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Kundalini .. Self .. (and other) .. Control or Regeneration .. Tantra .. Yoga

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This may help some people understand what is going on with their

bodies from another perspective. Rather than use the language of

religion and spirituality, I have applied some scientific

principles .. and tried to put the terminology as simply as possible.



As the human body is 95% water, fluid dynamic principles are very

applicable when looking at the energies of the human body.


But, before I start .. (and this is applicable in the context of

what follows) .. in the field of electricity and electronics,

electric current is said to flow from the positive pole to the

negative pole. However, the electron movement, which causes the

current flow is the reverse, because the positive pole is actually

charge negative (less electrons), and the negative pole is "charge

positive" (more electrons).


The other thing that needs to be understood is that both terminals

act as a "radio transmitter" .. and there is an electric field

generated when a flow is established between the terminals.


This concept is important, because the same applies in the

conventional polarities of the energies of the human body.

Essentially, the same principles apply .. and can, when understood,

be measured and analysed.



In this post, I will consider only two or the primary orbital (or

spin) forces (energies) at work in this Universe .. known as

centrifugal and centripetal ..


On one hand, centripetal force causes denser particles to

gravitate towards the centre of the spin and is a compacting or

densifying energy spin.


On the other hand, centrifugal energy spin causes a de-

densification .. an expansion.



When something which has been compacted with a centripetal force

has the vector forces reversed, that which was compacted starts to

fragment .. and break apart.



It can be shown that the energy of the conscious mind .. and of

words which require left brain thinking .. creates a centripetal

force within the cells of the body. In other words, the

intellectual learning process is one of control and rigidity ..

which eventually results in negative densification vortices .. or

black holes within the cellular structure of the body.


This can also be shown to be the case with patterns of shock or

trauma where the conscious mind is used to control emotions to stop

them being experienced.


It is these "black holes" which are the starting points for all

disease .. and also act as a radiation device of negative energy ..

a transmitter for the energy of the aging process.



The directional spin of the life force energy we sometimes call

Kundalini can be shown by vector analysis to be a centrifugal

energy .. in other words .. it creates the opposite of

densification ..


and when it moves through the "black holes" it causes all of the

energy that is stored there to fly in all directions .. which the

conscious mind doesn't like .. and promptly reacts by trying to

impose control over the process.




Now .. the left logical brain is a translator and generator of

centripetal energies whilst the right brain acts and responds to

the centrifugal type energies.


It is the "right brain" which is the energy transducer for the sub

conscious and unconscious .. and the parasympathetic and autonomic

nervous systems (reflex-reactionary-survival).



Down through the ages, man has set for fellow man, patterns of

dominance and control through the evolution of the mind and the

left brain in particular .. and this principle is the one which,

for generations, has been used for control and manipulation.



People who, for so long have been used to using their ego (left

brain conscious mind) to determine, understand, justify and explain

what has been going on in their lives .. reverse the natural spin

of the Governor Vessel .. which runs up the centre of the spine at

the back of the body.


The resonance of the Governor vessel has been tapped into by

psychology, religion and spirituality .. and its resonance is in

the sounds .. the vibrations of the words used by agencies of

control .. including the individual ego .. but only where the

stimulus requires intervention of the left brain.


This is also applicable for those who use the mind to generate a

"Kundalini awakening" .. or try to ordain a healing for someone

else by consciously directing a specific energy to the client.


Mindless repetition of a mantra whose meaning is not understood ..

nor whose meaning is sought, has, particularly within Sanskrit, a

centrifugal (de-densifying) resonance.


However, the moment the left brain comes into play .. and there is

a hoped for outcome or expectation or anticipated result, there is

a centripetal (densifying or controlling) effect.



In a spontaneous Kundalini experience the energy of the Governor

vessel "fueling" the brain and the conscious mind is changed .. not

in frequency .. but in vector direction so that what was once a

centripetal compressionary energy suddenly became centrifugal and

expansionary ..


and the left brain .. seeing all of the "negative energies" being

released .. suddenly translates this as "being out of control".



One who has achieved "enlightenment" .. and made it real in the

physical body .. is a harmonically and dynamically balanced energy

system, and on this planet, the fundamental resonant frequency of

such a person is at the Schumann Resonance and all its harmonics.


When such a person comes near a "dis-eased person", the exchange

of energies is in the form of the "black holes" or blockages

suddenly being exposed to a centrifugal energy .. which allows the

natural life-force to flow more freely. It is not an awakening.


However, in the process, there is also a transfer of the negative

vortex energy to the "guru" which can cause the temporary

manifestation of the dis-ease symptoms until his/her own energy

re-balances. The same also applies for an empathic healer.



There are of course other considerations which can be added to

this brief introduction .. for example the Conception Vessel is

also affected similarly .. (again centrifugal .. but spinning in

the opposite direction) .. with the vector sum of both the Governor

and the Conception meridians in harmony being zero.



Tantra or Yoga is the achievement of the state where the whole of

the dynamic energy system of all of energy vectors is dynamically

balanced and in tune with the Schumann Resonance.


In this state, the individual is the living expression of life

itself and there is no other.



Copyright reserved 2001


Christopher Wynter

Hobart Tasmania.

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