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This announcement may seem off topic, but it really is not. I'll be glad to

tell you why if you're curious. Mark



Dear Friends and Supporters of The Disclosure Project,


On May 9, 2001, a historic event at the National Press Club

will take place: Nearly two dozen military, intelligence, government

and other witnesses to UFO and extraterrestrial events and projects

will for the first time come forward as a group to disclose the truth to

the world. This is the kickoff for The Campaign for Disclosure, a

campaign to get open hearings in the Congress, ban weapons from

space and get the earth-saving technologies related to UFO energy

and propulsion systems out to benefit an ailing world. This Campaign

will continue until its goals are met.


You can be part of history by becoming involved in this event by:

>Contacting your member of Congress and your two Senators and

asking them to meet with me and some of these heroic witness May 10

and 11 and by asking them to support open congressional hearings and

legislation on the matter;


Senators: www.senate.gov Congresspersons: www.house.gov

>Contacting your local TV stations and newspapers and encouraging

them to attend the National Press Club press conference and to cover

the matter seriously and responsibly; they may also view the news

conference on the Internet since it will be WEBCAST LIVE on May 9th

from 9 to 11 a.m. EDT at the following web site:


>Contact any mainstream news reporters you personally know and invite

them on our behalf to the National Press Club to cover the event;

> Let us know if you have personal contacts to any VIPs, opinion leaders,

etc., who should be briefed; there is a special VIP briefing on May 10 in

the evening in Washington, DC for such people. Contact us at:

Disclosure2001 or at 540 456 8302 to arrange for such VIPs

to come to this special meeting with the witnesses.


You and your honored guests are invited to a day long Disclosure

Symposium in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 12 at the Washington

Hilton at 1919 Connecticut Avenue. Registration is from 9 a.m. -10 a.m.; the

program begins at 10 a.m. and will go until around 9:30 p.m. that night.

Numerous government witnesses will present their testimony. There is no

charge for this Disclosure Symposium but you MUST preregister at

Disclosure2001. Seating is very limited. Also, let any VIPs

know of this event and invite them to attend.


I would like to thank each one of you for your help, support and hard work

over the years that has made this Campaign for Disclosure a reality. Without

you, none of this would be possible!


Wishing you the best of all worlds,



Steven M. Greer MD of The Disclosure Project

attachments, below



For Immediate Release



Alfred Webre 604-733-8134

Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302


Wednesday, May 9th, 2001

8 - 9 AM - Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Press conference

The National Press Club Ballroom

529 14th Street NW

Washington, DC







On Wednesday, May 9th, over twenty military, intelligence,

government, corporate and scientific witnesses will come forward at

the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality

of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and

resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight

of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government

documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt

the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer,

director of the Disclosure Project which is hosting the event.


The Disclosure Project, a non-profit research organization, is

calling for open Congressional hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial

presence, and for legislation that will ban space-based weapons.

Congressional hearings were last held in 1968 by the House Science

and Astronautics Committee (90th Congress, 2nd Session, Committee

Print No. 7. "Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects.")


The Project has identified several hundred witnesses throughout

the world and spanning every branch of the armed services, the

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), DIA, CIA, NASA, Russia.

UK, and other agencies and countries. Over 100 have been videotaped;

70 have been transcribed into edited testimony. Videotaped summary

of the testimony and an in-depth briefing document with witness

transcripts will be available at the press conference.


Among the witnesses attending the event are: John Callahan,

former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch,

FAA; Master Sergeant Dan Morris, former US Air Force and NRO

operative with cosmic top secret clearance; Dr. Carol Rosin, space

missile defense consultant and former spokesperson for Wernher

Von Braun; Major George A. Filer III, former Air Force Intelligence;

Graham Bethune, retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret

clearance; Michael Smith, former Air Traffic Controller, US Air

Force; Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army; Lt. Col. Robert

Salas, former SAC Launch Controller, US Air Force and FAA.


