kind of

> blathering, blaming, sex magicking or preaching will do the trick. I

> say longing is underrated. :)



> Love,


> Amanda.


I totally agree with everything you say Amanda and at the same time

totally disagree with everything you say Amanda.


Yah, the other day it may have seemed that there was somebody on a

tirade about all this realization/awakening/enlightenment stuff. Now,

if anyone was upset about it or had a 'strong' reaction to those

words, why? Just look at it.


Christ on a crutch! I have suffered as deeply and as sincerely as

anyone else. This one was raped, beaten, spat upon, starved,

neglected, cursed (by my own mom), and lots of other mean nasty and

ugly shit happened.


Also, a lot of beautiful wonderful and amazingly incredible stuff

happed to 'me'.


When IT happened (oh, god how i longed for it) - but nope! Ain't

agoin' to tell you what happened. Suffer and whine and cry all you

(no - this is not a response to 'Amanda') need to. Grace is simply the

universes way of saying, "Oh hush now you big baby! It's ok! I really

do love and have everything under control."


Well, kiddies, life is good (even when it sucks).


No you,

No me,

No understanding,

No end of understanding.


Smiling quietly (some call me a smug smart ass)!




Peace - surrender all concepts - Michael

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, "Michael Read" <maread@i...> wrote:

> Christ on a crutch! I have suffered as deeply and as sincerely as

> anyone else. This one was raped, beaten, spat upon, starved,

> neglected, cursed (by my own mom), and lots of other mean nasty and

> ugly shit happened.



Oh yeah, I forgot those things were part of your story.






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Amanda, did you intend to sound dismissive?

Because that's how it reads to me... and it's not like you.



Michael Read:

> > Christ on a crutch! I have suffered as deeply and as sincerely as

> > anyone else. This one was raped, beaten, spat upon, starved,

> > neglected, cursed (by my own mom), and lots of other mean nasty and

> > ugly shit happened.



> Oh yeah, I forgot those things were part of your story.

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"Gill Collingwood" wrote:

> Amanda, did you intend to sound dismissive?

> Because that's how it reads to me... and it's not like you.

> gill



No problems, Gill.

> Michael Read:

Christ on a crutch! I have suffered as deeply and as sincerely

as anyone else. This one was raped, beaten, spat upon, starved,

neglected, cursed (by my own mom), and lots of other mean nasty

and ugly shit happened.


> Amanda:

> > Oh yeah, I forgot those things were part of your story.


The thing is - it's just story. Just drama. One life's tale told out

of billions of possible stories being played upon the screen of the


>From similar sets of circumstances one character turns to the universe

with a burning desire to know why. Another character turns into a

serial killer. Who or what is playing the roles of these characters?


Find out! Develope an attitude of openmindedness and willingness and



It is not just the facination with material riches that keep us

deluded. What is more precious to us than gold, more binding than

chains? What has caused more human suffering than anything else?


Find out! And if you find where your true riches are, become willing

to let them go.


There is truly a peace that passes all understanding.


Loveya - Michael

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On 9 Apr 01, at 15:03, Michael Read wrote:

> No problems, Gill.


Thanks, Michael... I realised after I sent it that that was as much

about *my* buttons being pushed as it was about anything else...


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"Gill Collingwood" wrote:

> On 9 Apr 01, at 15:03, Michael Read wrote:


> > No problems, Gill.


> Thanks, Michael... I realised after I sent it that that was as much

> about *my* buttons being pushed as it was about anything else...

> gill


Yesterday I got to meet a kind of person that I had only seen



This person was full of life. Full of curiosity. This person was

totally natural. Natural and comfortable in her own skin. A person

without concepts or beliefs.


She had bright intelligent eyes and an open mind.


I met this person in the parking lot of a nearby store. As I took the

shopping cart to the cart rack she called out to me from the window of

a car. As I passed by on the way back to my car she held out her hand

and softly called to me again. I stopped and said hello. I asked the

man in the car with her if it was ok and he replied that it was up to



I held out my hand and she gently touched the back of it with her

lips. Then she sat back and regared me with most honest open

expression one would ever hope to see.


