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one should try to ameliorate suffering

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lovely dialogue....a recent comment of mirror to white wolfe that he cherishes in the same vein


“We must carve our hearts out of suffering in order to make room for higher love.”

- Valentine

and a poem.....love being of course higher love as in compassion....^^~~~~~


further up and further in,


white wolfe


Meditation on Suffering and Love


“..when death comes knocking at the door....”

- Tagore


i am here…,


there is a white wolfe come to devour you, beware…

i am here to show you what lies in the moonshadows


love is death…death is love…love is unto death

death knocks always at the door of the noble heart


ah, you will say, you do not fool me, white one


i answer, silly you, how do you see, hear, touch


look deeply into the mirror or the smoking waters

know yourself as I know you in your reflection


you see with the daggers of two golden eyes

you hear with the silence of two empty drums

you touch with the fire of four burning paws


i am the ice beneath you that burns your paws

i am the song that can be heard with only one ear

i am your third eye blind that seeing sees nothing


the white wolfe knows that the taste of love is red


your third eye is blind seeing nothing where i see all

you have two ears that are deaf while miy one hears harmony

your feet touch four corners while I am a simple circle


know myself as You know Me in my reflection

look deeply into the mirror of the smoking waters


you ask, foolish you, how do you see, hear, touch


ah, i simply answer, you do not fool me, dark ones


death knocks always at the door of the mystic mind

death is love...love is death…death is unto love


we are what lies in the moonshadows behind us

ahead there runs a white wolfe waiting to devour us, let us be awake


which one are we, dear reader, which one

the white wolfe or, one of the black wolves

one of the black wolves, or the white wolfe

which one, dear reader, which one are we


let us see with the eye that seeing cannot be seen

let us hear with ears that hear the music of silence

let us run quickly over ice that our paws burn not


it is when death comes knocking that we discover love

it is when love come knocking that we discover death


we are here…,

there is a white wolfe among us to teach that without

death there is no love, without love there is no death


without the white wolfe, there is no pack of dark wolves

without the pack, the hope of one white wolfe is nought


without the Beloved, there is no Lover,

without many Lovers, there is no Beloved…



Ah, My Chevalier,

Sacred Heart of Jesus,

I take up my Cross and follow you,

without Suffering there is no Love



i, who am the white wolfe, ask you to run with me,


i am your mind, your heart, your soul calling you to run, run, run,

for what lies yesterday today and tomorrow and always beyond!

i am here…I am Spirit…I Am Love!


mark christopher valentine

Q: So one should try to ameliorate suffering , even if one knows

that ultimately it is nonexistent ? A: There never was and never

will be a time when all are equally happy or rich or wise or

healthy. In fact none of these has any meaning except in so far

as the opposite to it exists. But that does not mean that when you

come across anyone who is less happy or more miserable than

yourself , you are not to be moved to compassion or to seek to

relieve him as best as you can. On the contrary, you must love all

and help all , since only in that way can you help yourself. When

you seek to reduce the suffering of any fellow man or fellow

creature , whether your efforts succeed or not , you are yourself

evolving spiritually especially if such service is rendered

disinterestedly , not with the egotistic feeling "I am doing this",

but in the spirit "God is making me the channel of this service ; he

is the doer and I am the instrument. " If one knows the truth that

all that one gives to others is giving only to oneself , who indeed

will not be a virtous person and perform the kind of acting of

giving to others ? Since everyone is one's own Self , whoever does

whatever to whomever is doing it only to himself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BE AS YOU ARE ,

The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Edited by David


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, "vicki" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> Q:

> So one should try to ameliorate suffering ,

> even if one knows that ultimately it is nonexistent ?


> A:

> There never was and never will be a time when all are

> equally happy or rich or wise or healthy.

> In fact none of these has any meaning except in so far

> as the opposite to it exists. But that does not mean

> that when you come across anyone who is less happy

> or more miserable than yourself , you are not to be moved

> to compassion or to seek to relieve him as best as you can.


> On the contrary, you must love all and help all ,

> since only in that way can you help yourself. When you seek

> to reduce the suffering of any fellow man or fellow creature ,

> whether your efforts succeed or not , you are yourself

> evolving spiritually especially if such service is rendered

> disinterestedly , not with the egotistic feeling

> "I am doing this", but in the spirit "God is making me

> the channel of this service ; he is the doer and I am

> the instrument. "


> If one knows the truth that all that one gives to others

> is giving only to oneself , who indeed will not be a virtous

> person and perform the kind of acting of giving to others ?


> Since everyone is one's own Self , whoever does whatever

> to whomever is doing it only to himself.


Namaste All,


This also applies to animals.....ONS Tony

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, "White Wolfe" <valemar@m...> wrote:> mark

christopher valentine


> Q:

> So one should try to ameliorate suffering ,

> even if one knows that ultimately it is nonexistent ?



> On the contrary, you must love all and help all ,

> since only in that way can you help yourself. When you seek

> to reduce the suffering of any fellow man or fellow creature ,

> whether your efforts succeed or not , you are yourself

> evolving spiritually especially if such service is rendered

> disinterestedly , not with the egotistic feeling

> "I am doing this", but in the spirit "God is making me

> the channel of this service ; he is the doer and I am

> the instrument. "


Namaste All,


Again this falls in with my recent posts about meat eating etc, as it

causes suffering to the animal.

