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Full Moon

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[Email me if you want a copy of the chart.]


May 7th (today for some of us already) is the Full Moon of Taurus. A Full

Moon is always a time of high energies and the best time for meditation.

But to many in the world this one is also known as the Full Moon of the

Buddha, and many celebrate Wesak at this Full Moon. There is a legend that

at this time the Buddha and the Christ meet in a Himalayan valley to step

down and pass along the energies that were released to the Spiritual

Hierarchy at the Full Moon of Aries.


The Full Moon will be exact at 18:53 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which is

9:53am EDT (Eastern Daylight Time). At that time the Sun and Moon will be

in exact opposition, on opposite sides of the Earth.


The Sun will be at 17° 04' Taurus and the Moon at 17° 04' Scorpio. I do my

charts for the whole earth by using an Ascendant of 18° Taurus. So this

Full Moon will take place across the East-West axes of the earth chart.


The Sabian symbol for the Sun's degree is:



>KEYNOTE: The cleansing of the ego-consciousness.


> Here the traditional teachings concerning man's nature are reconciled

>with the youthful enthusiasm that sees in every problem of growth an issue

>between the "good" and the "bad." The symbol suggests that the real enemy

>is within the mind; it is the ego and its attachment to possessions. The

>mind is shown in the likeness of a "bag," now empty and needing to be

>aired in the sunlight. But the "window" must first be opened and the bag


> The phrase "cleansing the doors of perception" has become well known of

>late. But even more to be cleansed is the container of perceptual images -

>i.e. the ego mind. The Keyword is PURIFICATION.

- Dane Rudhyar


The symbol for the Moon's degree is:



>KEYNOTE: The exalted feeling of a work well done and a truly consummated life.


> The person who has lived with faith the transpersonal life - the life

>through which spirit radiates creatively - can experience blessedness and

>peace, even though his or her cycle of experience nears its end. It has

>been a life full of seed. The seeds are hidden perhaps, yet they are

>filled with the power to overcome cyclic death. The soul is at peace. The

>clear autumnal sky silently intones the great message: "Well done, little

>man!" In this symbol we see the smile of the youth brought to a more

>mature, more spiritual culmination. Human nature is a magnificent symphony

>of warm, rich colors, now that the strictly biological green of vegetation

>experiences its TRANSFIGURATION.


- Dane Rudhyar


Two planets, Neptune and Uranus, while not close together, are both near

enough to a square aspect (90°) to Sun and Moon to form one or two (however

you look at it) T-squares with them. This pattern shows strong energies

at three points of a square; the problems and conflicts of the energies can

most easily be channeled to the missing 4th point, called the Karmic Degree.


Neptune is at 8° Aquarius in the 9th house of the earth chart, and this

T-square points to the 3rd house and the beautiful cluster Praesepe

together with the two stars called the Aselli. In the old star books

(where things tend to be seen as black or white) this is called a degree of

blindness. But I find it figuring importantly in almost all charts of

spiritual and psychic people. So I take it to be a degree of light, and

depending on many factors, the influence can be for blindness in some sense

or for the opposite, great vision and enlightenment. We should interpret

the effects of this very carefully, for Neptune is the planet of the

subconscious, of the inspiration that comes from the subconscious, of

dreams, illusion and delusion. Neptune's degree symbol is:



>KEYNOTE: The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who

>exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these



>[What] is implied here is the vitalization of a powerful symbol, its

>embodiment in a living reality, i.e. in a person able to fly in

>consciousness to the highest spiritual realm. The archetype is given

>living substance and wings. The Image has become a Power.


>To "see" the new archetype, to perceive the new standard of value with

>one's mind is not enough. The seer must become the doer. The impersonal

>is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the ACTING OUT of the


- Dane Rudhyar


At 24° Aquarius in the 10th house of the earth chart, Uranus is the most

highly elevated planet in the chart. It is the planet of intuition, of

high electrical energies, of strange and unusual things, and of things that

happen suddenly. This T-square points into the 4th house. The degree

symbol for Uranus is:



>KEYNOTE: The capacity to develop the rational and fully conscious aspect

>of the mind ahead of normal evolution.


> What seems implied is a kind of mutation, and more specifically the

>special development of whatever is symbolized by the "right side" of the

>organism. Here, however, the spiritual body (the butterfly) is what the

>Image represents. A strong process of conscious individualization is

>suggested, perhaps at the expense of the instinctual-emotional aspect of

>the personality (its "left side").


>Here the management of human energies at the emotional level means

>overcoming - this, on the basis of negative or ego-challenging

>experiences. This symbol refers thus to the results of a TRANSMUTATION OF


- Dane Rudhyar


Also of note in this chart is the conjunction at 2° Gemini of Saturn, the

Great Teacher that brings lessons, planet of cold and contraction, with

Mercury, the intellect and the planet of communication and commerce.

Depending on your own natal chart, this could be very depressing, but it

could be good for things you do alone and in private, such as research. It

doesn't last long, because Mercury is moving right along, but it could

recur whenever the transiting Moon aspects this degree during the month to



Mars and Chiron are also conjunct at 28° Sagittarius in the 8th house of

the chart. Mars is the physical body, physical expression, aggressive

energy... historically, the Planet of War. Chiron is the Wise Old Man,

the teacher and healer. Mars will go retrograde on the 12th, so it will

stay near the same place for a while.


And finally, Jupiter at 14° Gemini opposes Pluto (14° Sagittarius), planet

of transformation and rebirth. The opposition is considered a "hard"

aspect, but Jupiter is the Major Fortune, the planet of expansion and

generosity. If any negative effects come from Jupiter, they usually have

to do with over-doing something... too much expansion, or being too

optimistic. :) So think twice before you take that gamble or go too far. :)

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