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would you share the method, please?

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Hi Dharma,


I would love to learn about this. (suffering some difficulties of blocks

myself these days)


learning an excellent method of clearing blocks (whatever is

impeding the flow of energy in the bodies),


Love, Mark

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Hi Mark,

>>learning an excellent method of clearing blocks (whatever is

impeding the flow of energy in the bodies),


>I would love to learn about this. (suffering some difficulties of blocks

>myself these days)


What I learned at that time was in a weekend workshop given by my friend

Lynea Weatherly in San Antonio. The workshop was called Illume-a-Nation,

and the material I have is in a booklet that came with the workshop.


At that time Lynea was making a living doing healing work in private

sessions and teaching various courses in healing, and her material is

copyrighted. Those who took the course were given permission to teach the

methods to friends and family, but not to charge money for it, not to claim

to be certified teachers, and not to reproduce the book.


So I'm very sorry, but I can't share the course work. If you were living

near me, I could teach it to you, but I can't reproduce the book and send

it out, and teach people over the net.


Lynea did give permission for me to share the Illume-a-Nation work with the

people on KCFS, realizing that these people are ill and probably couldn't

travel and pay for a workshop. I completed the work to teach her course,

except for the final step of teaching it once under her supervision, so I

feel fine about teaching it. But that list is limited to people who have

both active Kundalini and CFS/ME.


The only page that I can legally share is the one giving hand positions for

clearing emotions, and I think I posted that recently here. If you don't

have it, I can send it.


The main work in the course is learning to find and clear what Lynea calls

our Limiting Decisions (LDs), the decisions or beliefs that we acquire very

early in life and that determine what we can and cannot do in the rest of

our life. Script material, in Eric Berne's terms. These LDs are held in

the unconscious and we generally know nothing about them. Sometimes they

seem to make no sense at all to our adult conscious minds, but they were

formed very early, even sometimes before birth. Lynea says they are stored

in our cells.


Here's just a little from her book (don't think she'd mind me posting this

much, as an intro):

>We are the Master Creator of the illusions we live, unaware of our

>creative abilities, believing that life happens to us instead of because

>of us. We are always an actor or actress in somebody's play. The act of

>mastery comes when we consciously manifest the plays we choose to

>participate in. It is the purpose of Illume-A-Nation to teach you how to

>uncover limiting decisions and emotional imprints, erase them from your

>cellular patterns and unfold your hidden potential.


>Limiting Decisions are hidden imprints within our cellular memory that

>cause our life to be the way we are experiencing it when it is NOT what we

>want our life or ourselves to be like. They are the unknown written script

>of our life.


>Whatever you are experiencing in your life that is not what your heart

>wants is a limiting decision. For instance, you are a peace-loving person

>who works very hard, but still wealth eludes you. You find an L.D.:

>"Money causes fights, and since you want harmony, you must avoid money."


Lynea says this is all huna, the Hawaiian way. But I have never seen such

a good method of finding the LDs anywhere else. She teaches muscle-testing

as a way to communicate with the body and the subconscious, which is

running the body. And she has a marvelous way of finding the exact LDs.

That's the hard job... clearing them is easy, one you know what they are.


A couple of years ago Lynea was teaching her workshop in San Antonio and

Los Angeles. And she said that if anyone could guarantee at least 13

paying people signed up for a workshop, she or a teacher would fly wherever

you are to teach it. (She does give some scholarships, but needs a minimum

of paying people.)


But the last time I talked to her, about a year ago, she said she was no

longer teaching the weekend workshop. She said she had realized that she

could teach it to small groups in an evening, and that's what she was doing.


You could contact her if you want to:


Lynea Weatherly

The Illume-A-Nation Institute

407 Ira Avenue

San Antonio TX 78209

(210) 829-4251

Fax (210) 829-1525



But I will email her, and if that doesn't bring a quick result, I'll call

her this weekend. I'll find out whether she's now giving the workshop, and

if there's any way I can share her methods. I urged her to put her stuff

on the net, but I doubt if she's done it.


