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Purification of the Buddhi.Part of a talk I gave.

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Before I start let me say that because I can talk about all

this, doesn't mean I can do it. Also I believe Creation didn't happen

and all this is just an appearance, but as Sankara said,its real

whilst you are in it.


Purification of the Buddhi, or the individualised version of

the universal Mahat, is necessary for spiritual progress. The Buddhi

is an aspect of the Vijnanamayakosha or Awareness Sheath, it is the

Inner Mind or Antahkarana. When it is turned inwards it pierces

through Maya and leads to Moksha or Liberation. When it is turned

outward it only succeeds in enhancing the power of the Lower Mind or

Manamayakosha. This part of the mind is turned out to desires and

satisfaction of the senses. A Buddhi turned outwards is a distortion

of its'function. For man can manipulate his mind to enjoy the senses,

out of season, so to speak. Unlike the animal,which only operates

instinctively within its' Dharma.


I will briefly talk about the five koshas and how this

purification process works. It is a reversal of consciousness as we

know it, to its' "Natural" State. The five koshas are the



These Sheaths all relate to different planes of consciousness of

course. The first thing you have to do when washing dirty clothes is

loosen the dirt first then you can wash the clothes.


This is all illusion,for example do you get involved in a T.V.

show? Do you feel for the person suffering? Well this world is also an

illusion, why get involved in it? Feel compassion yet but do not get


We must start self-sadhana by purifying the food sheath and

work our way up so to speak. We purify the food sheath by regulating

our food and avoiding tamasic food and meat. Eating meat means we

absorb bad vibrations plus we are sending billions of Jivas to the

subtle world many of which are born again as humans. Billions of

people were these animals in their last lives and they bring their

resentment of human beings with them. The resentment of their bad

treatment and having their lives cut short. Hence this contributes to

violence, mass slaughters and so on. People don't realise this,and

they wonder why kids kill kids or there are massacres like Ruanda.


We purify the energy sheath by controlling our desires. This

is also connected to the mind sheath where desires and attachment to

the senses have to be controlled. The important sheath in this process

is the awareness sheath which is part and parcel of the Buddhi, and

controls and guides the lower sheaths particularly the mind.

Intelligence isn't awareness, some geniuses are spiritually ignorant

and unaware.


The Guru. "SPARSHAN,DARSHAN AND SAMBHASHAN.That is awareness of

His presence, receiving the impact of His Divinity and assimilating

and actualising His teaching,not just seeing,touching and listening.

Darshan is the Insight of Divine Beauty acquired from meditation.

Sparshan means the installation of the lotus feet,and all that

means,in one's heart. Sambharshan means praying directly before Him

and listening to His response before the inner altar of one's

heart. Meditation in other words.

Only a deserving Shisya gets a proper Guru.....Gita 4:39.40,and

Sankara's Viveka Chudamani 19,20,and 363. So Buddhi should control the

mind and not the reversal.S.S. and Gita 2:62.Gita 9:22. It is said

that desire (for purification or Liberation) without effort is

useless, Self-Sadhana purifies our impulses. "Manas Sathyate

Shuddhate". Only Truth can purify and sublimate the mind.


To achieve this purification there are Four Exercises.

1) Swadhaya,that is reading spiritual books, bhajan, satsang,

to make us aware of the Atma.


2) Japa, this should go on unceasingly, be aware and only come out

into the world when it is necessary. To think of 'God' at death is

very difficult, if you haven't practiced the Name all your waking

life. It is better to start at about eight or nine years of age. Some

people die and don't even realise they have died, others get

distracted at the last moment, or are confused by the memories of

their life. It is not so easy to be like Ghandiji and remember Rama as

we die. Nobody experiences death for one is unconscious. Except if you

are a Yogi then there is no death of course. Sankara says death is

being separated from our desires.


3)Homa, Japa becomes Homa, offer all activities to The Lord all day

long.Don't offer Grace just for meals, Brahmarpnam etc is to purify

our inner being for all is food for the senses.


