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Holy Cows and Buffalo

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> not only don't they know, they would be shocked to know.

> Because it would mean experiencing all one's "holy cows" go up in smoke at




Which reminded me of a funny story in a book written about Anandamayi Ma.

She is peaking about learning the art of meditation or concentration on God.


"The restless mind fltting from one aspect of this world of multiplicity to

another, must be brought under control so that the many are illiminated and

the One perceived. Numerous are the methods that gurus suggest to their

disciples. Anandamayi Ma tells the story of a guru who noticed that his

disciple was making no progress in meditation. Thereupon the guru asked the

disicple if there was anyone or anything that interested him intensely.

Without hestitation the disciple said that his main interest was his

buffalo. "Then go to your meditation room and concentrate on the buffalo.

Visualize him and do not let your mind wander from thinking about the



The following day the guru knocked at the door of the meditation room and

asked the disciple to come out. There followed a period of silence. Then

the disciple replied in an exceedlingly deep voice that it was impossible

for him to leave his room, because his horns would not pass through the



The moral of this story is that deep concentration leads to identification,

to merger (not two)


So, '"other peoples sacred cows" could perhaps work as an object of

meditation if it is what interests you intensely but I can think of easier

projects and deeper possibilities.



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On 4/24/01 at 9:01 AM Joyce Short wrote:



ºSo, '"other peoples sacred cows" could perhaps work as an object of

ºmeditation if it is what interests you intensely but I can think of easier

ºprojects and deeper possibilities.




Thanks for the roaring laugh - no meditation required.

"Holy cows" is a mere observation from responses - not only from a list.

but from what could be called "human interface". For a tiger there are no

"holy cows" just edible ones. Something for you to meditate on perhaps.



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Hi Jan,


Actually, now somewhat bored with painting I just flashed on what a fun

project it would be to actually make "sacred cows" -I'll ruminate upon it.

Sacred cow cookies anyone?





> Thanks for the roaring laugh - no meditation required.

> "Holy cows" is a mere observation from responses - not only from a list.

> but from what could be called "human interface". For a tiger there are no

> "holy cows" just edible ones. Something for you to meditate on perhaps.


> Jan

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Hi Joyce,

>Actually, now somewhat bored with painting I just flashed on what a fun

>project it would be to actually make "sacred cows" -I'll ruminate upon it.

>Sacred cow cookies anyone?


Isn't there a restriction against eating sacred cow cookies?



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On 4/24/01 at 4:25 PM Joyce Short wrote:


ºHi Jan,


ºActually, now somewhat bored with painting I just flashed on what a fun

ºproject it would be to actually make "sacred cows" -I'll ruminate upon it.

ºSacred cow cookies anyone?




In order to make "sacred cows" one has to find one first...

And then, all it will take is a willing sacred bull :)


Joy, laughter and humor,


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