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The nature of it all (part of the other half)

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Dear Maureen


I wrote:

> Get to your senses, Tony.... Come to your senses..."


You responded:

> Hi Wim, not to butt in...


Well why not, that's OK...

We are all resilient, sometimes a bit too, maybe :-)

> ....but many years ago I did an experiment.

> I placed one hand in hot water and the other

> in cold. In the middle I had a bowl of room

> temperature water. After a few minutes of

> each hand in differing temps I placed them

> both in the middle bowl. One hand told me

> the water was so cold and the other relayed

> the message,, ahhh nice and warm. So, I

> don't really trust sense too much, as it all

> depends where you are coming from,

> so to speak.


It is OK actually, you could have played a little more with similar

experiments involving other senses as well. Your mind, a bit prematurely,

drew a finite conclusion. It could have urged you on to play some more...

with more neat stuff involving the other senses as well.

Play... and you did...

And... and... you already discovered a bit about relativity, relationships,

your senses helped you with that did. You did not really stop discovering...

you are now this wonderful Maureen... (Just need to get Tony to play with



Maria Montessori went deeply into this when she started to understand the

child and devise ways to keep children develop naturally in appropriately

enriched environments.

An example on how she expanded on your temperature experiment (By the way

Piaget did more harm than good... but I am a rebel in this.) is her series

of small water bottles filled with water of different temperature... and the

child in its curiosity is drawn to that and spontaneously figures it out and

finds order...and *lines* them up.

All this is part of the Montessori 'sensorial materials', it includes

materials for the discernment of sound, weight, size, etc, which the child

will play with at the right time according to its 'sensitive period'.

I used to be involved with that educational movement (set up a school or

two, trained teachers), still am, but now this way... hehehe.


So Maureen, in your experiment you really had the rudiments and the start of

scientific play. This is exactly how the senses and the mind are to work...

.. Information is gathered.

.. The mind, like a database manager tries to organize the information.

.. It is becomes aware of some interesting things.

.. It cannot store data according to its initial classifications.

.. It sets up a new play for the senses.

.. Now it gets more info that allows reorganization.

.. It reorganises the classifications.

.. It sets up an extra section up for odd conclusions.

.. Those conclusions are added to over time.

.. A new classification seems to offer itself for discovery.

.. "Ah, ach so....!"says Einstein at some point

.. He sets up some *thought* experiments (Oh yes, because they will be


.. The discovery of a new regularity... law of nature (physics).

.. And it does not stop.....


And the play ensues, Einsteins do not wear socks...


An unadulterated child carries on playing and re-cognizing, discovery and

wonder. Playing with Diversity and Unity (Unity, an absolute and deep

scientific and spiritual truth.)


Montessori and Einstein lived in the same era, did some of their scientific

and educational discoveries in the same years,around 1905.


So here we see the proper integrational workings of the senses and the mind,

so as to experience life to the fullest while at play... Divine Lila...


So the senses provide the range of data, the mind works them out with

*perfection in mind*.


(Perfection is not a solid state it is a dynamic functionality. Jesus said,

"...Therefore be perfect" = 'holy' = 'teleios'='goal' minded, a good marks

man, not off the mark.)


So the senses provide the range of data, the mind works them out with

*perfection in mind* they all help the *whole* being to make 'sense' of it



When 'it does not make sense', the mind is supposed to come up with playful

schemes to discover intricate and more complex regularities.

When it discovers irregularities (odd sense results) it puts them aside for

later work and will draw conclusions of regularity eventually.

"Regularity" has to do with 'rules', not controlling rules but rules to

classify and integrate with. Rules... as in 'rulers' to draw lines to

distinguish and lines to connect.


The mind is great when fulfilled and gratified, the senses are great when

fulfilled and gratified...

It *all* leads the whole being to recover its state of grace, gratitude,

bliss (the blissful child)...glory...


You, Maureen, quoted elsewhere:

> "Bliss is something which is always there

> both when the blissful feeling was experienced

> and when it was not.

> It is not something which comes and goes.

> That which comes and goes is the creation of the

> mind and you should not worry about it".

" Sayings by Ramana Maharshi", compiled by A.R. Natarajan.


Right, "not worry about" and let it play out unencumbered... BLISS will be

recovered and eternally realized...


Love, Wim



Richard Feynman would say: "It is not difficult, just integrate under the

equal sign."



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