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Kundalini and different horses for courses

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Namaste All,


Dharma you say that I musn't have experienced 'Kundalini'. Nothing

could be farther from the truth. I have experienced it in one way or

another since I was a child. There have been peak experiences with it,

which I already described on this list. Such as a 'powerful', bolt in

my Heart Chakra, which knocked me off my padma asana. Apart from that

I have done preparatory chakra meditation for years with K results all

the time,( Daily).


Although they lessen, or become more subtle. I suppose as the sheaths

are cleaned. It is a constant process for our thoughts create more

impurities and we get some from eating out or sitting nexr to someone

on a bus or train.


However having said that, I am aware this is still all concept and in

the mind, as Ramana has said. Kundalini cannot achieve liberation,

siddhis and other experiences perhaps not no liberation. The mind,

which is K, has to sink in the Heart Centre, which is extant, for

liberation to occurr. So having K experiences at the Sahasrara is all

very well and good but is not the ultimate.


It may be considered a step on the path, we all have different paths

and we are all in different states. I am not realised so I lean on

Ramana, Maharaj and others, who I believe were realised. I don't know

whether Vivekananda or Yogananda were.


My stage of developement, I can't really know, but I do know that I go

into formless meditation, and I am firmly convinced of the world's

unreality. Ramana's teaching on this is at odds with what someone said

about Vivekananda and Yogananda but then we don't what level of

awareness their audience had, at that time.......Om Namah


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Hi Vicki,


>When did Ramana encourage experiences of different kind


In your last quote of him, he encouraged people to take their own paths re.

the ego... which seems to me to be accepting of experiences of different

kinds. But perhaps that isn't what you meant?

> occult or other powers to be acquired, etc... ? Never. He has always

>warned against that as a "stumbling block to realisation. "

>"These powers are not a means to Self-knowledge , for even when you

>acquire them , you may quite well be in ignorance."


They are a stumbling block if a person takes them too seriously and makes a

big fuss about them. :) The problem with going to classes on "psychic

development" is that you may develop one aspect of yourself out of

proportion to the whole... without the corresponding spiritual growth...

and thus become "unbalanced." And then the focus on these gifts may

prevent you going further with your own development.


The gifts or siddhis do come naturally in the course of development...

first the lower siddhis, then they disappear for a while, and later the

higher siddhis. They happen, without any striving for them.


It's interesting in a class to see how different people naturally have

their own tendencies and develop certain siddhis. Some "hear" easily,

others "see" rather than hearing, etc.


One time a new student came to a class of mine, an older woman. After

meditation I asked what anyone had to report or talk about, and her hand

went right up. She said that right at the beginning of meditation she saw

something very odd and she had no idea what it was. She saw something

coming up from one person's head and going up and over and down to the next

person's head... and up and over and down to the next person... and right

around the circle... and she drew the arcs in the air with her finger.


I knew what it was, so I had to tell her... for feedback. I told her that

was me... that when we begin meditation, I'm talking at first, if we have

a new person. And as soon as I have a chance to stop talking, I join the

group together by sending my energy over to the next person's head, and up

and over to the next person... and around the circle. What she described

was the way I visualized doing that, but I had thought it was simply

visualization in order to accomplish something... I never realized it was

"real" enough that someone else could see it! :)) I told her she had an

unusual gift, that not many people see such things.


That was a new one for me, and I don't really know what to call that

siddhi. Perhaps it's the siddhi that corresponds to the physical sense of



When I used to meet weekly for meditation and healing with a close

spiritual group, we used a suggested topic and symbol for meditation,

either because we wanted to know more about something or just for the sake

of coordination. We always talked afterward about what happened in

meditation, and we often found that we had received a teaching or

understanding... not individually but as a group! One person saw

something, another heard something, etc... and when we put it all

together, it was like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Each had a piece, and

they made sense only when we put them together. One woman in the group had

been memorizing poetry during a long life, and she was always the last to

speak up. She would say, "Well, I don't have much to say... I just kept

thinking of a poem." And she would recite it. And what was in her poem

was always the last piece of the puzzle! :)



> cannot achieve liberation,


Kundalini is not necessary, nor is it a hindrance; people with or without

active Kundalini can achieve liberation.

>siddhis and other experiences perhaps not no

> liberation.


Kundalini is also not necessary for siddhis to develop; people with or

without active Kundalini will develop siddhis naturally in the course of





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> >Kundalini

> > cannot achieve liberation,


> Kundalini is not necessary, nor is it a hindrance; people with or


> active Kundalini can achieve liberation.


Kundalini is merely a tradmark someone put on the natural

life-force of the body in order to be able to apply control

to the spiritual evolution of others.


This Life_force Kundalini has been active in the cells of the body ..

firstly it is the energy of the ovum .. secondly it is the energy

of the sperm.


When this energy becomes inactive, you are dead .. very dead



The experiences people attribute to kundalini are the mental awareness

generated by the energy-lifeforce moving through the negative vortices

in the cells, releasing holding patterns of past limiting beliefs

and trauma holding patterns.


For one who has no concept of limitation, one moves beyond the Siddhis

into the space of all-Knowing ..


where nothing is higher

and nothing is lower.


To hold on to the Siddhis

is to remain stuck in the past world of limiting self deceptions


and to once again, limit the evolution of the possible human

who can only be revealed


when the cellular negative vortices

are no longer the swamps

of stagnant illusions


Christopher Wynter

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Hi Chris,

>> >Kundalini

>> > cannot achieve liberation,


>> Kundalini is not necessary, nor is it a hindrance; people with or


>> active Kundalini can achieve liberation.


>Kundalini is merely a tradmark someone put on the natural

>life-force of the body in order to be able to apply control

>to the spiritual evolution of others.


What we usually mean by active Kundalini is _physically_ active Kundalini.

It's quite possible to be aware of the movement of energy and be able to

control it and utilize it without it being physically active. But when it

goes physically active, the difference is unmistakable. Before it happens,

you wouldn't dream it could be so physically real... and afterwards, the

world transformed - and no way to convince someone who doesn't want to

believe it can happen.




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Hey Vicki,

> Hi Dharma ! I knew it, oh, how I knew it that this was what was

>going to happen to me if I enter a discussion from the middle just like

>that ! It's early in the morning , at this hour I usually read my mail

>and can't answer long answers , just read& run, I'll come back to you

>today as soon as I can to pay the price for interfering in other people

>'s dialog (ha ha heeh)!!,


Be cool, pal! :)) I'm always glad to hear from you... I read all of your

posts. Most of mine was an answer to yours... and mostly just chatting.

I had just wakened from a nap myself, and if I answer anything then, I tend

to run off at the mouth and tell long stories. :)))




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