4)Brahmiya Kriyate Tanuhu.A Divine Inner Body".(1)


Finally this inner balance leads to purification of the Buddhi.

Cessation of the mind is the goal.

The Buddhi is not present in deep sleep just the thought "I am

sleeping", we must purify even that thought and become God. Once we

have stilled all thought we are God, we enter the fourth or Turiya

stage of consciousness.

See all as God, Do all as God.This is through DAYA,KSHAMA,AND

SHANTI; Compassion, Forgiving those that trespass against us, and

Peace to all, all is God. Love,Love,Love,Prema,Prema,Prema. All is

One!This is were helping others comes in for it lessens our

preoccupation with ourselves and therefore weakens the ego sense,and

helps expand our vision.


KOHAM.............SOHAM.Who am I? I am He!' Drive the thought

inward to the Universal "I". By eliminating the illusion of an

individual ego. "I"is that background feeling of awareness that

suffuses everything.


All these exercises are to purify one's Buddhi so that one may

have one-pointedness and achieve Liberation, or loss of illusion and

Moha. For a purified Buddhi is essentially a state of no mind,which is

Liberation. Love is the answer, infuse our thoughts!

(When a stage is reached that one feels deeply that whatever is

being done is happening and one has not got anything to do with

it,then it becomes such a deep conviction that whatever is happening

is not happening really;And that whatever seems to be happening is

also an illusion.)Sri Nisagardatta Maharaj.

We move from thinking we are our own thought, to realising we

are God's thought and eventually we realise there was no thought at

all,just Bliss.


Questions and statements,Tony and Participants.(It is all opinions.)


Tony.....How do you purify yourself?I'll throw it out to the male

side first.

Joyce(Co-ordinator.).....Let's have a minutes meditation first!


P(participant.).....What is the relationship between internal and

external purification?Is physical purification required for internal


Tony.....We live in a polluted world,everything is polluted;the water

we drink is polluted,the food we eat is polluted,the people we talk to

are polluted,we are polluted.There is no difference.Everything is

One.We divide the bodies and consciousness up into different

planes,but it is actually just one.You cannot have impure mind,body

and be physically impure and then try and purify the inner mind.It

would be exremely difficult to do,it is all one,the body is what we

eat,and our mind is what we hear,read or think.There is no difference

between outer and inner purification it's all the same thing.(It seems

we have to have purification of the outer to some degree in order to

work on the inner.Eventually when reaching the light of the Self all

impurity would be burned up.)


P....I think the most purest form of purification would be early

childhood,four or five years old,to start the purification process.I

have a question.You are saying Sparshan, Darshan and Sambarshan.....If

you go through all three of those,in the presence of a Yogi,and touch

the feet etc,does the purification process increase?


Tony.....Well I'm not a Yogi but they say if you touch the feet of a

Yogi, the fact that you are near the energy, it would help you along

in the purification process obviously, but if you go inside yourself

then that is as far away as 'God' is . So you can have it come from

inside as well. So it helps,it's not absolutely necessary but,for a

lot of people,it helps.


P.....Purification can be achieved by first recognising and searching

within yourself.First learn to love yourself because by loving

yourself you can give this love.Once you have Divine Love to other

human beings,towards the Earth,towards Mankind,towards the Universe

purification is automatic.


Tony.....That's exactly the fourth exercise..Shanti..Love,Love,Love,

Prema,Prema,Prema.It comes under Shanti one of the four

exercises...It's Shanti.


P.....I think purification starts with control of the senses,not

eating meat and if watching television,watching only non-violent



Tony.....That's how it all started whether you descended as a Being or

came up from the animals. Those big girls painted on the side of

hoardings in India,shouldn't even be looked at.It changes the

direction of the mind all the time....Mental Pollution..exactly.


P.....You are what you eat...Purification Process starts with

Compassion....eating habits,eliminate killing...etc.




