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The Full Moon question

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My question is this:::::::Why am I affected by a full moon???Its almost as if

why am I affected by PMS????? It is something I have no control over......

It never fails, my most frustrated days, always end up being a few days and

up to the Full Moon... \


Lay Lady Lay's Solutions - dont fret -get yer hormones tested - if you

demand you can have it. Otherwise, in a blink of an eye you will

find yerself in that heaven of no hormones at all! W hich is

somewhat prepubescent, before everything went wrong. And get used

to the fact that no one cares when, why or if you are frustrated -

when feeling poorly, watch the evening news. J. (eternally 14)

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Hello Lynette:

I recently read an interview with Brian Swimme who has a Phd in

Mathematical Cosmology and he tells us that if you take hydrogen gas

and leave it alone in time it will convert into some type of life

form whether it be a rosebush, giraffe or human. He further claims

that scientists belive that hydrogen gas converted into helium and

then into carbon and so on and so on until planets were formed and

then the rest of the creation. In other words every element of our

body was forgred from out of a star. He affirmed what astrologers

have been teaching for years.....we have within us the elements of

the planets themselves. As Walt Whitman said "A leaf of grass is no

less than the journeywork of the stars".

As for the Moon, in Vedic Astrology, it has influence over our

emotions, our minds, our intuition, physical well-being and is

believed to strongly influence the female hormonal system. You

should definitely have your hormones checked out for a physical

imbalance. The Moon and Sun are in perfect balance during the time

of the full moon with the fiery soul drive of the Sun reflecting

through the light of the mental and emotional Moon. There is a

greater amount of pranic energy available at this time and the prana

will be more active in the sushmna or central nadi of the spine. For

many the time of the Full Moon is more energetic and positive while

the time of the New Moon is one of low energy and lower levels of

positive attitude. If one has a difficult birth moon that could

effect his own personal lunar cycle. Chanting a Moon mantra at the

time of the Full Moon can be helpful...Om Hreem Chandra Ya Namah...is


Vedic Astrology has remedies for each planet and these can be very

helpful. However, if you were to do that it is strongly advised that

you use a Vedic or Sidereal chart (BTW, Sidereal charts match the

calculations of astronomers and the charts actually match the true

positions of the planets.). The remedies are based on a combination

of yoga, ayurveda and vedic astrology and work best within those

disciplines. By all means do not accept this monthly disruption to

your life.



Hello Friends, I have never been much interested in Astrology, and not

sure its something I really want to investigate too deeply at this

point in my life...I find that sometimes, rather than become

distracted by a subject that the Beloved I doesnt really want to

explore, that its best to just ask the question of those who have

studied, and are aware of the subject in question. My question is

this:::::::Why am I affected by a full moon???Its almost as if why am

I affected by PMS????? It is something I have no control over...... It

never fails, my most frustrated days, always end up being a few days

and up to the Full Moon... I'd be very curious as to the reason, in

layman's terms, please =) Love ya, Lynette


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

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Hi Linda,

>The Moon and Sun are in perfect balance during the time of the full moon

>with the fiery soul drive of the Sun reflecting through the light of the

>mental and emotional Moon.

>There is a greater amount of pranic energy available at this time and the

>prana will be more active in the sushmna or central nadi of the spine.


Energy, yes! Mental hospitals put on more staff for the Full Moon...

there are more crazy drivers out there and more accidents... more

suicides. When I worked in the city room of a newspaper, where we had a

radio always tuned to the police, we could hear the increase in activity

and "craziness" out there at Full Moon time. When I worked in a

grade-school classroom for kids with problems, we could tell when it was

Full Moon without looking in a book... the kids were climbing the walls!

:) I read where a surgeon said he avoided scheduling surgery for the Full

Moon because there was more bleeding then.


But it's a great time for meditation!! :)

>For many the time of the Full Moon is more energetic and positive while

>the time of the New Moon is one of low energy >snip<


I'm surprised to hear that... in my experience the New Moon is the second

best time of the month for meditation. There's also more energy then, but

not as much as at Full Moon.

>Vedic Astrology has remedies for each planet and these can be very

>helpful. However, if you were to do that it is strongly advised that

>you use a Vedic or Sidereal chart (BTW, Sidereal charts match the

>calculations of astronomers and the charts actually match the true

>positions of the planets.).


Sidereal astrology is sun-centered, and tropical astrology is

earth-centered, but they both show the true positions of the planets.

