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inst. on S R cont. (2, 3 4)

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Continuing on for those interested in the only kind of "bondage" that



Astavakra replied:


2. If you aspire after liberation, my child, shun the objects of the

senses as poison and seek forgiveness, sincerity, kindness, contentment and

truth as nectar.


Objects etc. - attachment to worldly objects is a great bar to spiritual

progress and hence they should be shunned as bitter poison. The giving up of

external-objects implies also the necessity of controlling the sense-organs.


Sincerity - To be one in mind and speech


Truth - This virtue is the sine qua non of spiriual aspiration and the most

precious possession of the spiritual aspirant.


The cultivation of these virtues implies the control and purification of the

internal sense, the mind, so that it may reflect more and more the light of

the Self.


This verse describes the negative and positive practices of a spiritual

aspirant. Giving up attachment to worldly things is the negative practice,

and cultivation of the moral virtues is the positive.


3. You are neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor air, nor space. In

order to attain liberation, know the Self as the witness of all of this and

as Consciousness itself.


Earth etc. - These are the five elements which constitute body, mind and the

universe. The Self is eternally distinct from them; it is Consciousness

itself which is their witness. Liberation lies in knowing the self as such.


4. If you detach yourself from body and rest in Consciousness, you will

at once be happy, peaceful and free from bondage.


Detach etc. - herein lies the essence of Advaita sadhana. By identifying

the Self with the body which is not-Self, and thus ascribing to the Self the

limitations of the body, such as birth, eath, old age, or disease, we suffer

all kinds of misery. The Self is really not the body. So if we can get rid

of this identification, we shall realize that we are Consciousness itself

and thus become happy and free from bondage.


At once etc - the very moment the self is known as distinct from the body,

because the self is never really affected by body and mind -they merely

hide its glory, as clouds hide the sun.


To be cont.

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