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You are all crazy!

That is why you are here on this planet.

This is a home for the perpetually preoccupied.

There is no cure for your disease. How can there be when you are

the disease itself.


We used to send caretakers and physicians among you. Unfortunately,

we underestimated just how contagious and dangerous you are. Your

overwhelming tendancies for stupidity, violence, and delusion have

caused us to rethink our policy of benevolent inderdiction.


Therefore, we have determined that the only sane approach when

dealing with the inmates of this planet is to maintain our distance.

There were some amongst us who advocated that it would be a great

service to existance to eradicate your species. These voices come

primarily from younger species. Species barely past the stage yours

is going through.


The more ancient of us have decided that we will do what we have

always done. We will wait and see. We know that you cannot be cured

by outside efforts. We have observed, with some detached amusement,

the efforts of tertiary intellects to provide you with the tools for

growth. After many millenia we ancients have proclaimed that from

now on there will be no extraneous efforts by any on behalf of your

fledgling species.


We have observed the arising of countless species such as yours.

Very few of them who are so insanely preoccupied as yours is ever

reach maturity.


Do not be disheartened!


Though you are your own disease, you are also your own cure. You

need only look at yourselfs honestly, openly and become willing to

drop the preoccupation that binds you.


We ancients have our roots in species such as yours. Having stated

this, do not think that you will become like us some day. Your

species is very much in danger of extinction. There are no gaurantees

that you will make it. But there is a chance. There is always a chance

until there isn't.


We wish you well.



I*xzct*(@)mun Galactic Observer, Quadrant #/3 Dimension ~2!

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