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CH 2 Joy of SR 7,8,9,10,11,12

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7. The world appears from the ignorance of the Self and disappears with

the knowledge of the Self, just as the snake appears from non-cognition of

the rope and disappears with its recognition.


An illusion persists only so long as we do not recognize the object on which

the illusion has been superimposed. The example of the snake and the rope

is pertinent in this connection. When we know the rope, the snake-knowledge

vanishes. Similarily, the world does not really exist, yet through

ignorance it appears to exist, and it disappears with the knowledge of the

Self on which the illusion of the world is superimposed.



8. Light is my very nature; I am no other than light. When the universe

manifests itself, verily then it is I that shine.


When etc. - the nature of the Self is Effulgence itself. Whatever is

manifested is nothing but the Self. The manifestations of the world really

implies the manifestation of the Self.



9. Oh, the universe appears in me, conceived through ignorance, just as

silver appears in the mother of pearl, a snake in a rope, and water in the



Silver etc. - these three are all classical examples of adhyasa,

superimppsition through ignorance.


Water -refers to a mirage.



10. Just as a jug dissolves into clay, a wave into water, or a bracelet

into gold, so the universe which has emanated from me will dissolve into me.


Just etc. - The Atman is the substance of the universe which appears to come

into being through the superimposition of name and form on the Atman. With

the dawn of the knowledge of the Atman, name and form vanish and only the

Atman remains, just as a wave is seen to be water when its name and form




11. Wonderful am I! Adoration to myself! who know no decay and survive

even the destruction of the world, from Brahma down to a clump of grass.


Myself -in the Absolute sense.



12. Wonderful am I! Adoration to myself who, though with a body, am

One, who neither goes anywhere in the universe nor comes from anywhere but

abides pervading the universe.


A body - the body implies not only the gross one but the subtle one.


One - the self is really One, abiding in different bodies and undergoing

joys and sorrows, it appears as many, just as the sun reflected in different

waves of the sea appears as many but is really one.


(Note: my Christian friends tell me this - 'abiding in different bodies and

under going the joys and sorrows of all' throughout time, is the

"in-dwelling Christ" -present in all suffering sentient beings. "That

which ye do to the least of these my brethern, do ye also unto me."


To be continued...

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