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Nice Sufi story

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>>Also if this list just discusses 'Who am I', it just turns into a

>>merry go round of intellectualisng to see who can write the most non

>>dual language and verse. Obviously non of us are realised. ONS Tony


> I AM


" A Sufi came to a remote village where he knew no one. After meeting

some people he found that those of this village had an unusual hunger for

spiritual knowledge. They invited him to share his knowledge at a gathering

they would arrange. Although this Sufi was not yet fully confident that he

could transmit spiritual knowledge, he accepted their invitation. Many

people attended that gathering and the Sufi found his audience to be

extremely receptive to what he had to say, and most significantly, he found

that he was able to express the teachings he had received with an eloquence

he had never before experienced. He went to sleep that night feeling very



The next day he met one of the elders from the village. They greeted each

other as brothers, and the elder expressed his gratitude for the previous

evening. The Sufi was beginning to feel very special. He even reasoned to

himself that he had been guided to this village to impart wisdom that he had

accumulated through his long years of training and service. Perhaps, if

these people were sincere, he could stay with them for awhile and really

offer them some extended instruction on the Way of Love and Remembrance.

They were certainly a deserving and sincere community. Just then, the elder

invited him to another gathering that evening.


The villagers assembled again that evening, but this time one of them was

chosen at random to address the gathering. He, too, gave a most eloquent

discourse, full of wisdom and love. After the meeting the Sufi again met

with the elder. "As you can see," the elder began, "the Friend speaks to us

in many forms. We are all special here and we are all receptive to the

Truth and so the Truth can easily express Itself. Know that the 'you' who

felt special last night and the 'you' who felt diminshed tonight are neither

real. Prostrate them before the inner Friend if you want to find wisdom and

be free of judging yourself harshly."

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Joyce writes:

> Sitting beneath a tree in a park was a poor man quietly murmering, "Oh,

>God, God God..." Many people must have passed without notice or care, until

>someone sarcastically remarked: "I hear you calling God, but I don't hear

>God answering." The poor man was thrown into perplexity. Time passed and

>some tears flowed before a messenger from God appeared and said, "Brother,

>your Lord wants you to know that your calling Him IS His answer to you."


Thanks, Joyce. It brings to mind an offering of Rumi:



One night a man was crying,


His lips grew sweet with the praising,

until a cynic said,

"So I have heard you

calling out, but have you ever

gotten any response?"


The man had no answer to that.

He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep.


He dreamed he saw Khidr, the guide of souls,

in a thick green foliage.

"Why did you stop praising?"


"Because I've never heard anything back."


"This longing

you express IS the return message."


The grief you cry out from

draws you toward union.


Your pure sadness

that wants help

is the secret cup.


Listen to the moan of a dog for its master.

That whining is the connection.





The grief you cry out from draws you toward union. :-)

Hits me just where I'm sitting.





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Of course, the entire Universe is beyond a doubt dualist, as it is in

its in nature to be as much.



Joyce Short

Wednesday, May 02, 2001 9:58 AM

Nice Sufi story

> >>Also if this list just discusses 'Who am I', it just turns into

a>>merry go round of intellectualisng to see who can write the most

non>>dual language and verse. Obviously non of us are realised. ONS

Tony>> I AM " A Sufi came to a remote village where he knew no one.

After meetingsome people he found that those of this village had an

unusual hunger forspiritual knowledge. They invited him to share his

knowledge at a gatheringthey would arrange. Although this Sufi was

not yet fully confident that hecould transmit spiritual knowledge, he

accepted their invitation. Manypeople attended that gathering and the

Sufi found his audience to beextremely receptive to what he had to

say, and most significantly, he foundthat he was able to express the

teachings he had received with an eloquencehe had never before

experienced. He went to sleep that night feeling verypleased.The

next day he met one of the elders from the village. They greeted

eachother as brothers, and the elder expressed his gratitude for the

previousevening. The Sufi was beginning to feel very special. He

even reasoned tohimself that he had been guided to this village to

impart wisdom that he hadaccumulated through his long years of

training and service. Perhaps, ifthese people were sincere, he could

stay with them for awhile and reallyoffer them some extended

instruction on the Way of Love and Remembrance.They were certainly a

deserving and sincere community. Just then, the elderinvited him to

another gathering that evening.The villagers assembled again that

evening, but this time one of them waschosen at random to address the

gathering. He, too, gave a most eloquentdiscourse, full of wisdom and

love. After the meeting the Sufi again metwith the elder. "As you

can see," the elder began, "the Friend speaks to usin many forms. We

are all special here and we are all receptive to theTruth and so the

Truth can easily express Itself. Know that the 'you' whofelt special

last night and the 'you' who felt diminshed tonight are neitherreal.

Prostrate them before the inner Friend if you want to find wisdom

andbe free of judging yourself harshly."


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

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