P....(Joyce the Co-Ordinator.)Talking about not positive but negative

emotions.Feelings like;anger,greed,jealousy,fear,envy...we have them

all in one degree or another. Pray about it,meditate about

it,....clean your heart everyday you go into meditation and ask to be

helped to be cleaned out.Without that you will never be pure.Our

feelings bring us to our troubles and we simply got ourselvles into

it with what we have been given as a gift....our minds.We can get

ourselves out of it.Sometimes people will hold on to a feeling ,a

negative feeling intil they die rather than give it up.I've seen it

over and over and over.So you have to be honest with yourself.First

deal with it...ask for help and may be just may be we will be



Tony..Right..Somebody over here now?


P.....You mention Pollution,I think we are surrounded by negative

influences,sensuality,television etc.We have to control our

energies,thoughts and direct them on the path of meditation and



P.....Purifying our thoughts starts within,but there are so many

outside influences.One thing that comes to my mind,was the

onion.Peeling away our faults,no matter how many tears to get rid of

negative emotions.Going through all negative emotions peeling away

slowly one at a time,slowly but surely.


Tony.....That's a good method,a lot of Yogis use it,they say

Neti...Neti...not this ...not this...All the bad thoughts and so

called good thoughts and things they eliminate one at a time.They end

up with the one thought....Yes..that's what we have to do.


Tony.....There are many different ways and everyone has mentioned an

angle of the same thing.So many different people,so many different

levels of awareness.So people are coming from different directions all

the time.


P.....This gentleman touched on what I wanted to say about continuing

to ask the question "Who am I?". Joyce referred to emotions,so often

our thought patterns which continually jump up from simple thoughts

result in negative emotions,that she listed.But if we go back further

the problem stems from believing that we are the body and I think

continuing to ask the question"Who am I?" has to be the greatest



Tony....By asking the question "Who am I?",that is the original

thought of human beings,the Ego,that is the original fall of human

beings:I".Every thought is connected with the "I"-because you own the

thought,therefore if you go back to the feeling of "Who am I?",and you

eliminate the "I" or you try and find the "I" you'll find the "I"does

not exist.There is only one Universal "I".At that point the originator

of all your problems and all your impurities and all your thoughts are

gone.The chain is broken-the mind doesn't exist-it's just a bundle of

thoughts and desires--and they are all connected to the"I" thought.The

feeling of"I, once the "I" thought is gone then they go.This is the

whole process of elimination.Is to bring the mind in and in and

in,whether it's through different practical exercises or

meditating.It's to get one pointedness,one pointedness,of

concentration and go in and get the feeling like you were a little

child.Jesus said "suffer little children come unto me".What He meant

was be like little children,an innocent child.


P...(Same person.)...Having said what I have said,I also believe that

a certain degree of subtley of mind is required to even be in a level

of consciousness to even want to ask the question "Who am I?". To

grasp the purpose of asking it, so a certain level of basic

purification is already necessary.


Tony. Yes... they say there are "horses for courses",what suits one

doesn't suit another.(There are different levels of awareness.)


P.....Love All.?.

Tony.....What does it mean?--well someone over here just mentioned

it,start off by loving yourself and realising you are not an

individual.You are everything and the purpose of loving all and

serving all is getting your mind off yourself.It has all got to do

with concentration,when you help people,it's not the people that you

are helping.You've been given the opportunity to help them so you can

help yourself.If you don't help them,they are God's people,God's

poor,God will help them anyway.You're helping them to help

yourself.It's to reduce your own ego,your own "I" feeling,the more you

help people.Many many years ago when I stopped drinking and I used to

go to A.A..They had a saying that if you are thinking of other people

you can't get depressed,if you are out helping other people it's

pretty hard to get depressed,because you aren't thinking of

yourself.This is one of the main reasons for Seva,your mind isn't

thinking about yourself,you are thinking of this person and that

person,and you're not thinking of yourself,and that reduces

your"I",thought.That's why "Love All".


