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RE: A religion that makes sense . . .

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Hello Sri Lobster (Ed) and Sri Angelique,


It is nice to see our old friends posting here. moderator

Sri Gloria Lee has made some important points. Please avoid any disparaging

remarks about other religions. Further, discussions regarding adult matters

is not appropriate for this list and would be better suited elsewhere.


We are all just kids at heart here and believe in Freedom!


Here is the list description.


This spiritual discussion group is an open Satsang and is blessed by Sri

Ramana Maharshi, the great Jnani Sage of Arunachala. a is in

the best tradition of a joyous spiritual fellowship for facilitating the

Recognition of the Eternal Reality that is One's Own Self. "I Am That!" This

is the uncompromising, simple, and yet Radical Truth proclaimed in a variety

of ways by the ancient and modern Sages of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and

Taoism. In Advaita Vedanta, the highest teaching emphasizes the complete

identity of the Individual Soul with the Supreme Soul. In Tibetan Buddhism,

Dzogchen is considered the supreme teaching and represents the nondual focus

on one's innate wakefulness. How beautiful the variety of expressions in so

many different traditions! We embrace this variety with great joy and in

fellowship in a.


No religion or teacher or tradition has a monopoly on the Essential Truth of

Reality which is Our Own Nature. In this context, a focuses on

the aspirations and experiences of individuals on the spiritual path.

Everyone interested in any of the Shiva and Shakti traditions, and the

related yogic and tantric paths as well as those practicing primarily the

cognitive methods of the pure nondual teachings of great Jnanis such as

Ramana Maharshi are welcome to join. The discussions are typically expected

to focus on Self-Realization, Kundalini Shakti and Its Manifestations,

God-Realization, the Goddess, Enlightenment, and various types of Samadhis

(Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa). Discussion of various teachers and teachings can

also be enriching as long as there is mutual respect and a feeling of amity

in the conversation. Humor and poetry and other artistic expressions of the

spiritual life are encouraged and supported. May God Bless everyone with

Peace, Joy, and Understanding. May we all nourish and heal each other in the

spirit of Compassion, Wisdom and Love. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Peace to

all living beings.

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At 12:02 PM 4/23/01, you wrote:

> Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:57:24 -0700

> Lobster <lobster

>A religion that makes sense . . .


> > ROTFLOL!! I love Sufi stories..

> > Someone once told me, "Muslim religion makes sense, once you realize

> >Allah is female".

> > Muslim women and the temple at Mecca both wear the same black veil...


>A religion that makes sense . . .

>m m m . . .

>and you think it is Islam

>. . . perhaps . . .


Uh.. Sufi is part of Islam, is it not? What I know of Sufi stories, I

like. I am not a big fan of Islam, but it made more sense when I

contemplated Allah as female, than before. In other ways it makes less

sense.. does any religion really make sense? It does, to the people who

believe it.


>. . . maybe it makes you more compassionate . . .

>In many ways it depends what your reason and outcome is.

>For example if you wish to reinforce behaviour that is of spiritual benefit

>to yourself and others then it would be an act of compassion.

>If you wish to bind people to their and your passions this might be

>considered compassion - I am not so sure though. A bit like always giving a

>child sweets whenever it asks, because one enjoys the delight of the child.


I think it depends on your beliefs. There are ascetic paths that

espouse denial and control, and then there are Gurus like Osho who suggest

the way to deal with desire is to fulfill it, so you can put it behind you.

I tend toward the latter, as it is backed up by my experience. "What you

resist, persists." Some indulgence is beneficial.

>I suppose you just need to be aware of what is going on.

>Anyway as some children are being corrupted by the idea of adults playing

>strange games that involve whipping and hugging (I suggest they return to

>playing Quake) I suppose we might continue this conversation on the new list.


I guess so. I wrote a lengthy, thoughtful post on my own experience of

this.. which I am now am uncertain is appropriate. Ouch. Perhaps I will

send it to Gloria, and she can decide if it is appropriate. Ouch. Ouch.


My first experience of my sexual orientation was in a Shamanic time

travel dream, age 9.. as I had no educational background on alternate forms

of expression, so it was traumatic to think my adult self had gone insane..

some education would have been beneficial, in hindsight.. but I look for

perfection in what Is.

>Perhaps Harsha, Gloria or someone might choose a name?

>Here are some suggestions . . .





>or of course we could make it





I think any of those names would be delightful.


BTW, thank you for the candida page. I have been dealing with it, for the

past several months. It was gone for years, then it came back.. probably

something I ate..;) Karma vampire. Since I did the page, no more sugar

cravings! What a relief!


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