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More from Experience of Insight -Joseph Goldstein


"Instruction: Thoughts


It is important to make thoughts the object of mindfulness. If we remain

unaware of thoughts as they arise, it is difficult to develop insight into

their impersonal nature and into our own deep-rooted and subtle

identification with thought process. This identification reinforces the

illusion of self, of some "one" who is thinking. To meditate on thoughts is

simply to be aware, as thoughts arise, that the mind is thinking, without

getting invoved in the content: not going off on a train of association, not

analyzing the thought and why it came, but merely to be aware that at this

particular moment "thinking" is happening. It is helpful to make a mental

note of "thinking, thinking, thinking" every time a thought arises; observe

the thought without judgment, without reaction to the content, without

identifying with it, without taking the thought to be "I", or self, or mine.

The thought is the thinker. There is no one behind it. The thought is

thinking itself. It comes uninvited. You will see that when there is a

strong detachment from the thought process, thought's don't last very long.

As soon as you are mindful of a thought, it disappears and the attention

returns to the breath. Some people may find it helpful to label the

thinking process in a more precises way, to note the different kinds of

thoughts, whether "planning" or "imagining" or "remembering." This


the fous of attention. Otherwise, the simple note of "thinking, thinking"

will serve the purpose. Try to be aware of the thought as soon as it

arises, rather than some minutes afterward. When they are noticed with

precision and balance thoughts have no power to disturb the mind.


Thoughts should not be treated like obstacles or hindrances. They are just

another object of mindfulness, another object of meditation. Don't let the

mind become lazy and drift along. Make the effort for a great deal of

clarity with respect to what's happening in the moment.


Suzuki Roshi is Zen Mind, Beginners Mind writes:


"When you are practicing Zazen meditation do not try to stop your thinking.

Let it stop by itself. If something comes into your mind, let it come in

and let it go out. It will not stay long. When you try to stop your

thinking, you are bothered by it. Do not be bothered by anything. It

appears that the something comes from the outside your mind, but actually it

is the waves of your mind and if you are not bothered by the waves,

gradually they will become calmer and calmer...Many sensations come, many

thoughts or images arise but they are just waves in your own mind. Nothing

comes from outside your mind...If you leave your mind as it is, it will

become calm. This mind is called big mind."


Just let things happen as they do. Let all images and thoughts and

sensations arise and pass away without being bothered, without reacting,

without judging. without clinging, without identifying with them. Become

one with big mind, obesrving carefully and microscopically, all the waves

coming and going. This attitude will quickly bring about a state of balance

and calm. Don't let the mind get out of focus. Keep the mind sharply

aware, moment to moment, of what is happening, whether the in-breath, the

rising-falling of abdomen, sensations, or thoughts. In each instant be

focued on the object wih a balanced and relaxed mind.'

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