This person was a young chimpanzee! How beautiful she was!


Ah well, probably shouldn't have told this story. ;-)


Some may go off with posts about animal nature versus human nature.

(it's just nature)

Some may think that it was just the way I chose to see it.

(i'll agree with them cause i know everything)

Some may think the story pointless and without merit.

(no doubt about that! it was/is)

Some may think that I am comparing people to monkeys.

(oh, it's much worse than that! :-))



No you.

No me.

No god in heaven.

Joy abounds!




Peace - Michael

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Ah well, probably shouldn't have told this story. ;-)>>

Dear Michael,

I am awfully glad you did. The only thing you get from me is a smile. :o)

love, beth

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I will try that with women :


act like a chimpanzee... :




Thanks Michael, this is an idea ;-))) !


And then propose my hand in an honest, green, fresh and

naïve way ;-))) !


Greetings from France,


Froggy Jacques (chimpanzee sophomore)





Jacques De Schryver et Linda Steven




Site de Linda : http://www.multimania.com/lsteven

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, "Gill Collingwood" <gill@n...> wrote:

> Amanda, did you intend to sound dismissive?

> Because that's how it reads to me... and it's not like you.

> gill


Nah, I'm just being my usual dismissive self. :)




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>> Gill:

>> Amanda, did you intend to sound dismissive?

>> Because that's how it reads to me... and it's not like you.

>> gill


> Amanda:

>Nah, I'm just being my usual dismissive self. :)


Amanda, you kill me! :))) It's so good to be back and read your posts

again. :)




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, Dharma <deva@L...> wrote:

> Amanda, you kill me! :))) It's so good to be back and read your

>posts again. :)


Hey Dharma ! :)


How are you ?


Doing well in LA together with Matt I hope.


Never mind me, I have been a bit short tempered of late. I blame the

Aries sun and Scorpio moon, heh heh heh.






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Hi Amanda,

>Hey Dharma ! :)


>How are you ?


Pretty good. :)) Just doing a lot of clearing old junk and rearranging

things in my new apartment, as well as a new list site for my students, as

well as my bodies. :)))

>Doing well in LA together with Matt I hope.


I'm near Matt but in a separate apartment... I'm actually in Mar Vista,

near enough to the ocean to get a whiff of that sea air... and go down to

the beach any time. :)

>Never mind me, I have been a bit short tempered of late. I blame the

>Aries sun and Scorpio moon, heh heh heh.


Maybe that's my problem, with my Scorpio sun and Aries moon, heh heh heh.




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Hi Lynette,

>>Maybe that's my problem, with my Scorpio sun and Aries moon, heh heh heh.


> explain?


Just joking about "my problem." :)))


If you're asking about the astrology, when we say Amanda's an Aries or I'm

a Scorpio, that just means what sign the Sun was in when we were born. A

horoscope shows much more than that... it's a map of the solar system,

sometimes showing stars too, at the time of birth and the place of birth

(longitude and latitude).


So instead of just saying I'm a Scorpio, it gives a fuller picture if I say

that my Moon is in Aries. It shows even more if I say that my Ascendant

(what was rising in the East when I was born) is Virgo, and I have Mars and

Neptune conjunct (together) in the 1st house (Virgo). There's more, but

that's probably already more than you wanted to know. :)




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So instead of just saying I'm a Scorpio, it gives a fuller picture if I say

that my Moon is in Aries. It shows even more if I say that my Ascendant

(what was rising in the East when I was born) is Virgo, and I have Mars and

Neptune conjunct (together) in the 1st house (Virgo). There's more, but

that's probably already more than you wanted to know. :)

LOL... ok.... You know we do choose what sign we are born under... =) I am also scorpio btw...


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Hi Lynette,

> LOL... ok.... You know we do choose what sign we are born under... =) I

>am also scorpio btw...


Rah, rah! Let's hear it for Scorpios!! :)



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Hi Lynette,

> LOL... ok.... You know we do choose what sign we are born under...

=) I

>am also scorpio btw...


Rah, rah! Let's hear it for Scorpios!! :)





Is it any wonder with the title of this thread?



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