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Flowing to Health

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Hello All,


I just saw an amazing man on the Oprah show. He set himself to climb Mt.

Everest, and he did. And then he was told he had leukemia and a year to

live... and he decided in that moment to get better. The leukemia is now

in remission, he's living happily with his wife, and has a new book out.


He said he spent 14 years in his efforts to climb Everest... the training,

more than one attempt. And finally he was up on the mountain at 2:30 in

the morning in the dark, with howling winds blowing, and he was so tired.

He decided to take one more step... and he got to the top! He said one

thing he learned was that it's the journey that's important... his time on

top of Everest was brief, but it was the journey that was the great

adventure. :)


He also said that if you keep telling yourself over and over again that you

can do it, your subconscious begins to believe it... and then you can do



Oprah asked him what was different about the process of getting well. He

said that with a mountain, you use the words like "fighting" it,

"conquering" it, etc. But he found that that didn't work well for him with

an illness. He said when you think in terms of fighting, it brings on the

adrenalin and puts the body in a certain mode... which isn't best with an

illness... it's unnecessary expenditure of energy... and the wrong

attitude and wrong chemicals for the body. Instead, he said, he thinks in

terms of "flow." If you keep "flowing," he said, you have the energy of a

river. You accept what's present and work with it, flow with it... and

you get better.


One step at a time, he said... either on the mountain or with an illness.

Don't look down at what's scary... just keep on... one step at a time.

One more step, and you're there.


His new book is Hobson _From Everest to Enlightenment_, and his last name

is Hobson (the first may be Alan, not sure). Enjoy! :)




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