Participants in this phase of the disclosure effort are asking for

Congressional, White House and UN action to allow witnesses to

testify under oath in open hearings. The group is requesting a

Presidential Executive Order to protect witnesses afraid of violating

security oaths and to declassify documents and secret projects for

the benefit of all world citizens.


"These testimonies establish once and for all that we are not alone.

Technologies related to extraterrestrial phenomena are capable of

providing solutions to the global energy crisis, and other

environmental and security challenges," says Dr. Greer.


The Disclosure team and selected witnesses will be meeting with

members of Congress and conducting briefings to address these

issues and call for legislation.


Wednesday, May 9th

8 - 9 AM Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM -

Overview by Dr. Greer; Witness Presentations;

Release of Statement for Congress; Questions

Ballroom -The National Press Club

529 14th Street NW - 13th Floor

Washington, D.C





Alfred Webre 604-733-8134

Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302





To hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial

presence on and around Earth.


To hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion

systems that, when publicly released, will provide solutions to

global environmental challenges.


To enact legislation which will ban all space-based weapons.


To enact comprehensive legislation to research, develop and

explore space peacefully and cooperatively with all cultures on

Earth and in space.


The recorded testimony of scores of military, government and other

witnesses to Unidentified Flying Objects and Extraterrestrial events and

projects from around the world establishes the existence of a

UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth. This recorded

testimony consists of dozens of first-hand, often top-secret witnesses to

UFO and Extraterrestrial events, internal UFO-related government

projects and covert activities, space-based weapons programs,

Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and covert, reverse-engineered energy

and propulsion system projects. The technologies that are of an

Extraterrestrial origin, when publicly released within a planned

transition period, will provide solutions to global environmental and

security challenges.


These numerous recorded witnesses constitute only a small portion of

a vast pool of identified present or former military, intelligence,

corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists

and other witnesses, who will come forward when subpoenaed to

testify at Congressional hearings. Without a grant of immunity

releasing them from their security oaths, many such unimpeachable

witnesses fear to speak out.


The legislation to ban space-based weapons will prohibit acts of war

against Extraterrestrial civilizations. The comprehensive legislation will

transform the terrestrial war industry into a world cooperative space

industry. This will provide unprecedented benefits and opportunities to

all on Earth and in space.






Alfred Webre 604-733-8134

Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302





* The Disclosure Project is a non-profit research effort that has, since

1993, been identifying top-secret military, government and other

witnesses to UFO and Extraterrestrial events.


* To date, several hundred such witnesses have been identified

throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed

services, the NRO, DIA, CIA, NASA, the former USSR, and other

agencies and countries. Over 100 have been videotaped, thus far; 70

have been transcribed into edited testimony. A four hour videotape

summary of testimony and an over 500 page briefing document is

available that contains excerpts of this historic testimony.


* The weight of this testimony, along with supporting government

documents and other evidence, establishes beyond any doubt the

reality of extraterrestrial life forms, UFOs, or extraterrestrial vehicles,

and advanced energy and propulsion technologies resulting from the

study of these vehicles.


* The testimony and evidence proves that these vehicles have been

tracked on radar on many occasion, have landed and/or crashed on

terra firma, and have been retrieved and studied by specialized and

compartmentalized projects. Advanced technologies which have been

identified from the study of these vehicles, once disclosed, will replace

currently used forms of energy generation and propulsion. These

technologies will enable the earth to attain a sustainable civilization

without pollution, energy shortages, or global warming. These

technologies are already fully operational. They have been developed

within super-secret, unacknowledged special access projects. In short,

the definitive solution to the world's energy, pollution, and poverty

problems exists within compartmentalized projects that need planned

disclosure and relevant legislation.


* The programs controlling this issue are operating outside of legally

required Congressional oversight. Even Presidents have been left out

of the loop, deliberately deceived, and denied access. Therefore,

urgent action is needed on the part of Congress, the White House, and

other institutions to obtain the necessary oversight and control of these

operations to ensure that these now-classified technologies are

prepared for disclosure and the eventual near-term application for

world cooperative energy generation and propulsion.


