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Healing CFS

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Dear Friends,


Having been through CFS

including periodic paralysis from the neck down

I know that what can be done is initially limited.

Here is a HEALING visualisation to empower the subconscious



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No matter the current situation

healing is inevitable.

I was grateful for two hours of feeling reasonably OK

in a week.

I learnt everything I could,

applied everything I could.

Use religion, prayer, friends, diet, the internet (DIET and supplements

in particular OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT was for me the key

- you have to find yours)

You have to apply everything (one key solutions do not exist).

I would have made greater use of Mantra,

mind machines, hypnotic videos and magick

if going through this again.

Eventually I could meditate, exercise and eventually work

part time.

I got well because that was my intention.

I suggest your friend align with the Medicine Buddha

or a similar healing invocation.

Good Luck.


Be Well


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Lobster:

What you say makes great sense especially if the illness is k related

as one would have to move beyond the physical to heal. The Maha

Mrythunjaya mantra is extremely effective in illness one can even get

a tape of it and just let it play in the mind for times when one can

not get physically involved. Not too long ago a good friend of mine

who has a mentally ill daughter went through a really hard time

because her daughter relapsed and tried heroin. About a week before

the relapse I felt my friend needed to start chanting this mantra for

her daughter. After the relapse as the mental health professionals

were giving my friend all sorts of varying advise her daughter called

after only 7 days and begged to go back into treatment. While taking

her to the treatment center my friend continued to play the mantra in

the car her daughter (who generally complained of hearing mantra)

found it really comfortable and remarked how strange it was because

the mantra was playing in her own head.

Sometimes I think we overlook the advantages of mantra or simply do

not know how to work with them. However, as each letter of the

Sanskrit alphabet corresponds to a chakra petal which in turn

corresponds to specific physical location mantras can work really

well for healing and balance.



>I would have made greater use of Mantra,>mind machines, hypnotic

videos and magick>if going through this again.>Eventually I could

meditate, exercise and eventually work>part time.>I got well because

that was my intention.>I suggest your friend align with the Medicine

Buddha>or a similar healing invocation.>Good Luck.Be

WellLobster/joinAll paths

go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

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Hi Lobster,

>Having been through CFS

>including periodic paralysis from the neck down


Sounds like you had one of the worst cases!

>I know that what can be done is initially limited.

>Here is a HEALING visualisation to empower the subconscious



>no copyright ") may be freely deleted


I know you won't mind if I forward this post to the KCFS list. This looks

very helpful.

>I got well because that was my intention.


Especially because the visualization helps one to _want_ to get well. Some

people with CFS don't seem to really want that, and often, I can understand

it... sometimes they're thinking they'll have to go back to the rat-race,

back to a life-style they really don't want.


If there was one thing in Lynea's workshop that did it for me, it was

probably when, under her direction, I found that I had an LD that said I

couldn't have perfect health. I cleared it, and by the end of the weekend,

I was well.


Thanks for this!




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, Dharma <deva@L...> wrote:

> >I got well because that was my intention.


> Especially because the visualization helps one to _want_ to get

well. Some

> people with CFS don't seem to really want that, and often, I can


> it... sometimes they're thinking they'll have to go back to the


> back to a life-style they really don't want.



To those who have had experience with Kundalini related CSF,

is the above observation something you have seen many times ?


Is there often a resentment against a certain life style ?


(I'm not implying this is the underlying cause, I'm just wondering if

a subconscious wish or need to get away from the rat race for a while

could be the one factor of Kundalini related CSF).





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Hi Amanda,

>> >I got well because that was my intention.


>> Especially because the visualization helps one to _want_ to get

>well. Some

>> people with CFS don't seem to really want that, and often, I can


>> it... sometimes they're thinking they'll have to go back to the


>> back to a life-style they really don't want.



>To those who have had experience with Kundalini related CSF,


First let me say that I'm not aware of there being a "Kundalini-related

CSF" as distinct from CSF in general. It looks like there is a relation

between the two, but it isn't easy to say what... I've already given some

speculations on that.

>is the above observation something you have seen many times ?


In my judgment, yes. I want to be careful what I say because I don't want

to offend the very people I'm working with. But I might say that I've been

surprised about one thing... although I put Lynea's material in the files

on KCFS and talked about the method and what it did for me, no one has

asked me anything about using it and, as far as I know, no one is trying to

work with the method.


>Is there often a resentment against a certain life style ?


>(I'm not implying this is the underlying cause, I'm just wondering if

>a subconscious wish or need to get away from the rat race for a while

>could be the one factor of Kundalini related CSF).


I doubt that very much. It is too widespread an illness, probably an

epidemic if we knew the real figures, to ascribe to one cause. Children

get it, housewives get it... all sorts of people.


It's an interesting question, whether we get sick for a reason. Dr. Carl

Symonton, who has cured incurable cancer with a combination of radiation

and meditation, says in _Getting Well_ that it is important for the sick

person to ask himself what the illness is doing for him... what he is

gaining by being sick... and then find some way of having that even if he

is not sick.


Considering any one individual, it's always possible that some such

subconscious need is important... but how do we reconcile that with the

nature of an epidemic? In _Esoteric Healing_ DK relates the causes of

epidemic illnesses to group karma. An interesting concept?




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