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RE: Food Chain and EATING MEAT Pt. II

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(Cont. from above)

....How can anyone ask how we would be capable of providing an

adequate food supply if we all chose to become vegetarian? One acre

of land can produce 20,000 pounds of tomatoes... that same amount of

land can only produce a little over 150 pounds of beef!!! On the same

note, one pound of grain is required to produce one pound of bread;

but it takes twenty times that amount to produce one pound of steak.

In other words, for every pound of beef that's eaten TWENTY people in

the world could be fed!

As for the treatment of lifestock in the United States vs the

living conditions of cows in India, I'd choose being the bull in

India any day of the week! True, the cows in India may not be as well

nourished as those on an American farm, but they are living as good

as (if not better than) many of the people living along side them. If

the American omnivore who eats a pound of steak each week would eat a

pound of bread instead and send the extra 19 lbs. of grain to India

some of those cows might not be so scrawny!

True, the American farming industry would like people to believe

the farms of today are still as they were a hundred years ago... with

cattle grazing in lush green lawns, etc. but the truth of it is that

they are not. Even milking cows are tortured and made to sleep in

their own shit throughout the course of their life time. Please email

me for photographs taken at a modern day farm and the conditions of

those creatures forced to endure ceaseless, never-ending torment for

the sake of nothing other than their own abominable exploitation.

I do not see how anyone can perceive the cows of India as

being "tortured". I could understand it if --and only if --the cows

were being coereced into starvation, tied to poles in circus rings of

sorts, amidst seas of wealthy, decadent spectators, rather like the

gladiators of Roman times or the bulls of Spain and Mexico. This is

not the case, however; the cows of India live in the same India as

their human counterparts.



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TESKO wrote:

> As for the treatment of lifestock in the United States vs the

> living conditions of cows in India, I'd choose being the bull in

> India any day of the week! True, the cows in India may not be as well

> nourished as those on an American farm, but they are living as good

> as (if not better than) many of the people living along side them.


Plus they still have their testicles!

> If the American omnivore who eats a pound of steak each week would eat a

> pound of bread instead and send the extra 19 lbs. of grain to India

> some of those cows might not be so scrawny!


Also he may not be exposed to the astronomical rate of getting

cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression (list goes on)

that goes along with typical excessive American animal (sea food not included)



That said,

eat your (mistreated) animals in moderation.



(vegan, but still eats pork)




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