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CH 2 Joy of Self-Realization 1,2,3,4,5,6

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CHAPTER 2 Joy of Self-Realization from Astavakra Samhita


Janaka said:


1. Oh, I am spotless, tranquil, Pure Consciousness, and beyond Nature.

All this time I have been merely duped by illusion.


Having attained spiritual illumination through the instruction of Astavakra,

Janaka now exprsses the joy of Self-realization in the following verses.


Spotless - free from all adjuncts


Tranquil - beyond any change


All etc. - identifying the Self with body, mind etc.



2. As I alone reveal this body, even so do I reveal this universe.

Therefore mine is all this universe, or verily nothing is mine.


As etc. - the body and this universe, being material, cannot be revealed

without the light of the self.


Therefore etc. - because the Self illumines the universe and is also its



Nothing etc. - because, from the Absolute standpoint, the universe is




3. Oh, having renounced the universe, together with the body, I now

perceive the Supreme Self through the secret of wisdom.


having - having known the universe and the body to be unreal as they appear,

and in reality no othe than the self itself.


Now - after having been instructed by Astavakra.



4. As waves, foam, and bubbles are not different from the water, so

the universe emanating from the self is not different from it.


Universe etc. - The Atman is the only substance of the universe, just as

clay is the only substance of the pot. The pot is nothing but clay with

name and form superimposed on it. So this universe is nothing but the Self

with name and form imposed upon it. Just as waves, foam, and bubbles are

nothing but the sea, and are non-different from it, so the universe is

nothing but the Self, and is non-different from it.



5. As cloth, when analyzed, is found to be nothing but thread, so this

universe, when analyzed is nothing but the Self.


So etc. - A piece of cloth is really nothing but thread. Yet we falsely

think it to be something separate and different from thread. Similarily,

the universe is nothing but the Self. Yet we look on it as separate from

the Self. This is an illusion. With a little reasoning, we find out our

mistake regarding cloth. We have similarily to get rid of our illusion

regarding the universe.



6. Just as sugar generated in sugar-cane juice is wholly pervaded by that

juice, so the universe produced in me is permeated by me through and



Me - the Self. "I" and "me" used in this way always mean the Self.


To be continued...

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