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Veit ek, at ek hekk I remember that I hang (up-side down)

vindgameiði á in the wind-whizzled three

nætr allar níu, in nine nights whole,

geiri undaðr wounded (nailed) by spears,

ok gefinn Óðni, sacrified to Odin,

sjalfur sjalfum mér, my self sacrified to My Self,

á þeim meiði above me in the Three,

er manngi veit from where no man knows

hvers af rótum renn. where it roots sprang


Við hleifi mik sældu No one gave me bread,

né við hornigi, neither something to drink,

nýsta ek niðr, I gazed down in the abyss,

nam ek upp rúnar, I picked up runes,

æpandi nam, singing I picked them,

fell ek aftr þaðan. down again I fell


Fimbulljóð níu Nine magical songs I received,

nam ek af inum frægja syni from the wise son of

Bölþorns, Bestlu föður, Bolthorn, the father of Bestlan,

ok ek drykk of gat and I drank as a gift,

ins dýra mjaðar, from the dear drink

ausin Óðreri. baled up by the Odrers


Þá nam ek frævask Then I got an refreshment,

ok fróðr vera and wisdome came,

ok vaxa ok vel hafask, and I grew and felt well,

orð mér af orði words were from words born,

orðs leitaði, from words procreated,

verk mér af verki deeds were from deeds born,

verks leitaði. from deeds procreated


+ + +


Such does the ancient, but unnamed norse clairvoyant female called "Volven",

explain in ancient norse the origination of the germanic rune alphabet.


Given by Odin - the Archangel of Scandinavia, the runes are remniscents from

the Atlantean language. I am not refering to the Futhark, socalled by

scientists, found on inscriptions from 175 AD, but to their predecessor.


The runes, according to science, numbers 24, divided into 3 "aetts", each

with 8 runes. 8 was the complete number; the tone scale has 8 tones - thus

"nine" means NEW.


However, Volven tell us that Odin picked up the runes from the abyss during

a NINE nights long initiation, singing 18 rune songs.


His 9 nights of Initiation, and the 9 rune-songs, corresponds to the 9

hierarchies of Angels in Christianity: 1) Angels, 2) Archangels, 3) Archais,

4) Exsusiai, 5) Dynamis, 6) Kyriotetes, 7) Thrones, 8) Cherubim and 9)



Thus, there are 72 runes in 9 *aettes* or *songs* (Nada Yoga), each

consisting of 8 runes or mantras. But Odin gives them in pairs - the

inhalation and exhalation of the life force in the etheric body, as the

masculine and feminine poles, and 72x2 = 144.


The Runes are remniscents from the universal sign language on Atlantis, and

originally had 144 signs, derived from 144 tones. According to Tantra, there

are 72,000 energy tubes (nadis) in the body, and inhaling and exhaling

through them according to these tones, gives the number 144,000.


But in these end days of an era - the second coming of Sananda, not as a

physical incarnation, but as an etheric vision, Odin or Wotan can no longer

be the guardian angel of the germanic peoples. In the early past, he mixed

blood with Loke (Lucifer), and it was due to these sacrifice that he could

give us the language as an *abnormal archangel*.


When the *Fenris Wolf* is on the loose - and he certainly is, these

archangel is helpless. Odin becomes killed by these entity called Clarion or



In the Revelation of John, we find a duality - even a trinity, embodied in

the Beast. In the Apocalypse, the Dragon casted out from Heaven by Archangel

Michael, gives birth to two "beasts": The first from the Sea (Lucifer or the

norse god Loke), the second one from the land (Clarion or the Fenris Wolf).

It is the IMBALANCE of extreme poles which is evil, just as the upstream of

Kundalini is incomplete without the downstream of the Pearl of Compassion

from our Holy Guardian Angel. It is essensial to keep the balance between

these upwards and downwards streams in order not to be shallowed by Lucifer

(Loke) or Ahriman (Fenris Wolf).


At the moment, it's Spring. And the clairvoyant image of Spring is the

etheric Christ uniting Heaven and Earth with his hands in an Y-shape. These

balance and unification is crucial right NOW - since WHO is the Dragon in

Heaven? It is the shadowy entity worshipped on Atlantis as "Sorat" (666).

