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Medicine Buddha

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Medicine Buddha Practice


Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels (or whatever sign of Truth one is

comfortable with)


Developing bodhicitta: the inspiration and aspiration to produce the thought

of enlightenment for oneself and all sentient beings. May we all be free

from suffering and the cause of suffering.


"I desire to practice strong selfless compassion for others and I have

fervent and complete trust in Medicine Buddha sadhana."

>From the state of voidness before mind is interrupted by thought, I

visualize the syllable AH emerging in the space before me. AH represents

the state that is free from birth, exhaustion and concept; its nature is

sunyata or emptiness. The syllable AH then grows into the form of the

Medicine Buddha, the object of concentration.


The Medicine Buddha is radiant, translucent and blue in color. He sits

holding the myrobalan plant in the fingers of his right hand, which is

extended on his knee in the gesture of giving. His left hand rests in his

lap and holds a begging bowl filled with healing nectar. He is dressed in

the three monastic robes and sits in full lotus posture on a thousand

petalled lotus which itself sits upon a jeweled throne.


"I imagine the place where I am meditating as a Buddha-field. The whole

place is filled with rainbow lights and offering deities and goddesses who

hold objects of offerings -everything that is beautiful and pleasing to the

senses. I invite him to bestow blessings and I pray that he bestows his

healing power. Now I recite the mantra of medicine Buddha:




I recite this mantra as much as I can with one-pointed concentration and

devotion and with the intention that healing will occur.

>From the heart center of the Medicine Buddha where the mantra is spinning

clockwise, rays of light as bright as one hundred suns radiate out into

myself and others, dispelling disease and suffering and even the causes of

suffering. I visualize this way while reciting the mantra.


Afterwards I visualize myself and all beings dissolving into a state of

emptiness, peace and radiance. I rest in this state totally free from

thoughts and any concept of subject, object or action. This is the absolute

way of mingling with the state of the mind of Medicine Buddha.


When I re-emerge from this state, I see all thoughts as sharing the

intrinsic wisdom nature of Medicine Buddha's mind, I perceive all sounds as

his mantra and all forms as his manifestation, whatever they are.


I dedicate, I give away, any force of merit and good karma accrued from this

practice to the enlightenment of all beings without exception.


When concerned with the healing of specific people or animals mentally

visualize them receiving the light of Medicine Buddha and repeat the mantra

with them in mind. Send the light to any specific part of the body that

needs healing. Any medicines taken should be considered as nectar from

Medicine Buddha. If you are practicing medicine of any form, whether surgery

or massage, always consider that the Medicine Buddha is just above you

radiating great healing light and compassion to the patient. Always recite

the mantra either aloud or silently. Combining this form of mental and

spiritual practice with other forms of medicine will greatly enhance the

force of healing. Mind is the basis of all phenomena. Mind creates matter

and mind creates illness and wellness.


The most important part of this practice, the essence of all healing

practices, is to have strong selfless compassion for others and to have

complete confidence in the healing deity.


To sum up: in Tantric healing, we can say that it involves visualization of

the subtle body and control of subtle energy forces and essences. Through

purification and manipulation, the vital essence and the life forces

inherent in the airs flowing through the psychic channels and chakras are

transformed into bodhi-mind and wisdom-truth.


This is as how I was taught - none of it original to me -all freely

available to everyone. If one is feeling down and no energy to do anything

for oneself, think of someone you really love and begin by doing this

practice on their behalf.



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