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Are we in a temporary world ?

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--- Dear Vicki,

I dont think the earth isnt temporary, but we are. our physical

selves, that is temporary. When we move on, our conciousness moves

on, our physical body is a part of this world, earth, and it remains.

where we mve as conciousness has no need of the body, it is only

needed here. The senses are a part of the body, and they reamin here

as well, we develop other senses, other ways of communicating with

ony the conciousness needed. it is different, but very nice.

Love Gracie

In , "vicki" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> "It is said that God lives in an eternal world. Is this true ? "


> Bhagavan replied ,

> "If we are in a temporary world , He may be in an eternal world.

> Are we in a temporary world ? If this is true, that also is


> If we are not real , where is the world and where is time ? "


> ``````````````````````````````````````````````

> Letters from Ramanasramam

> ``````````````````````````````````````````````

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Hi Vicki,


This is wonderful! But it may be possible to convince the 'spiritual

seeker' to quit seeking -- this is another alternative.


I'm absolutely not faulting Sri Ramana Maharshi's method -- yet, it

was given in India, in the earlier part of the 20th century, and to

specific 'individuals', never as a "world teaching" -- the message

was never 'intended' for all situations, all people, everywhere.


Perhaps a spiritual seeker could avoid or stop seeking, and so not

have to deal with neti-neti, the world is an illusion, and all that.

There's evidence of that possibility.


Yet "I" passed through a phase of 'the world is illusion', no

question about it... but am not convinced that it had any 'effect'

whatsoever but to fill the mind with clutter.


Sometimes it's necessary to seek, in order to see clearly the

futility of seeking. It depends on 'innate tendencies'.


Love & Endless Blessings,




, "vicki" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> Hi, I hope you'll enjoy this ,

> vicki


> ~~~~~~~~~


> Q:

> So the world is not really illusory?


> A:

> At the level of the spiritual seeker you have got to say

> that the world is an illusion. There is no other way.


> When a man forgets that he is Brahman, who is real,

> permanent and omnipresent, and deludes himself

> that he is a body in the universe which is filled with bodies

> that are transitory , and labours under that delusion ,

> you have got to remind him that the world is unreal and a

> delusion.


> Why ? Because his vision which has forgotten its own Self

> is dwelling in the external, material universe. It will not

> turn inwards into introspection unless you impress on him

> that all this external, material universe is unreal.

> When once he realizes his own Self he will know that there is

> nothing other than his own Self and he will come to look

> upon the whole Universe as Brahman. There is no universe

> without the Self. So long as a man does not see the Self

> which is the origin of all , but looks only at the external


> as real and permanent , you have to tell him that all this

> external universe is an illusion. You cannot help it.


> Take a paper. We see only the script , and nobody notices

> the paper on which the script is written . The paper is there

> whether the script on it is there or not. To those who look


> the script as real, you have to say that it is unreal, an


> since it rests upon the paper. The wise man looks upon

> both the paper and script as one.

> So also with Brahman and the universe.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> BE AS YOU ARE, The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi

> edited by David Godman

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



> -

> crookedlace


> Saturday, April 28, 2001 9:49 PM

> Re: Are we in a temporary world ?



> --- Dear Vicki,

> I dont think the earth isnt temporary, but we are. our physical

> selves, that is temporary. When we move on, our conciousness


> on, our physical body is a part of this world, earth, and it


> where we mve as conciousness has no need of the body, it is only

> needed here. The senses are a part of the body, and they reamin


> as well, we develop other senses, other ways of communicating


> ony the conciousness needed. it is different, but very nice.

> Love Gracie

> In , "vicki" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> > "It is said that God lives in an eternal world. Is this true ? "

> >

> > Bhagavan replied ,

> > "If we are in a temporary world , He may be in an eternal


> > Are we in a temporary world ? If this is true, that also is

> true.

> > If we are not real , where is the world and where is

time ? "

> >

> > ``````````````````````````````````````````````

> > Letters from Ramanasramam

> > ``````````````````````````````````````````````

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Dear Vicki,


The fact "You Are" is answer enough.


Love & Blessings,




, "vicki" <viorica@z...> wrote:


> Dear Omkara ,

> Thank you for writing to me.

> I am at work now , I can't answer you back the way

> I would have liked to, I need some quotations from

> my books at home for that,

> I'll write you back again in the evening,

> vicki

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Dear Vicki,


Is there a God apart from Your Self? You are the wellspring from

which all blessings flow. Ramana's form appeared to You, did it

not? The gratitude flows from Your 'inner' Beingness, does it not?

There is nobody to be grateful, You are Gratitude Itself.


You owe yourself Yourself only. Who speaks to You now but You only?


There is only One Enlightened One, and Ramana would tell you the same

thing. You, You, "I-I." Thy Own Self.


Tat Tvam Asi


, "vicki" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> Dear Omkara ,


> I can also identify an Enlightened One

> by his answers,

> and I am grateful to my fate that brought me

> to Ramana ,every single day I thank God( Self)

> for bringing me to Him,

> I still own you an answer to your previous mail,

> vicki



> , "Omkara" <coresite@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vicki,

> >

> > The fact "You Are" is answer enough.

> >

> > Love & Blessings,

> >

> > Omkara

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In a message dated 4/29/01 2:06:31 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

coresite writes:


<< Yet "I" passed through a phase of 'the world is illusion', no

question about it... but am not convinced that it had any 'effect'

whatsoever but to fill the mind with clutter. >>


Yes! I love this! Reliquishing the tyranny of mind means not holding onto

"good" thoughts either. But, oh, that's so lonely and scary at times. Holly

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, Hbarrett47@a... wrote:



> Yes! I love this! Reliquishing the tyranny of mind means not

holding onto

> "good" thoughts either. But, oh, that's so lonely and scary at

times. Holly


******** Be afraid! Be very afraid! :-))



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Dear Vicki,


, "vicki" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> Dear Omkara ,


> I intended to answer to you with quotations from Bible,

> Kabbalah,Ramana's teachings...


Unfortunately, not a single word of "Vicki's."


Ramana tried over and over to 'give the disciple to themselves', but

years after he left the body, so many devotees... and who practices

Self-Inquiry, or even cares much?


So many people "clinging to the finger" which pointed at the moon,

and the moon is missed. This is sad, and tragic... much more than

you would ever suspect.

> Jesus teaching was given also to specific individuals

> (twelve , isn't it ? ,in a specific geographycal area

> and in the earlier part of this era :

> Please help on this matter)

> and His teaching became a world teaching too.


Yes, and millions have been killed in the name of Jesus, because a

religion grew around his teachings. Do you want something like this

to happen, do you want a new religion, "Ramanaism?" There are rumors

floating around.


Religions kill in the name of their respective Gods (whoever that

might be), remember that these words were spoken to you.

> vicki,

> with great love for this brilliant world Master who is

> Ramana Maharshi, and always ready to defend His every

> single word.


The ego's usual strategy, "Protect and Defend."


Good luck to you Vicki...


Love & Blessings,



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