P...same person.Enslavement,you are a slave?

Tony.....No,No,it's not being a slave,a slave is somebody that has no

will,there is no karma(Seva),in being a slave,for he has to do as he

is told.There is no good or bad karma in being a slave,he has to do as

he is told.When you are doing good work like this,you are creating

good karma of course,if you can eliminate the "I" thought,you

eliminate that as well.It's not enslavemenat helping other people,a

slave has no choice.

P.... The best method is Namasmarana,and only seeing God,seeing

everything pure,and you will see yourself pure.

Tony.....Japa is the same thing.It's like the psychiatrist programming

one's mind,he doesn't eliminate the problem thoughts but reduces them

to say 5%.The other 95% is the programming the psychiatrist put in

there.So for all intents and purposes the bad thoughts are gone.With

Japa you are programming yourself,you are programming your mind with

God.The Name of God,The Form of God and God are all the same

thing,there's no difference.So by doing Japa you increase the Love,you

purify by "eliminating" other thoughts from the mind,and constant

Japa....well it creates Liberation.

P...same person..In the Baghavad Gita Lord Krishna says see all

equally as God.See only the Pure no dirt,everything is Pure.


P.....To purify ourselves,to engage ourselves in good satsang and

meditation,jnana,which is a step towards purifying ourself.Talking

about food--the concept here is Hindus not eating meat,for more

sathwik food,but there are more tamasic food in vegetables.

Tony.....Like eating too many onions and chillis?

P....same person.Correct!In Ayuraveda there are more Tamasik

vegetables mentioned--in a book by Sankara--I can't remember the

name--advising not eating tamasik food.Talking about eating meat there

are so many Saints eating meat,talking about the Buddha.There is a

Buddhist concept we take food from other people,whatever they offer we

eat.But they are highly spiritual Saints and all.

Tony.....To a highly evolved Yogi(Jivanmukti),it doesn't matter what

you eat anyway.

P...same person.Yes!Basically not eating meat to avoid killing.There

are lots of people eating meat,they are more spiritual than those who

are eating vegetables.

Tony.....It depends on what your level of awareness is,there are four

types of Human Being,Human animal,Aspiring Human Being,Human Being and

Divine Human Being.

If you are a Human Animal you can do all the things that animals

do-mate,eat,sleep,defend whatever.If you are an Aspiring Human Being

you have to change yourself from an animal.You have to take on

Ahimsa,not killing an animal to eat its meat.

Human Beings are like a flower,a flower bursts into creation and it

gets to a certain point,at the end of the day when it closes its

petals and it goes back in again.Human Beings are the same,not every

flower bursts into creation and comes back in at the same time.Some

close earlier some close later,the person still coming out into

manifestation,they are more likely to be a Human Animal.If they have

decided to close in the petals and come back;whereas they are more

likely to be an aspiring Human Being.

Tony....And now we can have the last speaker.

P.....A last thought --to say that cleanliness is next to

Godliness,cleanliness spiritually and physically its the same.So for

the spiritual and mental we shall take a bath.We take a mental bath

whilst we are doing our prayers and meditation,so it washes our

mind.It should wash our mind but we don't know how pure we are,or

where we are at.So by just doing it,we should eliminate some of the

impurities that we think and receive.

Tony....It's no good in wanting to be Liberated unless you have a

method of Sadhana.You have to have a practice,you have to have a

system.It's no good saying I want to be Liberated,you've got to have a

system.You say Morning Prayers,how much Japa do you do on a regular

basis,how much Seva do you do.You have to have a Sadhana,if you don't

have a Sadhana you're not going to get anywhere,Even if it's just

thinking I'm not the "I".


Joyce...Thank you Tony for giving us this opportunity to think about

ourselves.I was just thinking you can't love yourself unless you

purify yourself,you have guilt about whatever you are doing,that will

destroy that self love.Thank you again.


Om Namah Sivaya.... Tony.

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