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Name calling

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Dear Tony,


You wrote:

> Again there is no possibility of memory from nirvikalpa samadhi.

> There is nothing to remember and nothing to experience.


That means and IT IS SO that nirvikalpa samadhi does not exist.

You indeed mis-understand so perfectly

> With regard to Bliss

> etc, my own experiences with this other than K stuff, is on returning

> to consciousness. However it is a memory only, of a bliss at the

> savikalpa level, it is not real in itself.


Again so precisely off... you have to do penance again... Tony.

Write every sanskrit word you know a thousand times ... but not to the list


Actually, you can subtract the times that you wrote those sanskrit terms

already, so you will have some time left to experience nothing and remember



Love, Tony, Wim

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Namaste all, Jan and Dharma,


I don't regard mental gymnastics as name calling just a description

that's all, appropriate to any and all intellectualisation. Believe me

if I wanted to call names I could do it in English and Irish. I am a

little rough around the edges. I am not trying to insult Jan, in the

first place I cannot really understand him. No Offence-my fault!


Again there is no possibility of memory from nirvikalpa samadhi. There

is nothing to remember and nothing to experience. With regard to Bliss

etc, my own experiences with this other than K stuff, is on returning

to consciousness. However it is a memory only, of a bliss at the

savikalpa level, it is not real in itself. Many sages describe the

savikalpa stage to people for that only has attributes. Savikalpa,

God, Iswara, Praneaswara, Sakti-Goddess are all names for the same



The process of preliminary meditation is to actually have only one

thought,( I use a mantra), as in deep sleep where the only thought is

I am sleeping. Which is being in ignorance. From there the process

proceeds to 'no thought', however one describes that. For if one is

above thought then one,'I', is not creating thoughts, for one in

itself is a thought also left behind so to speak. Another fine example

of avidya and mental gymnastics.


Ultimately thought stops for it never existed in the first place,

there is no beginning to something that doesn't exist but

paradoxically there is an end to it. So if one is in meditation one

isn't above thought, thought all thought has stopped.


If I remember Ramanas said there are three theories of creationism.

1. Something 'God', created it.

2. It arises as we perceive it.

3. It never did happen at all. This is the ultimate truth.


Very simply there is Nirguna Brahman. Somehow an appearance is

projected which Nirguna Brahman has nothing to do with. Within this

appearance is Saguna Brahman, who is awake and aware of the unreality

of the dream.


So Brahman plus thought=Creation/Man. Creation/Man minus thought=

Brahman. It is that simple!! The only concept that is useful is the

one that leads to realisation. Who am I?


It is the illusory samskaras that obscure the awareness sheath and

prevent us from realising ourselves. These samskaras come from meat

eating, tamasic and rajasic food, intoxicating drinks, other thoughts

etc. Once the Buddhi is purified like a dusty mirror, the mirror

doesn't reflect it disappears.


With regard to the bucket etc. Psychology believes the 'mind', is like

a deep bucket when in fact the samskaras make it deeper than the earth


Om Namah Sivaya....Tony.

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Tony, I yield! :) In the face of your omniscience, who can argue? :)))


What is absolutely amazing is how you are able to know not only that which

you have experienced yourself, but also everything that you have not

experienced! :)


Not only that, but you can cuss better than anyone else too!!! :))))))))

LOL :)))))))))



>I don't regard mental gymnastics as name calling just a description

>that's all, appropriate to any and all intellectualisation. Believe me

>if I wanted to call names I could do it in English and Irish. I am a

>little rough around the edges. I am not trying to insult Jan, in the

>first place I cannot really understand him. No Offence-my fault!


>Again there is no possibility of memory from nirvikalpa samadhi. There

>is nothing to remember and nothing to experience. With regard to Bliss

>etc, my own experiences with this other than K stuff, is on returning

>to consciousness. However it is a memory only, of a bliss at the

>savikalpa level, it is not real in itself. Many sages describe the

>savikalpa stage to people for that only has attributes. Savikalpa,

>God, Iswara, Praneaswara, Sakti-Goddess are all names for the same



>The process of preliminary meditation is to actually have only one

>thought,( I use a mantra), as in deep sleep where the only thought is

>I am sleeping. Which is being in ignorance. From there the process

>proceeds to 'no thought', however one describes that. For if one is

>above thought then one,'I', is not creating thoughts, for one in

>itself is a thought also left behind so to speak. Another fine example

>of avidya and mental gymnastics.


>Ultimately thought stops for it never existed in the first place,

>there is no beginning to something that doesn't exist but

>paradoxically there is an end to it. So if one is in meditation one

>isn't above thought, thought all thought has stopped.


>If I remember Ramanas said there are three theories of creationism.

>1. Something 'God', created it.

>2. It arises as we perceive it.

>3. It never did happen at all. This is the ultimate truth.


>Very simply there is Nirguna Brahman. Somehow an appearance is

>projected which Nirguna Brahman has nothing to do with. Within this

>appearance is Saguna Brahman, who is awake and aware of the unreality

>of the dream.


>So Brahman plus thought=Creation/Man. Creation/Man minus thought=

>Brahman. It is that simple!! The only concept that is useful is the

>one that leads to realisation. Who am I?


>It is the illusory samskaras that obscure the awareness sheath and

>prevent us from realising ourselves. These samskaras come from meat

>eating, tamasic and rajasic food, intoxicating drinks, other thoughts

>etc. Once the Buddhi is purified like a dusty mirror, the mirror

>doesn't reflect it disappears.


>With regard to the bucket etc. Psychology believes the 'mind', is like

>a deep bucket when in fact the samskaras make it deeper than the earth


>Om Namah Sivaya....Tony.

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, Dharma <deva@L...> wrote:

> Tony, I yield! :) In the face of your omniscience, who can argue?



> What is absolutely amazing is how you are able to know not only that


> you have experienced yourself, but also everything that you have not

> experienced! :)


> Not only that, but you can cuss better than anyone else too!!!


> LOL :)))))))))


> Dharma


Namaste Dharma,


But you are omniscient, and omnipresent and omnipotent!!!!


As are the teachings of Ramana etc. I know what I have experienced

myself, and like the Greek philosopher Socrates? I know that I do not



How can one know that which cannot be experienced but only become?


I didn't say I could swear better than anyone but I could probably

give anyone on a building site a run for their money, if I wished.



Om Namah Sivaya......Tony.

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Dear Dharma,


Tony wrote:

> Mita Smita Sundara Mukharavinda,

> Nacho Nandalala Nandalala,

> Nacho Nandalala Nandalala,

> Mira Key Prabhu Lala Nandalala.


You wrote to Tony:

> Not only that, but you can cuss better than anyone else too!!!

> :)))))))) LOL :)))))))))


That was not Tony's cussing, he was doing his penance of having to write

every Sanskrit word he knows a thousand times... I do remember asking him

not to send it to the list though. But like with other plain English

directed to him, he did not grasp it...

Oh well, we will endure... in fact... surprise!!!... when he is done, he

will have got it... and then we will not get enough of him... looking

forward to that day...


Remember Milarepa, he had to build a tower. He had to pull it down three

times to rebuild it again. This is easier on Tony... but with the same


Problem is that Tony's Sanskrit vocabulary is expanding... his penance will

just take longer... One day though, he will stop... there are only so many



Love and mirth, Wim

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