His aim is to prevent the balance of poles in our organism on the middle way

of 72x2 = 144. And since Raphael is the Archangel of Spring, "Sorat" opposes

the 5th Ray of Unification and Healing.


We must unite the poles, and live with the nature SPIRITUALY. The 5th astral

plane, containing all these swarming interests for *nature* in the Easter -

in Norway at least, when people seeks the mountains for skiing, instead of

the True Spiritual Wisdom gathered from Nature through Theta, is one of the

veils of the 5th astral plane.


During *Ragnarok*, our end days, the clairvoyant Volven predicted that once,

in a future, there would be the arrival of a new Archangel. He was called

Vidar - meaning "Wide", with the add-on name The Silent One. He has been

silent since Odin gave the germanic language. And just as Archangel Michael

kills the dragon, Vidar is the archangel of the North killing the Wolf in

order to pave the way for the etheric Christ visions such as Paul's at his

trip to Damascus.


The Second Coming is NO physical incarnation. These misunderstanding occured

when the Romans used the word adventus (arrival), instead of Parousia

(active presence) in their translations. The Second coming is the "new

clairvoyance", the ability to comprehend the etheric Sananda, beginning as

seeds in 1933 and beeing fullfilled within 2 years or so with the ending of

the 7th phase rending of the 7th veil (1994-2003/4).


But the Beast will continue its presence during 40 years or so after the

Second Coming of mankinds opportunity to raise into the 4th dimension. In

1996, I was told clairaudient in Theta that "the seeds you plant now will

take 40 years to bring fruits".


In Scandinavia, it's important to balance the occult forces in Norway (the

archangel Odin), Sweden (the goddess Frey) and Denmark (the guardian angel

Thor). And internationaly, we must balance the mission of three different

areas. It's the mission of Central Europe (from France to Poland) to reveal

the secrets concerning the etheric double and it's connection to the

physical body in healing. Russia's mission is to bring back to humanity the

secret science of physical Death and Birth - and Christ's ascension. They

are preparing the 6th post-Atlantean period, predicted by the 3 children of

Fatima, were a True Christian state will evolve, without the schism between

catholisism and protestantism, a state where Christ is an inherent part of

the human AURA instead of *something out there* in the Sun Aura (Ahura

Mazda). And the United States of America will renew the use and knowledge of

VRIL, these energy form which meets no resistance and brings forth the

realization of the building blocks of *matter*. Any imbalance in these

trinity is dangerous.


I do not live in the US or Central Europe; my mission is to fullfill

Scandinavias mission - to end the period of the European Archai. And just as

Michael kills the Dragon, so does the ancient but anonymous norse *Volven*

give a hope for the future in her prophecies: While Odin will not be able to

kill the Wolf, the future Archangle Vidar will do it and renew the language.

And his killing of the Wolf predates the Second Coming of Sananda.


Vidar was covered with the utmost secrecy in the mysteries among Celts and

the ancient Germanic tribes. There exists only ONE burial stone where he is

depicted. It is a frankish burial stone, discovered in Germany, but

scientists have yet to identify these figure as Vidar.


In the middle of a study of the runes, and in the lack of a picture of these

stone, I have made an attempt to PAINT the figure on these stone on my

computer. The image on these frankish burial stone is a true and concise

description of Vidar as seen through etheric vision. The colours are my own.

He stands with his lance above the Snake (the Fenris Wolf), descended from

heaven, paving the way for the Second Coming of Clairvoyance. Every true

occultist - in Norway at least, will recognise in these ancient image an

etheric vision of the coming archangel of the North - the coming Vidar.


And again: In these last part of the 7th phase of the 7th veil rending, it's

necessary to be a HOMELESS BEEING, not prefering one nation above another in

order to manifest the Coordination and Cooperation between the nations and

the dimensions.


I post these words to one of the highest Initiates on Earth at the moment;

some has passed the 7th Initiation, but it is not the mission in these

transition period of sacrificing one's POTENSIAL for the well-beeing of

humanity as a whole, just as Archangel Odin in the past sacrificed himself

and became a *Dynamis* in order to give us the language.


Blessings from Norway

Attachment: (image/gif) The Etheric Vision of Vidar.GIF [not stored]

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