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nisarga [nisarga]


There is nobody to be enlightened so the question is moot.


However, I feel that there is awakening which I describe as

understanding ones basic nature. The most significant aspect of this

understanding is that 'you can never know who/what you are - you can

only be it'.


$$$$$$ - Well said James. One does not know one's Self as an object of

knowledge as there is no "you" to know. Some sages (Advaita-Vedanta) do not

make a distinction between Being and Knowledge. The nature of Being Is

Knowledge. The Nature of Awareness Is to Be Aware. The Nature of Existence

Is Existence. Being-Awareness-Existence are same. When one finds one, one

finds that these three are One.



Awakening is relatively simply, living the understanding is

very challenging because 'being' nobody means the 'death' of the





$$$$$ - James, it seems that living in general can be challenging whether

someone has the so called "understanding" or not. Why do you say living the

"understanding" is challenging? Is it more challenging than living the

"non-understanding." How does one live the understanding? What is meant by

challenging? Can you give an example? Would "Being" care about being nobody

and how that means the death of the I-entity and trying to reflect that in

living life and stuff like that? Just curious to know your perspective.


By the way that poem by Anne Morrow Lindbergh is beautiful!





Already I have shed the leaves of youth,

Stripped by the wind of time down to the truth

Of winter branches. Liner & alone

I stand, a lens for lives beyond my own,

A frame through which another's fire may glow,

A harp on which another's passions blow.


The pattern of my boughs, an open chart

Spread on the sky to others may impart

Its leafless mysteries that once I prized,

Before bare roots and branches equalized;

Tendrils that tap the rain & twigs the sun

Are all the same; shadow & substance one.

Now that my vulnerable leaves are cast aside,

There's nothing left to shield, nothing to hide.


Blow through me, Life, pared down at last to bone,

So fragile & so Fearless have I grown!


Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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