* A clear and on-going threat to the national security and world peace

has arisen because of unauthorized covert actions that have led to the

targeting and downing of these extraterrestrial vehicles and to related

covert plans to weaponize space. Since it can be proven that we are

sharing space with other civilizations, it is critical that a full

disclosure of

this long suppressed information take place, and that the National

Missile Defense System (NMD/BMD/SDI.) be re-evaluated by policy

makers in light of these revelations.


* There is no evidence that these extraterrestrial civilizations are hostile

to humanity or the earth. Rather, the testimony shows that they are

very concerned about nuclear and space-based weapons systems, and

human warfare. Therefore, a cooperative world policy and law must

be immediately established to prohibit the targeting and striking of

these vehicles.


* Urgent Congressional, White House and UN action is needed to

allow any and all witnesses to testify under oath so that a full, honest

and open disclosure may occur this year, 2001, including witnesses

with high level security clearances.


*A US Presidential Executive Order is needed to protect these military,

government, and other witnesses, and to declassify secret projects and

their related technologies.


* The world community needs to research and develop diplomatic

programs and protocols, laws and treaties to address this issue and to

interface with these civilizations in a manner that is peaceful, non-

violent and mutually beneficial.




*To hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial

presence on and around Earth.


*To hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems

related to the subject that, when publicly released, will provide

solutions to global environmental and other challenges.


*To enact legislation which will ban all space-based weapons.


*To enact comprehensive legislation to research, develop and explore

space peacefully and cooperatively with all cultures on Earth and in





Disclosure Project Website coming soon: www.disclosureproject.org





Tell other interested people about our eGroup!! This is your group and it is

what you help make it. Let's evolve it into the best!




Any user can SUBSCRIBE or to this group by


sending mail to: remoteviewers-


or remoteviewers



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Guest guest

Hurrah!! It's about time!!

>On May 9, 2001, a historic event at the National Press Club

>will take place: Nearly two dozen military, intelligence, government

>and other witnesses to UFO and extraterrestrial events and projects

>will for the first time come forward as a group to disclose the truth to

>the world. This is the kickoff for The Campaign for Disclosure, a

>campaign to get open hearings in the Congress, ban weapons from

>space and get the earth-saving technologies related to UFO energy

>and propulsion systems out to benefit an ailing world. This Campaign

>will continue until its goals are met.

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Okay, why isn't it off-topic?



On 2 May 01, at 23:08, Mark Hovila wrote:

> This announcement may seem off topic, but it really is not. I'll be glad to

> tell you why if you're curious. Mark

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> Okay, why isn't it off-topic?

> gill


It's not off topic because in order to fully understand it (the

UFO/ET phenomenon) we must relinquish our false ideas about ourselves

as autonomous entities. In other words, a return to spiritual

essence is demanded of us. Steven Greer's book Extraterrestrial

Contact has a very beautiful explanation of how the ETs are operating

from the level of "nonlocal consciousness" and how, if we wish to

contact them, we must operate from that level also. The organization

Greer founded, CSETI (www.cseti.org) has initiated many succesful

contacts because their protocols are designed based upon this premise.


But beyond the spiritual aspects, it is important for the sake of

humanity's survival that this information get out. There is strong

evidence that technologies are being withheld which could completely

solve our energy, environmental, and poverty problems.



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Hi Mark,


Glad to see your posting regarding ufology. I have an interest in that

area also. I mean, the universe is so vast it's difficult to believe

that we would be the only lifeforms in existance. I like to listen to

Whitley Streiber's radio program as he has guests on who discuss ufos,

crop circles, etc. I like Art Bell too but his show comes on way too

late for me to listen to and he can be a bit of a showman, I sometimes

wonder what his motivation is sometimes. Anyway, just thought I'd put in

my two cents worth in and say there's another person on the list that

has an interest in "otherwordly" things.



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