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A Child asks ... Why ..?

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A child sees the truth

Sees the lies ...

Sees the projections ...

Sees through the facade ...

Sees the self beat up ...

Sees the manipulations.


A child, in total, absolute innocence, a child whose body

remembers and who isn't completely shut down,

asks the question - 'WHY?'


From those adults around, judgement descends.

Missiles are fired - words of denunciation and derision.


The searing pain of rejection.


As it is unsafe to respond, the child "becomes invisible. The

response of anger directed at The Innocent in the child ...

Illogical, irrational, nihilistic.

There is no defence.


The quest for understanding is made wrong.

Innocent knowing made wrong.

Expression made wrong.


Matriarch and Patriarch strive to shut down The Innocent because,

for them to remember their innocence … for them to remember their

own shutdown is too painful …and can only ever come at death.


The excruciating pain of death throes answers the question 'WHY?'


The innocence of childhood, the quest to understand why adults and

the world are as they are, to know the truth of one's Self forever

made wrong by the shadows of Matriarch and Patriarch ...


The shadows of their shadows tremble at The Innocent child's



Religion - the need to regulate and control has forever made the

knowing of the child wrong ... Banned "The Innocent from 'Eden'."


The quest for information can be controlled, but the quest for

intrinsic intuitive knowing is forever held secret because it is

made wrong. The child is forced into a resigned silence. Not

allowed to speak - made to sit up and 'behave'.


The basis of the Education system is to not enquire.

To deny the child the right to ask 'WHY?'

Rules are made to punish children who do ask 'WHY?'

'Do as I say, not as I do'.


Condemned in sonorous tones. Judicial judgement conveyed by tone

and look, heaped on a tiny body seeking approval. Seeking to be

part of the scholastic 'tribe' and gain acceptance from peers.


Why do our children have to be 'normal'? What is "normal" .. what

is possible ..?


National Curriculum development and criteria based assessment are

focused on learned outcomes, categorising children into 'learning

levels' and 'criteria boxes', promoting mediocrity - destroying

self respect - creating 'standardised' puppets. What happens to

those who don't 'fit a level'?


Learning is teacher directed -

Dictated jargon.

A nebulous, coded report description is begrudgingly created and

handed out - hiding the truth of the child.

The Parents, unable to decipher teacher's criteria are made to

feel inferior,

creating more confusion and separation from the child.


Language used as a weapon to divide and conquer.

The intricacies of language bastardised to satisfy the

bureaucratic need to control the 'tribe'. A strict code of silence

enforced with the banning of enquiry.


How many teachers have forgotten to ask themselves 'WHY?'


A child asking 'WHY?' reminds Parents and Teachers of all the

questions they asked, were denied the answers for and ridiculed for

asking. Generations of questing for innocent understanding. The

simple innocence of 'WHY?'


A minefield of issues which explode the grief of the body into the



Every time the parent looks into the eyes of The Innocent all

these memories buried deep in the body remembering come flooding



Remembering of separation from the truth of innocence is too

awesome a wound. Too awesome a grief. Shutdown is the only means of



The perennial search … taught, is the only possible outcome.


The 'Mysteries' become more mysterious. Body remembering

diminishes. DNA breaks down, irrevocably. Sense of wonder dies in

the eyes of the newborn. Mother Earth becomes a strange, alien

place. Survival is the only passion.


Lives shattered with the eternal unspoken quest of search for


Why we are here. Empty, meaningless lives, unfulfilled.


Each person striving to understand the meaning of their

incarnation.Why this life, this time, this body…


The asking begins as soon as the child speaks.

Shutdown begins then too.

Survival is the only option.


Empty vessels, empty hearts, empty stricken lives. The defilement

of The Innocent forever reinforced by the inability to answer the

unspoken question...


The answer to the Truth of one's Self.


God aspect and man made one in a living, breathing form that

forever embodies the breathless unspoken word ....

The unpronounceable name of God…





Christopher Wynter and Fiona Tulk

Hobart Tasmania

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, Fiona and Christopher <lifestreams@b...>


> Because

> A child sees the truth

> Sees the lies ...

> Sees the projections ...

> Sees through the facade ...

> Sees the self beat up ...

> Sees the manipulations.


> A child, in total, absolute innocence, a child whose body

> remembers and who isn't completely shut down,

Namaste Chris,


Doesn't your pet animal think the same thing?....ONS Tony

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