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Virus Alert!

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This email is to advise you of the OLDEST and MOST HARMFUL VIRUS.


The virus is *Mistaken Identity* - the I-entity.




This virus is inherited from one's parents (like other traits - you

inherit a human brain that has programming pre-installed).

The virus remains dormant until one starts to identify with *name

and form*.


This identification is the birth of suffering/struggle, which means

that the ' terminate and stay' aspect of the I-entity/virus now has

complete control of the bodymind/CPU. From this point all activities are

based on *fear and insecurity* - you will only be able to access files

that are approved by the I-entity/virus and it will never allow you to

see the Truth.




The action of companion programs/virus-variations that govern

families, institutions and society support and perpetuate this virus.

In this way the I-entity/virus creates an illusion of reality that is

very very convincing.


For example:


It can allow you to explore the spiritual dimension and cause you

to believe that you are making progress - it can even make you think

that you are enlightened!



The Truth is that one is not this virus and people know this

intuitively. But...the fear based programming of the I-entity/virus will

not allow them to say what they already know. So, infected people are

programmed to go along with this charade/virus and its actions. The

programming to vehemently deny that one is infected is still another

example of its subtle intricacies and power. For this reason the

I-entity/virus is also called 'The Honor System Virus'.




What makes it so powerful?

What makes it so powerful is that once it gains control of the

bodymind/CPU, ALL the resources of the organism are at its disposal -

Everything! - including all the resources that the organism can access -

once it has control of the vehicle the virus can do whatever it wants.



The I-entity/virus utilizes these resources to maintain itself!

It functions are purely 'me' based - even when it is pretending to

be interested in the whole.



*** The I-entity/virus is the source of all evil. ***








Fortunately there is an antidote/patch - Know Thyself


To facilitate this one has to cause the virus to * erase itself

* by asking the question, 'Who am I?'.


*** The only thing that can go wrong with this antidote/patch is

that 'you' answer the question ***


If 'you' answer the question 'you' will be deceived because it is

the I-entity/virus that is answering by cloaking itself in this new

identity (the answer). If 'you' answer the question 'you' will still be

infected and the I-entity/virus will be even more subtle and powerful

than before!


So, the antidote/patch is: Ask, "Who am I?" and 'live' the 'not

knowing' which is Innocence (no program).


Innocence is the portal to Freedom where the Intelligence of Life

is available - It is called Love.








ps. please share with others as you see fit




Being Yoga


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