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Fw: SpiritualAlchemy Vibratory Emanations of Humanity

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What is this collective vibration?








Tuesday, April 17, 2001 12:29 AM

SpiritualAlchemy Vibratory Emanations of Humanity



This planet is in the throws of vibrational shift. Do you feel it?

Is there a palpable sense that permeates your being, and which is

informing your very cells that the status quo within our bodies, as

well as upon the body of the Mother Earth, is completely

unsustainable? Is there a pronounced urgency within you that

proclaims that this sphere and all life upon it is in the process of a

radical and unprecedented metamorphosis? Do you look around yourself

and see a world that reflects the pure illusions of the samsaric wheel

of the dualities? Do you perceive that what appears to the five human

senses as a solid and convincing reality is in fact, simply a

magnificent and beguiling illusion?...a brilliantly crafted hologram,

which is a projection of the collective emanation of the

consciousness of 6 billion human beings?


What sort of world have we created for ourselves through our

collective thoughts? And how does this world we have created reflect

the emotions that we collectively emanate?


What is the one emotion that is generated by the vast majority of the

collective of 6 billion human beings?


If you were an advanced being, an interstellar traveller...if you were

a being who had transcended the material plane and existed in a realm

that vibrated beyond time and space...if you had perceptive abilities

that extended beyond the limited spectrum afforded by a human's sense

organs of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell, and if you were able

to attune instead to resonant frequencies of vibratory emanation....

what would be the prevailing energetic emanation that would be

generated by the beings who inhabit this little blue orb spinning

through space??


Before you answer, take a moment. Close your eyes. Then take an

imaginary trip in your mind's eye...travel around the country where

you live...then move outside of your country...fly over the cities

....fly over the factories, the highways, the buildings...go

completely around the Earth and fly over every place on Gaia's body

where mankind makes his presence felt....feel what emanates from the

people who inhabit these places...sense the overwhelming vibratory

quality associated with the people who dwell upon the body of this

planet...is there a common vibration?....what is the call that

emanates from our collective heart/mind..... be completely honest

about just what it is that you sense from the collective emanations of

our species....


What is this collective vibration?




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Hi Antoine!

>What is this collective vibration?




>This planet is in the throws of vibrational shift. Do you feel it?

>Is there a palpable sense that permeates your being, and which is

>informing your very cells that the status quo within our bodies, as

>well as upon the body of the Mother Earth, is completely

>unsustainable? Is there a pronounced urgency within you that


Maybe his Kundalini is waking up... That'll shift his vibrations. :)


>What is the one emotion that is generated by the vast majority of the

>collective of 6 billion human beings?


>If you were an advanced being, an interstellar traveller...if you were


>what would be the prevailing energetic emanation that would be

>generated by the beings who inhabit this little blue orb spinning

>through space??


Is it a quiz? Is there a prize?


>what is the call that

>emanates from our collective heart/mind..... be completely honest

>about just what it is that you sense from the collective emanations of

>our species....


>What is this collective vibration?


"Gimme some more"??


"Chocolate, please"???




"Did I win?" ???


"Is that all there is?" ???

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