Aside from that, the best method I can offer for clearing is giving the

blocks, whatever they may be, to God or Goddess. The first time I did

that, years ago, my husband and I were really working to make a new start

in our marriage, but I found I had so much anger from earlier years that it

was in the way. And I didn't know what to do about it! Couldn't seem to

get rid of it. Finally one night I talked to God and just told him the

problem and asked him if he would please take the anger out of me. For a

moment it felt like fire in my head, and after that I found the anger was

really gone. :)


I've found other people have used the same method. Here is a formulation

of it that comes mostly from Angelique Serpent.



Here's the easiest method I know for getting rid of any kind of karmic

stuff. This formulation of it comes from Angelique Serpent: quotes are from

her. The violet and white light part comes from Lynea Weatherly.


When you are aware of anything karmic... emotions such as fear or anger...

mixed-up thinking... prejudice... old limiting decisions... sense it as

clearly as you can... grab onto it... and give it to God... or Goddess.. or

use any name or word you like.

>Give it to Goddess. Just say, "Here Goddess, please take this from me, it

>is a gift for You. It's Yours. Thank you." Goddess provides. Feel it

>flowing out your head. (usually.. but sometimes out your feet, and

>sometimes burning up in heart chakra alchemy.)


>There is usually a collection of supporting thoughts and

considerations around it/connected to it, give them to Goddess, as well..


Just say, "And I give you any other karmic stuff that is connected to this,

that has any ties to it. It is a gift. Please take it

from me. Thank you."

>I like to do an extra cleanup, by clearing it throughout the hologram..

>Ask for it to be transmuted totally in all dimensions, realities, levels,

>reflections, etc.. throughout the entire multidimensional universe of All

>that Is, in top-down fashion from point of origin. This causes it to

>transmute from its origin in the past, forward thru time like dominos



Just say, "And I give it to you throughout the hologram, in all dimensions,

on all planes, in all times, in all lives... from the point of origin

outward... It is a gift for you. Please take it from me. Thank you."


Then ask for her violet light to clean out any remaining stuff... and the

white light to fill the spaces... Just say, "Please give me your violet

fire to burn up any remaining bits of this karmic stuff... even from every

cell of the physical body... And your white light to fill up all the

spaces. Thank you." You can visualize the violet light coming down through

your whole body and back up again... and then the white light. Lynea just

visualizes them as a spiral of violet and white light coming down through

and going back up again.


You don't have to be afraid of giving too much of yourself away. Whatever

you give to God/dess comes back to you multiplied and in an even better

form... The karmic stuff is NOT you, but if you are meant to have it a

while longer for some reason, it will be returned to you... you'll still

have it. Whatever you should have will be given back to you, but in an

improved form. :)) What is ready to go will be taken from you... and

returned in the form of energy. So as you keep giving to God/dess, you will

have more and more energy.


You can also use this method on an illness. Think of the energy of the

illness... you can think of it as an entity if you like... and give it to



You can use this method to help other people... you can give their karmic

stuff to God/dess... with their permission, of course. You just identify

with the other person... think "He and I are one"... and give the stuff to



You'll get energy back from doing that too... the more you give, the more

you heal others, the more energy you have.


Angelique wrote this to someone who was receiving very nasty mail from

another person:

>This is the key. The feeling is the fear which drives her aggressiveness..

>since she is sharing it with you, you are empowered to clear it. Clear it

>from yourself and it will lift from her, too..


In other words, if someone sends you an email and dumps a load of crap on

you, it's your crap. And you can clear it... give it to God/dess... you'll

feel fine and have more energy... and you'll actually have helped the

person who sent it. :)


You may come to where you're ready to give all of yourself to God/dess... I

found that a bit scary the first time... but I was still here afterward...

and in much better shape. I've caught on to something... whenever I don't

really know _what_ is causing my problem of the moment, I just give her

everything... :)



If you have active Kundalini, why don't you drop me a note? I know some

other methods, but it's probably better to take it off-line and not fill up

the list with it. :)


Hope this helps. :)




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