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The big secret syndrom (would you share the method, please?)

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I so much regret these attitudes, kind of 'this is a big



What is positive belongs to humanity.


Whatever I'll find, I'll give it away. I see no other state

of mind if one wishes to evolve. We belong to a specie

before being an individual. Do you image Christ or Buddha

saying 'This is a big secret', 'This method belongs to me !'

or anything similar ? Except in a comic film ?


No fear, no possession, no grabbing.


Greetings and love to all,


Froggy Jacques


nb : I do understand, Dharma, this is not your fault but

respect for (supposedly, allegedly, really ?) other people's




Jacques De Schryver et Linda Steven




Site de Linda : http://www.multimania.com/lsteven

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Hello Jacques,

>I so much regret these attitudes, kind of 'this is a big



You are mistaken about Lynea... perhaps I didn't express it well.


1) This tall, lanky, beautiful blond elf or fairy is a healer and teacher,

and in order to spend her time doing that, she charges for her sessions,

classes, and workshops. Her guides tell her this is all right, that there

should be an exchange of energies... and money is one kind of energy. No

one is turned away from her workshops. If you can't afford it, you can pay

a small amount and pay the rest in small monthly payments. Or you can

offer her something in barter... if you have a service to offer or

something you make, she will accept that instead of money. One woman who

took the workshop brings her a cake every so often... that was her

bartered service. Someone else might offer time and work in setting up for

the workshop, sitting at the door, and cleaning up afterward.


On completing the workshop, you receive a little violet graduate's card.

After that, you can go to the workshop as many times as you like... for

the whole weekend or for a few hours... just display your card and there

is no charge. At the workshops there are always graduates there or

dropping in to get more practice and find out what's new.


To be certified to teach the workshop, you must take it three times, and

then have one private session on teaching methods, and then teach the

weekend workshop once with Lynea there supervising. This way, she knows

that people who teach her workshop are able to do it. I was at one

workshop taught by a young man who really wasn't able to do it... he kept

rambling about odd things and getting mixed up about how to do something.

It became almost embarrassing for the people watching. Finally he was so

confused that Lynea suggested she take over for a while and help him out.

He didn't come back after the break, and she finished the weekend. As a

teacher, I can't object to her wanting qualified and capable people

teaching the course.


But graduates are encouraged to use what they have learned to help other

people, as well as themselves... and to teach the method to family and

friends. They are simply told not to claim to be certified teachers, not

to take money for sharing the method, and not to reproduce the course



2) Lynea says frankly that she has studied many methods and put together

what works well and easily. The course includes muscle-testing, which you

can learn from many people. And most of the course is huna, which you can

also learn from many sources. But her method of putting these various

things together is something that she has evolved over years of work.


The one page that is entirely Lynea's own... it was given by her guides...

is the page of hand positions for clearing the emotional body, and at the

bottom of that page it says:

" From The lllume-A-Nation Institute Copyright 1996 Lynea S. Weatherly

" This page may be reproduced to share with others wanting to learn these



3) The booklet is a workbook for a course, not a book that would stand

alone. To use what is on those pages would be difficult without being in a

workshop or having extensive help from a graduate or teacher. If I had

permission to give it all to you, I would have to post many pages... and

then we would have a long series of posts about how to use what is on them,

how to get information in a certain form, how to put it together so it

makes sense, etc., etc. Actually, it's probably too much to burden the

list with... it would probably need a separate list.


This is NOT as simple as handing out a mantra... this is complicated

stuff, most easily learned in person rather than through email.

>What is positive belongs to humanity.


>Whatever I'll find, I'll give it away. I see no other state

>of mind if one wishes to evolve. We belong to a specie

>before being an individual. Do you image Christ or Buddha

>saying 'This is a big secret', 'This method belongs to me !'

>or anything similar ? Except in a comic film ?


>No fear, no possession, no grabbing.


Then you advocate doing away with all copyright law and patent law? No

protection for inventors and originators to make money from what they do?

If they all have to go to work at something else, who will do the work of

invention and origination? Who will have time to find the next new method?



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