Tropical astrology uses longitude and latitude based on the zodiacal plane,

the plane in which the sun and planets lie. Astronomers used to use the

same coordinates but changed to using longitude and latitude based on

celestial north, which gets past problems caused by the "wobble" of the

earth's axis. Instead of calling the new coordinates "new longitude" and

"new latitude," they called them right ascension and declination. Sidereal

astrology uses right ascension and declination and shows the position of

the earth in the chart, which tropical astrology doesn't.


The confusion comes because our system of charting the sky and naming

degrees uses an arbitrary division of the sky into so many pieces (like a

pie chart) - 12 in the West, 8 in the East. These pieces are named for the

constellations seen outward along the zodiacal plane, although the

constellations themselves obviously don't take up an exact 30 degrees of

space... the pie slice doesn't match a constellation. And over a long

time, due to the earth's wobble, the chart based on the zodiacal plane

slipped around, in relation to the fixed stars. So now both kinds of

astrologers calculate correctly and know the positions of the planets, but

they don't use the same names for the same degrees. If you know where

tropical astrology says Mars is today, you have to do a little simple

arithmetic to know what sidereal astrology calls that degree. It is where

it is, of course... we just name that degree differently. :))


Didn't mean to be telling you what you already know, Linda... but I

thought Lynette or others might be interested.

>The remedies are based on a combination of yoga, ayurveda and vedic

>astrology and work best within those disciplines.


Yes, if I were going to use Vedic remedies, I would want to talk to a Vedic

astrologer. :)




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, "LC" <jyotish@w...> wrote:

> Hello Lynette:

Namaste Lynette,


The moon, Chandra, pulls the tides why not your mind and body? Ask any

ambulance driver,police, or hospital worker about full moons. Where do

you think the word luna tic came from? Meditation is better done at

sivrathri or the night mid way between the moons, when it has the

least effect on the mind. ONS Tony.

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Hi Dharma:

>For many the time of the Full Moon is more energetic and positive

while>the time of the New Moon is one of low energy >snip<>I'm

surprised to hear that... in my experience the New Moon is the

>second>best time of the month for meditation. There's also more

energy then, >but>not as much as at Full Moon.

I would agree that it is definitely a good time for meditation as the

energy is strong internally...I have found it a great time for

getting in touch with one's inner issues. However, for clients and

family members who are focused on the outer world I have found the

New Moon to be difficult for them. In Vedic Astrology the Sun is

seen as malefic and the Moon is important in one's ability for

happiness and as a balancing force so when the Sun overshadows the

energy of the Moon it is considered a challenge. For those people

without a spiritual practice this time of the lunar cycle can be

difficult. >Sidereal astrology is sun-centered, and tropical

astrology is>earth-centered, but they both show the true positions of

the planets.>Tropical astrology uses longitude and latitude based on

the zodiacal >plane,>the plane in which the sun and planets lie.

>>snip>> >astrology uses right ascension and declination and shows

the position of>the earth in the chart, which tropical astrology

doesn't.>The confusion comes because our system of charting the sky

and naming>degrees uses an arbitrary division of the sky into so many

pieces (like a>pie chart) - themselves obviously don't take up an

exact 30 degrees of>space... the pie slice doesn't match a

constellation. And over a long>time, due to the earth's wobble, the

chart based on the zodiacal plane>slipped around, in relation to the

fixed stars. If you know where>tropical astrology says Mars is

today, you have to do a little simple>arithmetic to know what

sidereal astrology calls that degree. It is >where>it is, of

course... we just name that degree differently. :))

Years ago when we had to hand calculate the positions it used to drive

me nuts to have to go the step further that it took to move the

planets from their sidereal positions to tropical...of course by the

time I switched to sidereal astrology computers were taking care of

it all :-). One factor that is important with Vedic Astrology is

knowing the sidereal position of each planet in their constellation

position as the constellation or 'star' position is extremely

important in interpretation. We call them the nakshatras and these

nakshatras determine the forward movement of one's 'progressions' as

well as the inner drive of the planet itself. For instance, a planet

in Taurus can fall into one of three sub-positions known as Krittika,

Rohini or Mrgrshira giving one's planet a definite tendency towards

either the Sun/Agni, Moon/Prajapti, Mars/Soma. It is believed that

the Greek based decante system derived from the Vedic system of


>Didn't mean to be telling you what you already know, Linda... but

I>thought Lynette or others might be interested.

It's always nice to speak to someone who shares an interest in the

world's mother science.Love,Dharma



All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

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