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body adventures ramble

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> Ravi, wrote :


> 'I have long felt my mind has 'fingers' and I use them to

> explore the space

> around me as well as inside my own body. I feel as if I am

> getting to the

> point where I feel energy, inside my body and out, as if it

> is solid

> material with weak spots and firm, some spots I can 'poke'

> right through

> while others are strong and elastic. It has become an

> exploration combined

> with the attempt, nowadays, to use those same fingers to

> mend the weaker

> areas and to get the energy to feel the same throughout.'



Ravi and...,


How nice to find someone who is willing to explore intimacy. This recalled

the image of an infant exploring his feet with great delight! Or, perhaps

infant is exploring delight with Delight.


When attention is directed to this apparent form "here" (and this form

arises the minute mind attends to it, how funny, a minute ago it wasn't even

there) - I note trills, tingles, thrills and chills, racings and purrings,

lightness and heaviness, solid and not solid, stronger and weaker, cells

dying, cells being born, heart and cold etc.,sometimes a pleasure from the

sensations, sometimes displeasure, interest and welcoming to all of it, but

there is no real experience of any thing I could define as any boundary

called "body" as a concrete totality between that of any other form noted.

Im inferring,identifying, attributing these sensations to "body".


When there is walking, and attention is noting "feet" contacting "ground",

(although oddly, this ground seems really to be located in mind) there is

only sensation of heaviness, lighteness, heaviness, lighteness and so on.

There are a million sensations all coming and going at any moment. I have

never directly experienced "bones. I could not tell you from direct

experience what it is like to be "inside" this arm - or leg, whether it is

cramped or sticky or whatever. I see something we call a "leg" but the only

thing I can tell you about it is that there seems to be tingles and thingys

in there - but this is probably mind having located, or created, form in

space & then creates response to any phenomena occurring. Oddly, where

evidently there is a body, some form, at this moment, there isn't any head

on it. Im currently pouring coffee into an emptiness filled with sounds of

bird song and traffic. This is what conventionally said, seems to be

happening, but actually, it must be that the flow of consciousness is coming

and going as all these appearances.


Mind likes to define it's experience into words and concepts - and thus

makes an "object" that is experiencing other objects -in this case,

sensation. First, mind creates a "body" which is then an object of attention

from "mind". So mind is an object exploring the object body and at this

point lives in a world with other bodies..


But, who is this "I" that is experiencing sensation? "WHO" has fingers,

energy, weak spots and firm. "Who?" is exploring? Who is inside? Who is

outside? And who is neither? Who? is going through bones and not going

through bones? Who has boundaries or no boundaries?


Is there not just consciousness? The knowing? and all these phenomena are

rapidly arising and dissolving in consciousness, not other than

consciousness? So must not then the "body", that whole package of phenomena,

be an expression of consciousness? As is everything else in our universe and



If you watch the sensations as they arise, note the knowing of them as they

arise, as they endure and then as they dissolve. What happens to the

knowing? Where is this located? Is it constant? Are there gaps. When there

are gaps between arising of sensations, or gap between inhale and exhale of

breath, what then is present in this absence of appearance??


It seems to be a matter of mode of observation or knowing. Consciousness

repairs all things temporarily but eventually all the repairs dissolve along

with the body. What then happens to the knowing? And "progress" to where?

What? Although, I can intuit from your post, "factors of enlightenment"

arising, thoroughly enjoyed by "me" on reading.


WHO? is reacting to what? Objects react to other objects, although first we

create them in order to do this, rather like an artist does with empty

canvas - what else is happening? Definately lots of good work here,

although not "work" -who is working?


What is all this? Haven't a clue.


Enjoyed your post - Joyce



> ---


> I am happy this important point raises reactions.


> My idea is that there is quite a lot of good work to do with

> this principle.


> I will be most happy if Ravi and others elaborate on this

> and, please, give a mximum of details.


> As for me, I at least feel I have found something with an

> important promise of progress.


> By now, I dont or scarcely feel bones. But some areas answer

> immediately, with a prickle or a tingling. Some other are

> soft and I have to go thtough them slowly. If not, I dont

> feel anything. I have the idea that these exercises wake

> this zones up. So trying more and more is like sowing seeds.

> It will grow. It will become more and more sensitive. We'll

> see.


> Greetings from France,


> Froggy Jacques


> nb : The posts on this thread will be presented on my site,

> in the 'best posts' pages.


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