Not counting the interference with the animal's karma, unless perhaps

it is a past human come back to be killed to pay off responsibilities

in an animal death..meat eating for example?


Again the emphasis is on compassion, without it liberation is

difficult. Eating meat indicates no compassion for an animal over and

above satisfying one's egoistic desire to eat flesh.


Helping people or Seva reduces attention away from oneself, thus not

building the ego. All this has to do again with purification of the

awareness sheath or kosa.


Om Namah Sivaya......Tony.


Om Namah Sivaya...Tony.,

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, andrew macnab <a.macnab@n...> wrote:

> Tony O'Clery wrote:

> >


> > Namaste All,

> >

> > This also applies to animals.....ONS > >


> It seems to me that the suffering you ascribe to meat eating is more

attributable to

> modern agri-business, to the competitive capitalist system that

demands maximum

> production at minimum cost.

> Where I live, in rural Nova Scotia, most households have deermeat in

the freezer. The

> deer herd here is healthy, more deer are born each year than the

land can support,

> some die each winter from starvation. If a controlled number are

taken in the fall by

> people for food, it seems to me that that lessens the suffering of

the deer overall.


> andrew


Namaste Andrew,


We are on different pages, there are animal vibrations in meat that

are an impediment to spiritual developement. With this Ramana agrees.


The other point is Ahimsa, the actual killing of an animal, is also a

deterrent and is not compassion.


The deer herd needs its own space within a park with its own natural

limitations on life etc....ONS Tony.

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Tony O'Clery wrote:


> , andrew macnab <a.macnab@n...> wrote:

> > Tony O'Clery wrote:

> > >

> >

> > > Namaste All,

> > >

> > > This also applies to animals.....ONS > > >

> >

> > It seems to me that the suffering you ascribe to meat eating is more

> attributable to

> > modern agri-business, to the competitive capitalist system that

> demands maximum

> > production at minimum cost.

> > Where I live, in rural Nova Scotia, most households have deermeat in

> the freezer. The

> > deer herd here is healthy, more deer are born each year than the

> land can support,

> > some die each winter from starvation. If a controlled number are

> taken in the fall by

> > people for food, it seems to me that that lessens the suffering of

> the deer overall.

> >

> > andrew


> Namaste Andrew,


> We are on different pages, there are animal vibrations in meat that

> are an impediment to spiritual developement. With this Ramana agrees.



So in this case, the reason for not eating meat is one's own spiritual gain,


than ameliorating suffering?


> The other point is Ahimsa, the actual killing of an animal, is also a

> deterrent and is not compassion.


Is it less compassionate that 5% of the deer herd be shot as cleanly and

painlessly as

possible for food than to leave those animals to starve in the winter? Which


ameliorates suffering?


> The deer herd needs its own space within a park with its own natural

> limitations on life etc.


Aren't human beings part of nature?


....ONS Tony.





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, andrew macnab <a.macnab@n...> wrote:

> Tony O'Clery wrote:

> >

> > , andrew macnab <a.macnab@n...> wrote:

> > > Tony O'Clery wrote:

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Namaste All,

> > > >

> > > > This also applies to animals.....ONS > > > >

> > >

> > > It seems to me that the suffering you ascribe to meat eating is


> > attributable to

> > > modern agri-business, to the competitive capitalist system that

> > demands maximum

> > > production at minimum cost.

> > > Where I live, in rural Nova Scotia, most households have

deermeat in

> > the freezer. The

> > > deer herd here is healthy, more deer are born each year than the

> > land can support,

> > > some die each winter from starvation. If a controlled number are

> > taken in the fall by

> > > people for food, it seems to me that that lessens the suffering


> > the deer overall.

> > >

> > > andrew

> >

> > Namaste Andrew,

> >

> > We are on different pages, there are animal vibrations in meat


> > are an impediment to spiritual developement. With this Ramana




> So in this case, the reason for not eating meat is one's own

spiritual gain, rather

> than ameliorating suffering?



> > The other point is Ahimsa, the actual killing of an animal, is

also a

> > deterrent and is not compassion.


> Is it less compassionate that 5% of the deer herd be shot as

cleanly and painlessly as

> possible for food than to leave those animals to starve in the

winter? Which course

> ameliorates suffering?



> > The deer herd needs its own space within a park with its own


> > limitations on life etc.


> Aren't human beings part of nature?


> ...ONS Tony.

> >


> peace,

> andrew




Ask the human beings, who build and build and destroy the environment

etc..ONS Tony.

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Tony O'Clery wrote:


> Namaste All,


> This also applies to animals.....ONS >


It seems to me that the suffering you ascribe to meat eating is more

attributable to

modern agri-business, to the competitive capitalist system that demands maximum

production at minimum cost.

Where I live, in rural Nova Scotia, most households have deermeat in the

freezer. The

deer herd here is healthy, more deer are born each year than the land can


some die each winter from starvation. If a controlled number are taken in the

fall by

people for food, it seems to me that that lessens the suffering of the deer




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